
Updated: 7/11/2024


Things are going pretty good. A really happy thing happened for me, I will tell you when it's ready. I've been doing AI related programming for my job these couple few months, it's good. I've been using AI to develop AI, I guess it's really trending right now. I've also been experimenting with a quantum walk applied web crawler. If you're interested, it's available here: It's still very basic and experimental.


Got some programming done today. I need to work on some cyber security + related stuff more too. 


I attended a webinar today. That was a good one. Learned lots of things. I was looking at homelab things on YouTube and found a 12x AMD CPU / APU that is almost identical to PS5's ones. That was interesting because it runs as a blade server on a 4U chassis. Weather today was good. Also went to a book store.


Got a lot of work done, and discussion was made. Made a new product on my suzuri listings. My user name there is stingraze, if you're interested. 


Note to self: Study about hashing vectorizer


Went to the library today and borrowed some books about quantum physics and information network. Weather today was pretty sunny, but got a little bit cloudy at some point. I did some work in the morning, and will be finishing up a project soon. I thought up of a good algorithm, maybe I will share it as a product or a research paper. 

See you soon.


Today, I talked to my friend online, and did some programming work as well. Things are going good. I also bought a SSD enclosure for NVMe which fit my Intel Optane M10, which I will be using as just a regular 16GB SSD. I formatted it by using ExFAT, and the speed is very fast in transfering files. 

I am studying about LLM in an coursera IBM course and also studying it by reading a report.

How are you doing? Hoping everything is doing good from Kanagawa, Japan.


I went to Ikebukuro the other day to buy some books for work. I could get a complex network book in Japanese, and I think I can now have an idea to make a new sort of algorithm in finding a shortcut to interesting sites, given a web graph. I went to buy some electronics, and also tried out an experiment on my 16GB modded 2012 Mac mini. I installed Rocky Linux 8 using Docker Desktop for Mac, and tried xmrig. To my surprise, it only had 60-70H/s in mining. That was kind of sad, because my M1 Mac mini can do 2700+ H/s on the displaying results on the terminal. 


I went to Otemachi, Tokyo, near the Imperial Palace in a place called Otemachi One. I had the chance to visit Dell's Japan HQ there, to participate in Dell For Startups. There was a talk by Forbes Japan and Dell, and after that we had a networking time. Some lucky particpants won Dell's bag, noise cancelling headphone and portable display. 

I got to network with a lot of people there, so it was a really nice event to go.


So, I went to Akihabara the other day, and looked at used GPU prices and things. I went to BEEP, and bought something there. I am getting some work done, it's going good. I'm also researching on old TOSHIBA Libretto. I bought a INZONE H3 headset because it was pretty cheap, and I needed a replacement for a RAZER headset I use to talk to my friend. I think this white color will be suitable for various online meetings. (The green - black combination of RAZER is a little too gamer like)

1/9/2024 - Part 2 22:26PM

So, I ordered a 2.5Gbps switching hub for my network, and put it to my 10Gbps internet connection. I used Ookla to test the speed, and it was pretty good, at about 2000Mbps down and 1700Mbps up. I'm pretty happy for that. I used Mac mini with M1 to try it out. (using a 2.5Gbps adapter) Although I could have gotten a 10Gbps network system, it's still pricey. 


So, I went to Kawasaki to do some business related things yesterday. I also went to the shopping mall near the Kawasaki Station, and I was surpised that it was very attractive. I saw a few Tesla cars on display, and there were many nice things displayed. I also went to the Bic Camera there, and found some nice headphones. Maybe I will go there again and look at them in detail more. The Bic Camera seemed to have a good taste there, maybe it is more fun than the one in Yokohama, in my opinion.


Bought WIRED magazine at bookstore today. The weather was pretty cold today, but good weather. I was watching something on Apple TV+, and it was pretty interesting. Been doing a lot of researching and a lot of searching too.


Had a meeting today. Quite busy going to Tokyo and elsewhere these days, and tonight, I am going to attend a NVIDIA event virtually online. I am playing with my Parallella that has been upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04. Working well.


The update of Parabuntu 2019 to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS the other day went well, although it took several hours. The other day, I finished Kiuas Labs, an online startup mentoring from Kiuas in Finland. That was a great experience for me, and could learn many new things. I went to PCCC's HPC / LLM Symposium the other day in Akihabara. That was a great time.


