3-6 months

Milestones: 3-6 Months

  • Topics covered: Cognition, Movement, and Language

4-6 Months

Milestones in Language:

Between the ages of 3 and 6 months you may experience many changes in your child's development! These could be changes in recognition of sounds, babbling and even trying to express their own feelings. Some things you may see in this age range could be:

  • Reaction to sudden sounds

    • Toys that make noises

    • Things that have been dropped or doors being slammed

  • Babble (“dadada”)

  • Expression of feelings with different sounds

  • Response to their own name

  • Coos and babbles more than two vowel sounds ("ah", "eh", "oh")

These may not be things that occur often or even outright yet, but they are the baselines for your child's speech! They may begin to have intonations with their sounds, more grumbling sounds if they are angry or frustrated or bubbly and cheery babbling when they're joyful. The child will start to recognize and respond to their own name as well as other sudden noises.

This is very much a time to pay attention to and to be active in making sure your child is being encouraged to speak and communicate!

A baby showing interest in food!

Tummy time!

A baby rolling over.

Milestones in Movement:

Once a child is able to support themselves they will begin to develop in so many more ways! Around 4 to 6 months you can see a multitude of changes in their movement. This might range from opening their mouth for food to rolling over from tummy to back and vice versa. Some other things to look out for are:

  • Reaching while laying on their tummy

  • Trying to play with their feet when on their backs

  • Bringing hands or objects to their mouth

  • Showing interest in food

    • Moving puree food from the front to back of the mouth

So many wonderful and interesting changes! It can be so exciting to see and catch all of these firsts but remember to encourage them and enjoy every second of it.