15-18 Months

Milestones: 15-18 Months

  • Topics covered: Cognition, Movement, and Language

Milestones in Language:

At around 18 months of age, you will find your child really starting to understand and take in the world around them. This is when they learn the bulk of their language! You will find your child possibly responding and answering questions. They will also be able to point to familiar objects, and people in pictures! When your child is saying yes or no to questions, you may find them nodding or shaking their heads.

Milestones in Cognition:

At this age, you will see a wide range of incredible moments. Pretending is such a big part of this age range, so you may even see your child pretending to feed their babydoll. It is also common for your child to start having some temper tantrums, so a different range of emotions will be present here. You will also find them:

  • Clinging to caregivers in new situations (Totally normal, and expected! New things can be scary to them!)

  • Handing things to others to play

  • Pointing to things, including body parts

Here are some specifics of what you might see at 15 months old:

  • A child might have approximately 5-10 words they know how to use properly

  • Might use a combination of sounds and gestures

  • Can imitate simple words and actions

  • Now, you will find them to be consistently following simple directions

  • They will be able to start to identify some body parts, 1 or 2 when named

Milestones in Movement:

As for movement, your child will be on the go! You will find them being active in many different ways as they will be walking alone, and may even run! They will also become independent during this time, and you may even see them undressing themselves. You may also find them:

  • Eating with a spoon

  • Pulling toys when walking

  • Scribbling on paper

Overhead shot of child eating a bowl of cereal

A child holding her spoon, eating her bowl of cereal

Baby smiling and pointing at camera

Here is a toddler looking and pointing at the camera

This toddler is coloring a paper with crayons