I'm updating the Parabuntu 2019 (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS) of my Parallella to Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I think it will take a couple of hours. The thing that I couldn't connect to the machine for a while was probably due to the Ethernet cable not being good or something. Not 100% sure but.


I bought a network gear miniature by Cisco, which added to my A10 Networks network gear. It's well made, and at 1/12 scale.

Here's a photo:

Cisco + A10 Networks Network Equipment Miniature


I made a multi-thread version of data expander using Stability AI and uploaded it on GitHub. It's available here:


I went to code some MPI code running on a supercomputer today. It went well, thanks to some help from ChatGPT using GPT-4. I bought a Bluetooth 5.0 wireless earphone. It was pretty nice, although it was about 2600 JPY. 

I also tried out some Stable Diffusion app using my Macbook Pro.


I made a concept of mobile container based search appliance in my company's website. I used DALLE 3 to draw a concept of it. It's not perfectly done, but you can get the idea. I am pretty amazed how good DALLE 3 can draw, compared to DALLE 2 I was using via API. Today was sunny and a good day. 


I got some code working yesterday, and that was good. I made a recursive function that gets random lines from an input text file and inputs it to a LLM. In my example, it uses Stability AI's Stable LM 3B. The code is availabe here:


So, yesterday was pretty busy. I did some work and got stuff done. Weather was good, I went to the post office to ship off some things that were sold. I also studied some quantum computation stuff in Japanese and read a book. I was also thinking of which direction my company should go in the near future. Lots of things to think. Lord, provide me a way. A good way.


Today I went to Akihabara. Weather today was very sunny although it was cloudy near my house in Kanagawa. I bought a book on AI and other things. I also edited my LLM seed expander / crawler code on GitHub that it works on a newer version (?) on Llama 2 by TheBloke. If you want to take a look at it (It's not yet finished) It is here:


Grow My Search for Android is released. I will be updating the app in the near future to make it work better on tablet devices. But first priority comes to releasing it. :-) 

You can download it for free Here:


I could get a lot of work done. Today was hot as well. I need to publish the progress so far on my LLM seed expander on GitHub soon.


It is exteremely hot here in Japan. I went to the DX EXPO in Tokyo Big Sight last week, and that was very interesting. A lot of people there. I also tried out my IC-R6 this past few weeks, and it had very good reception. I could hear a lot of air traffic control in the Kanto area. 

I also updated my web crawler that utilizes CUDA, PyTorch and BERT. I have to study a bit more of BERT and LLM and embeddings. Here is the link to my GitHub repository containing the code.


Got some advertisement running for Grow My Search finally working. The app is at with the Assistant analysis option powered by OpenAI's GPT. The GPT Analysis / Assistant is available only on the app for now.

I ordered my Beepberry which I found via Twitter, and I think it is coming in September. I may get lucky and get it soon as I applied for the Beepberry Early Access Program. I hope I do get lucky! :-) 

I will be brainstorming an idea I have been thinking for some time: the ThoughtRemix app. I think it can be made at this time because all the right APIs are out there. Will keep you guys posted on the development of it.


Had a online conference with Apple about their Apple Watch / healthcare stuff. Quite interesting, and I thought all the presenters were good. I bought a magazine on Generative AI etc. Also went to buy an used book. Got a good book for 220 JPY. I am also bought a WiFi router today, that was pretty good and quite cheap too (under 5000 JPY). 

I need to make some more changes in Grow My Search, I think it will be better if I can code it so it tells the user something is wrong when there are no seed URLs or keywords. 

Got some experience with using a LLM using 80GB of VRAM. I didn't actually need 80GB, but it worked well. I am still thinking of which spec server I should get for work... 


So, I finally got to release the Grow My Search iOS app on App Store the other day. I got some first few paying customers! I will be making more changes to the app and update it often.


Today, I am going to be thinking of the new things for my projects and new ways to monetize. I also want to see if it's worth it to get a dictionary about AI and computing etc. (Just for thought).


I've done a lot of work in search recently and been using Python 3 and stuff to get my job done. I've also experimented with GPT-4 using ChatGPT, and it's pretty awesome. Things are sure going to change from now.


