20-24 months

Milestones: 20-24 Months

  • Topics covered: Cognition, Movement, and Language

Milestones in Language:

If you thought their language took off before, just wait! The possibilities are endless within their language. Your child will begin to say two-word phrases, and begin to use simple pronouns such as you and me! Their understanding of action words is present during this time, such as run, jump, and skip. At around 24 months of age, you may find them:

  • When participating in pretend play the child might use gestures AND words to interact

  • They can follow simple 2-step directions

    • “Pick up your cup and then bring it to me please!!”

  • They enjoy listening to stories

  • Begin sorting things and differentiating colors and shapes

  • Name items in picture books

  • Is able to interact socially with other children

Milestones in Cognition:

In this time frame, you may find your child playing and working hard, taking in the world around them! They may and will favor one hand over the other, and build different things with their toys, such as towers! Their imagination is endless, and this is a very fun time for parents and caregivers. You may also find them:

  • Following instructions with multiple steps

  • Showing independence and defiance, such as washing their hands

Around 21 months of age you will find them:

  • Using a minimum of 50 words!

  • Might be imitating newer words more often

  • Will name objects and pictures (maybe people in the pictures that are familiar to them)

  • Will know and be familiar with about 3-5 body parts when named

  • Your child will begin to understand new words quicker than before

Milestones in Movement:

Movement at this age is huge! You will find your child to be moving all over the place, that is, running around, and even climbing on the furniture. You may also find them standing on their tiptoes. You will also find them:

  • Throwing a ball overhand

  • They will start to copy lines or circles, or even make their own!

This child is playing with a bouncy ball and is holding it over her head as if she is about to throw it

This child is holding a pencil in her hand, completing a workbook with a big smile on her face!

Three children pulling their lips wide to make a funny smile face

This group of children are being silly, making funny faces at the camera