2-3 months

Milestones: 2-3 Months

  • Topics covered: Cognition, Movement, and Language

Milestones in Language:

During these couple of months, you may start to notice your child is producing more sounds, they will not be meaningful communication, but they are producing sounds other than crying! When interacting with them, they will start to react and smile. Infants at this age range will:

  • make cooing sounds

  • turn their head towards the direction where sound is coming from

  • make gurgling noises

  • chuckle

Milestones in Cognition:

While infants at this age are still extremely young and have are not able to cognitively understand much, you will notice that they will:

  • watch your movements

  • look at a toy for several seconds

  • pay attention to faces

Milestones in Movement:

As for movement, they are not capable of crawling and all that fun stuff just yet, but there are a few things they have the ability to do already during this time. They can:

  • raise their head when lying on stomach

  • grasp and shake hand toys

  • open and shut their hands

  • move their arms and legs

A babyraising their head while lying on its stomach