It's been a while since I came back from India. 

Things are going good, and I am doing some projects. I need to study ChatGPT more and these new AI technologies. I am a bit worried about the financial market though, I will have to keep a close watch on it.


Hi! I'm back from attending B20, part of G20 held in India. I went to Delhi via Haneda Airport using JAL and went to Imphal via B20's chartered airplane. The whole trip was amazing, God really blessed me with the opportunity to attend B20 in Imphal, India. I met a lot of interesting and smart people there.


Hi. How's it going?

Last week was a very special time. I got my first US patent filed. I hope to be able to make many intellectual properties throughout my career.
Today is cloudy, and I went to the bookstore, bought two books, one on NFT. I will be studying from now.


Happy New Year from Japan! 

Yesterday, I went to see if they had PS5 (not that I want to buy it now) and I found about 3 in stock, all different versions. It was more expensive than stock price. 

I took my bike around the city, and that was nice, but pretty cold.


I was trying to get my Grow My Search for Windows working on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, but it didn't work... I installed Wine, but it didn't seem to have the right font and stuff. Will be testing it out more when I have time. 

I went to K's Denki and bought an USB ARGB controller. It should work with the vegas X7 LED cooling fan by akasa. I will try it out soon.

Weather today was nice, but pretty cold.


Yesterday, I was at Tokyo to attend the Innovators Under 35 Japan Summit by MIT Technology Review Japan. Today, I went to a bookstore and bought the latest volume of MIT Technology Reviiew Japanese ver. There were quite a lot of interesting articles on the latest volume, and I also bought WIRED magazine Japanese ver. as well.

Weather was good today, a little cloudy. I studied a bit of cyber security, and continued on my business stuff. See you later!


Went to PCCC22 today at Akihabara. Listened to Intel, AMD and NVIDIA's talk. I want to experiment with DPUs and ARM based HBM machines in the future.


Building a next part of Grow My Search. I subscribed to O'Reilly the other day, and that service is superb. I highly recommend it to developers. 

I got a magazine featuring about LiDAR today (Interface 2023 January). It is a very good magazine.


Last week, I went to EdgeTech+ 2022 in Pacifico Yokohama. I went around and talked with people from Oreilly, RedHat, and more. It was very nice there. I got an ARM tote bag which is made from denim, which I liked very much.


Went to Tokyo today. Went to Akihabara and one more place. Things are getting serious here in Asia. I must prepare for the worst to happen, and also ramp up my skills in cyber security and programming. I bought a book on internet peering and IX. That was a really rare book. I am finishing up the extension to my company's Grow My Search / 育てる検索 personal exploratory search engine.


Got some work done today making PHP script and testing it out. The GPGPU extension is almost finished, I got the design done for the last part today too.

Today was rainy. I went to a bookstore and bought a magazine. 


Uploaded a video of heavydb ( running on AWS's GPU server using Docker.

Pretty hot today in Kanagawa. Got some work done configuring a PHP script that talks to Redis server. Good day today.


Went to the library, the typhoon wasn't too bad in my area this time. I took some photos with my iPhone 14. Will be studying some new things by watching GTC 2022 tonight. 

I'm thinking of buying a solar charger in case natural disaster or something else occurs in the near future. Better be prepared since communication / data is lifeline. 


Configured on my AWS server. Went quite well, some parts were a bit tricky but not too hard. Weather is cloudy today in Kanagawa.


Was studying some stuff and other things yesterday. Today is pretty cloudy with slight rain. I am thinking of a web crawler that utilizes GPU via CUDA etc. 

Study is going well, but I want to go out somewhere today.


I got one book in the mail from Amazon. It's about humanity and AI. Pretty interesting book, I skimmed through it. Today's cloudy, and I got a new case for my iPad Pro 2020 11in. and a cheap 330 JPY stylus which both has disk and the normal capacitive tip on it. 

I'm making a small site on my site. Jornada 720 Page is made, more coming soon.


Today, I bought two books on cybersecurity in a bookstore. They were in two volumes. Today is pretty hot, tensions of Taiwan-China situation is getting hot too.


