12-14 months

Milestones: 12-14 Months

  • Topics covered: Cognition, Movement, and Language

Milestones in Cognition:

During this time, you will find your child to be doing a range of actions and different things! This is so fun and exciting! During this time frame in development, they start to understand the idea of playing, and will want to play peekaboo and patty cake with you! You will also find them:

  • Copying your gestures

  • Handing you books when they want you to read to them!

  • Showing signs of attachment anxiety, which is completely normal and expected.

Milestones in Movement:

As for movement, you will find your child to be super active around the house (lock those snack drawers, and cabinets!) Movement is a huge part of a child’s development, and it is also very exciting. Here you will notice that they will pull themselves up onto objects, such as a couch, and ‘cruise’ around! You will also find them:

  • Standing alone and taking a few steps alone

  • Using objects like hairbrushes and cups correctly

  • Banging things together

  • Poking different objects with their index finger

Milestones in Language:

Around one year of age, language absolutely takes off! The world's newest communicators! How exciting?! This is the time you will notice their first words! You will notice a range of different things in their language production, such as them responding to your simple requests. They will even try to mimic the words parents and caregivers say! You will also find them:

  • Saying words like mama, dada, uh oh

  • Using different gestures, such as waving hi and goodbye

  • You may even notice that learn 1 new word a week on average!

Baby looking at reflection in a mirror

This baby is near a mirror, with one hand on the mirror, looking at herself