54-60 months

Milestones: 54-60 Months

  • Topics covered: Language, Cognitive, Movement, Social and Emotional

Milestones in Language:

Between the age of 4.5 to 5 years, your child is talking so much more, maybe even to themselves. They are using full and complex sentences, they're telling jokes, and their vocabulary is increasing at a rapid rate. And they are also:

  • Talking about things in the past and the future with accurate tense and aspect

  • Speaking clearly forming sentences with 5 or more words

  • Telling stories or making up stories involving at least 2 events

    1. “Mommy took me to school today and Johnny pushed me on the swings”

  • Showing metalinguistic awareness

    1. They're thinking about what they are saying

  • Inventing and repairing patterns

Three children sitting at a table drawing and interacting with each other

Three children sitting at a table drawing and interacting with each other

Milestones in Cognition:

Your child is putting their brain to work! They can pay attention for much longer now, for as long as 5-10 minutes! This comes in handy during playtime activities and storytime. They can understand concepts such as time (today, tomorrow, yesterday), can understand seasons, and are better able to understand other people's points of view and feelings which helps them when making friends and meeting new people. They also can:

  • Count up to 10 objects

  • Name at least four colors accurately

  • Recite count list past 100

  • Copy geometric shapes

  • Draw a person with 6 body parts or more

  • Recognize their own name and write it

  • Understand everyday items like food and money

Milestones in Movement/Motor:

'Look at me!' Your child is becoming more coordinated and showing new physical skills. They're learning how to ride bicycles, jump rope, and balance on one foot. You might find that your little one just can't sit still, they're buzzing with energy. Your child is also developing more fine motor skills and is demonstrating independence by tying their own shoelaces, buttoning some buttons, and using cutlery on their own. They are also:

  • Swinging and climbing and tumbling

  • Creating and obeying rules

  • Singing, dances, acts

  • Using the toilet independently

Two children climbing up a playground net

Two children climbing up a playground net

Milestones in Social/Emotional Development:

Your child's emotional mind is also developing at this time. They are experiencing big feelings and demonstrate more patience, but they are also learning to control their emotions better leading to fewer tantrums and outbursts. At this time, your child might want to do a lot of things on their own but they also love attention and want to connect with friends and family. At this stage, your child:

  • Is aware of gender, accent, and friend groups

  • Demonstrates more independence

  • Follows rules easily and can take turns when playing games

  • Likes to sing, dance, and act especially for others

  • Demonstrate both cooperation as well as demanding behaviors

  • Wants to please their friends

  • Can do simple chores at home like cleaning after themselves or matching their socks

Two young boys reading a book together

Two young boys reading a book together

Young girl using a fork and knife to eat her meal

Young girl using a fork and knife to eat her meal