7th September Parent Update

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to Discovery as we launch the new academic year 2021 - 2022 together!

 It has been a joyful pleasure to see the children again this morning and the campus feels alive with energy and enthusiasm for the new academic year.

Here are some reminders to ensure a smooth start to the term:

Covid19 Testing and Prevention

Before your face-to-face parent- teacher meeting and subsequently bringing your child to school today, you were asked to carry out a Covid19 test and to share the results with your class teacher. Please share the results urgently today if you have not yet done so. 

In addition, we will continue to pull together to ensure that we prevent the spread of the Covid19 virus as far as possible. Please read our Covid19 Response Policy for guidance on the dos and don'ts regarding the prevention of Covid19 in our school. If there is a positive case in your family, please keep your child at home until everyone in the family/household tests negative.

Student Health Guidelines - General

Here for your information are the Discovery Health Guidelines.  It is crucial to note that sick children must be kept at home until they recover their good health as they are unable to learn well and contribute to the class activities and they may also spread infections to their classmates and staff. Thank you for upholding this essential expectation.

Arrival and Dismissal

Here is the Arrival and Dismissal Protocol. Please read this carefully and note some changes:

Access Cards and Pick-up Cards

As of Monday 13th September students will not be able to enter Discovery without a valid Access Card. Please ensure you clear with Finance and receive your Access Cards on time.

Please ensure that you have two authorisation pick-up cards for your child. From time to time and when the need arises, adults picking up students will be requested to prove they are authorised to pick the children. This will likely apply to new families, aunties, grandparents or nannies and drivers. 

If you would like to order masks, pick-up cards etc

In case you would like to order pick-up cards, masks or Discovery t-shirts for your child, click here. Parents are requested to use this form for any material orders, this will keep our data up to date and allow our finance office to batch-order resources and shorten delivery time. 

Parents of New 2 and 3 Year Old Students

Kindly review the links at the bottom of this page for information about how to prepare for the school day, morning snack guidelines, as well as our previous back to school update.

We look forward to your continued partnership as we start another year with our students!