6-9 months

Milestones: 6-9 Months

  • Topics covered: Cognition, Movement, and Language

Milestones in Cognition:

During this time, your child will be growing so fast! You will start to see parts of their personality come out that you have never seen before! You will see that they are able to:

  • Find a partially hidden object

  • Start to explore objects with their hands and mouth

**They may struggle to get objects that are out of their direct reach.

Milestones in Language:

Around 6 months of age, you may find your child responding and recognizing the sounds in their name (how exciting!), begin to use their own town of voice to show emotion (by imitating sounds) - this will help you to distinguish if they are expressing joy or pleasure! You will also find them:

    • Exploring new items using their hands or mouth

    • Responding to other sounds by making sounds!

    • Noticing toys that make different sounds

From age 7 to 9 months, you may find your child attempting to participate in a two-way conversation, you will hear them respond by making sounds! They might also:

  • Follow some known commands when they are paired with gestures

  • Recognize commonly used words

  • Begin using simple gestures

    • Shaking their head no

  • Imitate

    • Sounds or gestures

  • Babble

    • CVCV (consonant, vowel) babbling

    • CV is more common than VC

*Notes about babbling:

  1. Typically begin around 6-8 months

    1. Vocal and manual babbling: "ba ba ba"

    2. No real meaning

7 month-old baby giggling and pushing herself up!

Milestones in Movement:

At this stage of development a child may be moving much more than you're used to. This is the time where a baby will begin crawling and sitting up and even using their thumbs and fingers! So much to look forward to as well as:

  • Sitting and reaching (without falling over)

  • Having more control when sitting or rolling

  • Exploring and examining using their hands and mouths

  • May begin to eat thicker pureed foods

"Look mom! No hands!"

A baby sitting up all on her own.

A baby attempting to "eat" spaghetti!