10-12 months

Milestones: 10-12 Months

  • Topics covered: Cognition, Movement, and Language

Milestones in Language:

Between 10 and 12 months a child will grow tremendously, especially when it comes to their speech. You will begin to see that they might understand simple requests such as, "come here," or they might be able use small phrases like, "uh-oh." A child around this age is starting their journey to communicating in response as well! This is the age where they might learn to respond to the word, "no," or even begin to imitate their caregiver (better watch what you say around little ones!).

Some other advances in speech to look out for might be:

  • Long strings of gibberish

    • Babbles with inflection

    • Babbling has rhythm

  • Saying 1 or 2 words

  • Beginning to use hand movements to communicate (reaching to a caregiver to be picked up or pointing to a cup for a drink)

Milestones in Cognition:

Children at this age can experience many cognitive changes. They will be exploring objects and try to imitate gestures. A child might even begin to show preferences for certain toys or people! At this age they will also start to show attachment and even some anxieties when their parents aren't near.

A few more things to look for are:

  • Looking at the correct picture when it is named

  • Knowing how objects are used (holding a phone to their ears)

  • Repeating sounds or gestures to gain attention

  • Finger feeding themself

  • Enjoy listening to music

Here is a baby standing and holding a table for balance.

A group of babies clapping!

Milestones in Movement:

At this point in development the child should be on the way to standing up and maybe even taking some steps. A child may also begin to feed themselves with (or without) utensils!

A few other things they may start:

  • Clapping their hands

  • Pulling to stand and then cruising while holding furniture

  • Crawling to or away from objects

  • Using open cups