Got a shirt today and two magazines. Quite hot today too... Tried out the game, World of Haiku, a cybersecurity game. Quite easy in the first part so not much comment about that, but the overall looks is pretty good. I am looking forward to my progress in it, as I think it will be more fun.


Today is pretty hot, cycled today to a nearby supermarket. I also bought a cyber security etc. related book in my favorite bookstore. I also fixed a bug on Grow My Search and 育てる検索's simple version. That was good. 

Going to study some cyber security related stuff again.

See you till next time.


Bought WEB+DB PRESS vol. 129 at the book store, along with a book I'm going to study. Today's really hot here in Kanagawa, but that's okay, it's summer. lol. 


I took the PyTorch course on Coursera Project Network, and got their certificate yesterday. Nothing too hard, but it was quite entertaining actually. So, the other day the laptop I bought at the electronics store got stocked so I went to pick it up. It's a model of 8GB ASUS TUF F15 with RTX 3050 GPU. It has 512GB of SSD and another SSD slot for expansion.

The laptop is working great so far. I'm going to be using it for PyTorch study and other deep learning stuff. 

Today is really hot...

Here's the photo of the TUF F15.


Hi! It's been about a month since the last post. I went to Akihabara the other day, and bought some books in Akihabara's BOOK OFF, both were Oreilly books under 500+ JPY. One book was about Serverspec and the other about old shell (csh etc.). 

I got a new machine for development, although the store I bought said I am getting the one on display today, they couldn't restore the laptop correctly, so they are going to give me a brand new one for the same price. I have to wait extra few days, but I guess it was a good deal. I will show you the machine once it gets here. 

I wrote a new code on GitHub, which is about word2vec, I am going to use it in Grow My Search soon with querying Solr. I studied a bit of quantum computation, big data and language (about lemmatization etc.) I also bought a giftcard from Apple and will probably watch a movie or something with it. Well, that's about it! Good night!


I made a new function for my search engine, and it's going to be released soon. I will have to work on the UI part more. Today, I went to a bookstore and bought a magazine (Software Design) and went to an used book store to get books I need. Today was pretty sunny, and things went well.


I'm installing Visual Studio 2022 today. I didn't know many things existed in the Visual Studio 2022. I was trying out their older version of Visual Studio couple years back, but for developing Windows application, I think Visual Studio is the best. Going to make the Grow My Search app easily with Visual Basic today and hopefully release the alpha version by the end of the day.


Went to the bookstore today. Was raining a bit, but became cloudy. I bought a book on metaverse. Quite interesting. Lots of tips about first mover advantage etc.


I had a fun time with a friend who came over to my house. We did some computer CTF things together, it was very fun. We also went to Shonandaira, and I showed him my IC-R6 reception of airband.


Got some work done today. Bought a book on self-study, and a magazine on hobby. Today is kinda cloudy and a bit sunnyish. I need to work a bit longer to finish up something. Here's the turbo mode web crawler I made yesterday in action:


I created a turbo mode for my crawler. That got implemented pretty well, so I'm happy with that. Other than that, I went to an used bookstore and bought 2 books. 


Planning on making a Indiegogo campaign for my company's Grow My Search. Today, the weather is good, and I am hoping to do a lot of things today. 


Went to Yokohama today. Not too many people, but a little crowded. Was cloudy first, but became sunny. I was watching Netflix yesterday, about a Korean drama about time travel and quantum etc. Very interesting.


I went to buy UPS to protect some network related stuff (modem, etc.), but both stores I went didn't have it in stock. I am going to decide which company to get. It rained quite a lot here in Kanagawa. I am going to read a ebook in Kindle on my iPad Pro from now. Things are going good, we are going on a next stage with our company's project so stayed tuned!


Went and bought a book on CCNA (rather old, yes from 2009). I will learn some concepts and technologies I don't know in networking. 

I did some picoCTF today, it went well. I will try to learn from them more. 


Today, I went to Oiso and saw the waves at the beach. Quite relaxing. I bought iPhone XS for development yesterday, used and a unlocked one from Docomo. Its capacity is 256GB like the Apple SIM free one I used to have several years ago. 

Then, I experimented with making a NFT on OpenSea, and I minted two new NFTs there. Here's the link to my profile on OpenSea.

Have a nice day!


