2021: End of Week 1 Update

 12th September, 2021

Dear Discovery Families,

The first week of the new academic year has been a busy and successful one. It was such a pleasure for the Discovery team to see so many familiar faces again and to welcome the new members of the Discovery family into our classrooms and our hearts. 

Teachers and assistant teachers have been introducing the children to the procedures and routines of their classes, to establish great routines/behaviour for learning, to build strong, positive relationships and to maximise learning time for each Discovery child. 

There are a few photos at the end of this page that show just how well the students are settling in! 

Arrival, Dismissal and Traffic Flow 

Thank you all for your patience as we settle into a new arrival and dismissal routine. Traffic flow has been particularly challenging and we can see how this has a ripple effect on everyone's day, our apologies for any inconveniences caused as we all settle into a new routine.  

That said, we have seen great improvements with each day, by Friday, all three dismissal times were fast and a lot smoother than the very first day. 

The shift from a 7:30 to 7: 50 am arrival

Over the past 3 years, and in particular last academic year,  we observed that a significant number of children were absent at 7.30 a.m and so they were missing out on acceleration, intervention and targeted learning support. 

To maximise the opportunities for EVERY child to benefit from individualised morning acceleration and intervention, which we all value and prioritise, we introduced a slightly later arrival time of 7:50 a.m. 

For ages 5+ we require 100% on-time attendance and arrival by 7:55 am. It is critical to start the day on time and start the Morning Accelerator on time.

We have observed that a few children are still arriving after 8:00 am, our arrival team should be back in classes by then and supporting learning for other children. Please support the learning of all children and bring your child to school on time too.

Children aged 4 and below can arrive by 8:20 am but not any later than that.

Thank you for supporting the new arrival and dismissal procedures further described below. We are confident that any initial hiccups will be addressed effectively and the children will benefit greatly from the support and challenge of the first morning period every day.

Important Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Please take a few minutes to re-familiarise yourself with our Arrival and Dismissal Protocol. Here are some highlights:

All Parents Meeting

A reminder that next Saturday Morning the 18th of September at 10:00 am we will have an all-parents' video conference call on Zoom.  The session will close with two Question & Answer sessions.

Nonfiction Writing and Journaling

Your primary child will be engaged in the development and improvement of their writing skills throughout the year. In order to make this drive to improve our students' writing even more impactful, we are rigorously targeting nonfiction writing skills as these are applied across the curriculum, in all subject areas. Please urge the children to talk to you about their writing and perhaps you could point out one or two ways that they could improve it further. We appreciate your support to build the learning bridge between school and home. 

For Early Years children (ages 5 and below), we will be using a student journal (Cahier de vie) where both parents and teachers will work with children to make simple drawings, glue photos, and write comments/captions about the child's experiences each month/week (both at home and at school). The journal entries will become discussion points both at school and at home. The student Journal is a powerful tool for building language, conceptual knowledge, and student confidence especially when the child is at the center of making the entries. Most students will usually make confident presentations to their parents or to their classmates about whatever "they recorded" in their journal (of course with the help of their parents or teacher). For the developing child, strong learning connections between the family, the home, and school create rich learning experiences, and this journal is one such bridge connecting the home and school setting.

Covid19 Prevention

Thank you for responding positively to the requirement to test your child for Covid19 prior to the start of this new academic year. It gives us a useful baseline as we all return to the campus after the long break. The requirement to carry out the Covid19 test was communicated ahead of the Parent-Teacher meetings and it is crucial that all parents read the regular updates on the class whatsapp forums and/or on the Parents' Site.  We will continue to share important information with you using both methods as we work together throughout the year.

In case you missed it in the previous announcement, here is our Covid 19 Response Policy for you to read through again. Thank you for continuing to prevent the spread of the virus through excellent preventative measures: 

Please inform us as soon as possible if your child, or any one in your household, tests positive for Covid19 or has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for the Covid19 virus. Thank you in advance for this vigilance!

We hope you enjoy the weekend with your child, catching up on the news from the first week of the school year. We look forward to welcoming the children again on Monday the 13th to start Week 2 with lots of enthusiasm and energy!

If you would like to order masks, pick-up cards etc

In case you would like to order pick-up cards, masks or Discovery t-shirts for your child, click here. Parents are requested to use this form for any material orders, this will keep our data up to date and allow our finance office to batch-order resources and shorten delivery time. 

Access Cards and Pick-up Cards

Please clear with the finance department if you have not, as of this coming week, Monday 13th September, parents will be contacted if they have not cleared with our finance department and obtained a valid Access Card. If you have not, please ensure you clear with our Finance Dept. and pick your Access Cards during the course of this week.

Please ensure that you have two authorisation pick-up cards for your child. From time to time and when the need arises, adults picking up students will be requested to prove they are authorised to pick the children. This will likely apply to new families, aunties, grandparents or nannies and drivers etc. 

Parents of New 2 and 3 Year Old Students

The first two weeks of school can be challenging for children and parents, however, rest assured that soon your child will feel at ease in their new environment. 

Here are a few tips;

A few moments from our first week of the school year!

Kindly review the links at the bottom of this page for information about how to prepare for the school day, morning snack guidelines, as well as our previous back to school update.

We look forward to your continued partnership as we start another year with our students!