What a year it was!

Dear Discovery Parents,

We hope you’re enjoying holiday family-time together and that the lockdown, with its challenges, kept you all safe, healthy and gave you time to enjoy the people and things that you love! The academic year which has just ended was a memorable one, full of ups and downs caused by the ongoing global Covid19 pandemic. 

We remain deeply grateful for the cooperative and collaborative approach that we took, together, to keep everyone as safe as possible. Here are some of our highlights of the year;

Celebrating End of Primary Results

Our Year 6 candidates took their end-of primary tests in April, they sat tests in English, mathematics and science. The students, their families and the whole school community were proud of their results, where they scored some excellent grades! Our top student attained the highest possible achievement (Band 6) in both English and mathematics; well done Micah Hettler! 

Online and in-person, together we made it!

As a learning community which always looks for solutions to challenges and which makes the most of all of the opportunities that come our way, we continued to score successes throughout the necessary lockdown periods!  We made sure we maintained great online platforms to which we could switch easily when required, and our teachers were ready for this with very little notice. This agile and ‘can-do’ mindset was a great highlight, throughout the year!

Accelerated student progress

Despite the challenges in the last academic year, we supported our students, especially the candidates, to make great academic progress in multiple areas of learning. We personalised our students’ learning journeys (in all classes) and included intervention sessions every morning - The Morning Accelerator - to support them as they worked hard to master the essential skills and competences of their class and curriculum. Seeing how resilient everyone was, and the determination to do their best, was another real highlight!

Continued Covid vigilance

We successfully constructed hand washing stations, reorganised the classrooms and established Covid19 preventive measures to enable us to re-open in-person. We celebrated each time we safely and confidently welcomed the children back to our classrooms, after the first and second lockdown periods. The new arrival and dismissal procedures soon became routine and we maintained really rigorous preventive measures that helped us to keep everyone safe. We couldn’t have done that without you! 

Special memories

Spirit Week in March was so much fun for the whole Discovery family! The children and staff wore their favourite colours, dressed up in ways that represented their future aspirations and ambitions (we had astronauts, CEOs, doctors, royalty, architects, artists and so many more!), had fun just being ‘wacky’ on Wednesday and finished off the week with Discovery Pride Day! 

We also held our own version of the 2021 Olympics in lockdown! Discovery Family Fitness Weekend was so much fun - and inspiring - as parents shared photos and videos of the children (and themselves!) engaged in a range of activities. We marvelled at running, cycling, aerobics, dancing, ball games… you name it, we were doing it - and having lots of laughs in the process!

Holidays the Discovery Way!

We responded quickly at the end of Term 3, when it became clear that an in-person Summer Camp sadly wouldn’t be possible this holiday, and opened up online sessions for those families who wanted their children to stay engaged with language and maths learning, as well as social-emotional check-ins with their friends. These sessions have been going well! 

Here are some more tips to maximise the holidays, as well as resources to Accelerate Spoken Language  and to Accelerate Reading  

Please spend some time reading your child's end-of-term report and identifying ways that you can support your child at home in the areas they find most challenging and encourage them to keep up the great work, building on their progress so far! 

September 6th is around the corner

The new school year will be starting soon - our opening day for the children is September 6th - and so here are a few reminders:

Please reach out via the emails above or contact the school office on +250781111002 for any assistance that you may require and to discuss your account further.


Join or build the Discovery Team!

We are recruiting new members

We are currently carrying out interviews and receiving applications for the following positions:

Primary teachers 

(For both the francophone and the English speaking sections)

Fluent bilingual part-time Communications Officer 

(Bi-weekly copy-writing, social media management, marketing, event support and parent engagement)

Fluent bilingual teaching assistants

Please share these flyers in your networks.

We are so looking forward to the new academic year and seeing you and the children again in September! 

Discovery International School