Today is cloudy and a bit cold. I got some work done with development using PHP and Javascript. Have to finish it up soon. 


Got some PHP programming stuff done. I also experienced compiling assembly language code in a M1 Macbook Air. It went well, I cloned some git repository in GitHub, and edited the code. Will work on it this year.


Went to the library and borrowed some books about payment and fintech. Quite interesting to read. Studied about CTF a bit, and about assembly language. Gonna study some more.


Happy New Year (a bit late, but anyhow)!

I went to Ochanomizu and Akihabara today again. I bought an antenna (very short one for IC-R6) and another thing at Akihabara. I bought CTF book and a thick book on AI (GPT-3 etc.) in YURINDO in Hon-Atsugi. 

Weather today was very nice. I am going to study a bit about CTF, and see how it goes.


I went to Yokohama today.

Yesterday, I went to Akiba and Ochanomizu with a friend. I bought a Razer mouse on yesterday, and it arrived yesterday. It was pretty cheap. I saw the mouse in Akiba yesterday, but I decided to get in since I had some points. I got a 128GB USB stick rom KIOXIA which is made in Japan and also a USB-C to HDMI adapter. That adapter worked well with my Macbook Pro 2019 and my TV.


I bought a RGB LED Fan for my Ubuntu box, but sadly, I didn't know you need to have another set of pins to get the LED to light up. Perhaps I will check around on how to make the LEDs light up without the required pins. Haha, oh well. It was only 1680 JPY or so. I will let you know if I can get around this mistake.

Update: This video shows that it's possible.

I also bought a ~ $20.00 earphone, with graphene coating and audible frequency up to 40,000 Hz. It was pretty good, but it was kind of metallic taste, I'd say not bad, but I think it needs a bit more aging.

Today is sunny, I guess I will go to HARD OFF or somewhere and see some things in the store.


Part 2:

I went to Chigasaki's HARD OFF today, and bought a ANIMATRIX DVD. (obviously influenced by yesterday's MATRIX RESURRECTIONS). :-) It was 330 JPY ($2.90 at the current rate). 

Part 1 :

I went to watch Matrix Resurrections on a local movie theater yesterday. The movie was very good, although it was a little different from what I expected. I bought a special version of movie pamphlet and a sticker sheet. Today is quite sunny outside. Weather is very cold, no snow though.


Went to the library today. Read a book on features (as in feature extraction of string, images etc.)

I also went to an used bookstore today, bought 3 books, one about intellectual property, one about TCP/IP and network and one about Support Vector Machine.

Going to be analyzing and making strategies from now.


Went to Junkudo.

Bought 3 books, One about algorithms in Python. Two other books about marketing. The weather outside is very cold. Sort of cloudy today. I'm going to study and do my work from now.


Went to Junkudo today. Today is rainy, but got a few books in Junkudo. I also went to BOOK OFF, and bought some books there. One is about science, two others about English (out of that, one is a specialized dictionary about foreign relations).

I will check on my server machine from now. -> I'm wondering why remote access doesn't work after a while. Will have to check into that later. Maybe it's due to the firewall?

Lord, protect the lives of my friends. Let them be safe. Let us walk in your paths.

Update 16:26PM:

I've got a idea to connect to my M5Stack using telnet (24term) from Sigmarion 3.... I wonder if it is possible to do that via USB host or COM1. Will see.


Went to the ET & IoT 2021 exhibition in Yokohama today. The exhibition was about Edge technology and IoT. I spoke to a couple people at the booth, and could get good information. I think the whole IoT world is going to increase its momentum and market size in the coming years (post corona). 

I bought a book on LiDAR. I will use it to update my knowledge and use the information for investment purposes.


Attended an online conference on cybersecurity / etc. late night on the 16th - 17th. Very informative. I bought some books today in Fujisawa's Junkudo. One is MIT Technology Review Japan Ver. (5th volume). I discovered a friend's soundcloud, was quite impressed by his music. :-) 

I got some development ideas which I'm planning to implement soon.


Going to watch an online seminar by Cloudera (Japan). Today, the weather is very good, and I feel great. I made my company's website faster, but I think I need some more improvements done. Bought a book on military today in a bookstore. 

I made a video about MIDI playback on my Sigmarion 3. I uploaded it on YouTube. 

Please watch it here:


Did some research on certain topics. Quite interesting. I will let you guys know when I will be able to. Today is cloudy but not that cold.


Went and stocked some things to sell. I played a bit of METAL GEAR SOLID V: Phantom Pain, and uploaded a video of it on YouTube. Quite interesting to play, although I don't really like most PS4 games that much to be honest. Researched a bit on an app called trimm which summarizes text from URL etc. It was interesting it not only summarized, but got entity extraction to build information on who the author was etc.


Was quite busy this month, and couldn't update this site so much. I am now trying a certain software based on qemu to run a Linux distribution. It is going well so far. Weather today is sunny.


Finished the Login Form built with Bootstrap 5. Gonna tweak a bit more. I will get the AI part concept done from right now. :-)


Got some work done for today making Bootstrap 5 page. Quite nicely done. I need to hire a good designer for making the UI look original and better. Perhaps it will be done next week? I think I will sell the Sigmarion 1 & 3 I stocked as well as Linux Zauruses soon.

Weather was cloudy / rainy today. Hope it becomes good weather tomorrow.


Bought quite a lot of books, both new and used. Watching this now: (About Dojo of Tesla)


I got a Core i5 10th generation, 6core 12 thread machine working. This is an upgrade from Core i5 7th Generation I built a few years back. I am trying to install the latest CentOS 7 on it.


Got my project, Grow My Search (育てる検索®)online. 

It is a search engine where you can grow sites index by first querying another search engine for seeds.


7/11/2021 - 2

Resetting my Blackberry Passport I sold today. I had to look up some things and install Blackberry Link. I'm hoping I can still download the OS from Blackberry Link to do a reset. Just saying. Tomorrow, I might have a call with one company for server and development related stuff. Yep. 


Today's pretty sunny here in Kanagawa, Japan. I took some photos of flowers today with my Pixel 5. It looks good. You can see one of it here on my twitter tweet. I might try putting different versions of Linux on my Cosmo Communicator, but I'm kind of afraid it will mess things up. :P I found a good meta search engine I might use for my project. I'm glad I found that.


I tested out the video capabilities of Pixel 5 today, and it was enjoyable. I also went to the local electronics store to see what kind of case they had, but only found 3 cases, of which 2 were MIL STD cases and 1 just a plain clear one. I got some more work done this morning, and went to Junkudo (big bookstore) and bought two books. One is on BCG, and the other about AI.

6/27/2021 Part 2

I decided to buy the Google Pixel 5 since it's a smartphone that keeps getting updated fast. Unlike my XPERIA XZ3 which has Android 10, but updates seldomly, I think it's a good thing to have one that keeps updating. Well. yeah. I was considering the iPhone 12 mini too, but I decided to not get that. Since I use UQ Mobile and Rakuten Mobile as my carrier, I save a lot of money that way. Rakuten Mobile has 5G connection, and I think UQ Mobile is going to have 5G soon, so I hope to use the Google Pixel 5 a lot. Unfortunately, where I live has little or no 5G antennas, so I will be testing out the connection either in Yokohama or Tokyo area. Cheers!


I've finally opened the 128GB SDXC card from KIOXIA I bought in Akihabara the other day. I put it in my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and installed CentOS 7 on it. It took a bit of time to GParted it to maximize SDXC storage space usage etc, but it went well. Also configured so the nameserver uses Google's one. haha (yum didn't work properly before doing this)


Sorry for not writing here for some time. I've been very busy with my startup. I released a demo of my new search engine. The demo is called Grow My Search. You can build your own personal and private search engine with crawler that gets seeds to start from from another search engine. The search engine is patent pending. Here's the URL to the video (on YouTube).

I went to Akihabara, Tokyo yesterday and bought an antenna for my ICOM IC-R6, and a microSDXC card for use with either Raspberry Pi Zero WH or Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. I am planning to make a sort of portable environment where I can connect to the Linux Raspberry Pi via WiFi, etc. 


I went to Fujisawa today, and got earphones from a company called ZERO AUDIO. When I plugged it into my Sony Walkman, the sound sounded great! It was very crisp, and had quite a bit of bass sound as well. The one I got is made from carbon fiber and aluminum.


Today was raining pretty hard in Kanagawa, Japan. I went to BOOKOFF and bought several N-gauge trains to sell on Yahoo Auctions. I could find 3 trains in good condition, so I am happy with that. I completed one module of cyber range I've been doing. Study time is over, I am now surfing the net. See you till next time.


Went to Akihabara again today. I was planning to get a Planet Computers Gemini PDA if there was one less than 33,000 JPY, but I could't find it. I decided I will use my current gear instead. I bought a bluetooth audio receiver / keyboard from Princeton from Amazon on the way back. Can't wait for it to arrive. That was 2980 JPY. 

I also bought something to prepare for emergency in Akiba, as I suspect something might happen in the near future as global situations in Far East is getting pretty intense.


I was reading an article from Nikkei Shimbun (Nikkei Newspaper), I learned about the NVIDIA's upcoming CMP-HX, a GPU for mining. Seems it's fit for Ethereum mining.


I bought a Blu-ray player because my PS3 broke the other day (used it from 2008, 1st gen model that can play PS1/PS2 games). The Blu-ray player is from Sony and I could confirm that the Blu-ray player can play OpenCourseware videos from MIT without any problem. (via USB thumb drive)

I watched a DVD with it, it up-converted the video so the DVD quality went up. :-)


I went to Yokohama Minato Mirai today. Went to VILLAGE VANGUARD and bought a mix CD of Japanese cover songs. 1980 JPY including tax. On the way back, went past the Atsugi base, so I saw some Kawasaki P-1 flying by. 

I also bought an old 1 yen by a gatcha. 300 JPY is a little expensive I bet, but it was just for fun. lol.


So I tried out a ROG Phone 3 and played Call of Duty Mobile. I haven't played a FPS for a long time, and I think this was the first time I did a multiplayer FPS on a mobile phone. The ROG Phone 3 seems to have a good advantage since it's a gaming phone....  This is a post on my Wordpress Blog of a photo test with it.

Other than that, I had a good Sunday. I went for a walk and cycled to a shopping mall. 


I went to PC DEPOT in Tsujido today to get a external hard drive (6TB) for research / work use. I used it with my M1 MacBook Air, and its speed is very good. I am now extracting a very large file (two files actually, both around 14GB+ each). The external hard drive is made in Japan, so it seems it is pretty good. No fans, but some noise is there.


Happy New Year! So, I went to a cafe to do some work on the server (Docker etc.) and I went to K's Denki to shop. I found a neat mobile mouse called Microsoft Surface Mobile Mouse Model 1679/1679C. It cost around 3900 JPY. I tried it with my M1 Macbook Air, it seems to be working fine. I seemed to have had some issues of WiFi getting disrupted, but it seems okay right now. (It's a Bluetooth mouse). 


At a cafe doing some server maintenance remotely. All going good so far.

Did a little research on OmniSci importing data from CSV/TSV.  Looks pretty simple. Will try it out later.


Happy Holidays (and a little late Merry Christmas!) 

I went to the bookstore I usually go to today and bought two books. I'm going to have to read a lot of books to learn new things. The weather today was rather warm for winter, so I also went cyclying. I've been also watching a interesting Korean drama on Netflix, it's fun to watch when I'm free.


Went to JUNKUDO today and got a book on DevOps from O'Reilly. Skimmed through the entire book, learned quite a bit. I learned about the term "snowflake server" which I haven't heard before. Also, I finished making a source code viewer (via URL) and uploaded the source code to GitHub. I think I will experiment with X server and M1 MacBook Air soon, connecting to my CentOS 7 box securely.


Went to a hobby store and HARD OFF today. Quite interesting, I bought some books at the hobby store (100 yen each!). I stocked something to sell in HARD OFF which is very rare. I will list it on eBay probably. I am researching on how to make a good app with Swift (I'm really new to this language). 


Bought a book on Core ML. I am going to research a bit on NLP, textmining and search tech. I was also looking at and George's youtube channel video about Apple Neural Engine. Quite fun.


I went to Chigasaki's HARD OFF today, and there was a junk Core Duo 2 64GB Macbook Air that isn't able to restore. It also said that the web cam wasn't working either. I think I can install Linux on it, but yeah, I didn't buy it. I think it was a little more than 16,000 JPY if I remember correctly. The price in Yahoo Japan auction is way cheaper for junk Macbook Air, so yeah. 

I got several programs to work in Free DOS under Neko Project II on Sigmarion 3. It was quite interesting, as a light version of Emacs worked too. I got a Tiny Star Trek program to work on it as well. 


I went to the AI / Blockchain / Quantum Computer Expo in Makuhari Messe, Chiba Japan yesterday. I got to see a lot of demos in NLP, and a company called Cambridge Quantum Computing Japan was there too. I am hoping to use a summarization API from a company I met there for my new project. Will see how it goes. Right now, I am downloading a 17GB + dump file of Wikipedia data to my 2TB SSD server machine. It's going to take a while so I detached from my ssh session using screen. screen command is pretty neat.


I went to Akihabara, Tokyo last week and stocked a rare item from there to sell. It sold today, and so I made some profit.

I also wrote an article of bechmarking RTX 2080 Ti with using OmniSci (formerly MapD) which is a GPU SQL database. The link is here: (Japanese)


So, I went to Junkudo again by train yesterday and bought a book on AI and and another on Taiwan. Today, I went to GEO and borrowed a Korean DVD there and watched it on my 16GB Mac mini 2011. The HDD is pretty slow, but I can bear with it on High Sierra with the RAM upgrade. I've been looking around for Jornada to buy, but Yahoo Auction Japan seem to not have much of them at the moment. I want to buy Jornada 720 if I can.


So, today I went to a park and took a video using my iPad Pro 11in. (2020). The LiDAR app I used worked pretty nice. I treated myself a DENON headphone. The retail price was 18,000 JPY but I could buy it for about 6,300 JPY new. I'm trying it out with my 2017 Macbook Pro and music sent by WMBR, and so far, I like it. It supports frequencies up to 37,000 Hz. 


Went to Junkudo again today. Bought two books, one about cybersecurity and one about statistics about things worldwide. The statistics book was only 700 JPY, new.


I went to Junkudo in Fujisawa today to get a book on Docker. Found a good book, although it is a little old (from 2015). I also bought a iPad Pro 11in. 2nd generation the other day. It is silver model and 256GB. I used it, and the LIDAR is pretty cool, and I also like the screen very much. 


Yesterday was a good meeting with a person who is helping me on something. I'm glad it went well. 

I bought a top-of-the-line Apple TV 4K yesterday at K's Denki to reward myself for doing well on  my ongoing project. They offered me a 5% discount, which I found well. The model is 5th generation and has 4K output via HDMI. I am using it with Gigabit Ethernet. Although I had a very old version of Apple TV which I used to watch Person of Interest with, the experience didn't become too great when Apple stopped support for the YouTube app. I stopped using it for several years now, but I am happy to say that 22,700 JPY was well worth the Apple TV 4K. 

I am writing something as a part of my business, and it's going well. Hopefully I can get it done in around 2 weeks or so.


Went to a park. Sunny weather today, it was beautiful there at the park.

I went to Yamada Denki to buy a SSD (one from BUFFALO, 120GB) that I used to connect to my Raspberry Pi 4. I measured using a benchmark app (fio) on CentOS 7, and it maxed out at around 80MiB/s ish doing random write. Not bad, I guess. Could have been better.

I'm going to be experimenting a lot more with my Raspberry Pi 4. 


Good weather today, went to a park, which was nice.

I was reading the MIT Press's book on quantum entanglement today, and it is interesting. It is the essentials series, so not much mathematical stuff, but its analogies are interesting. I think I will go to a bookstore from now.


Back from doing some stuff outdoors. Very good weather today, a little chilly outside. I gotta sell some more Sharp Zaurus SL-C series I stocked. Going to a local electronics store to hear about some 法人plans for cellphones for my company. I hope I can get a good deal.


Been a while. I've been busy doing programming. I'm listening to a video on vimeo right now.


Researching about Chinese blockchain technology. CCID's Global Blockchain Technology Assessment Index is something I should keep my eye on. TRX is going up quite a bit these couple days...


Finished uploading a threaded version of Mohawk Crawler (web crawler) on GitHub.

The URL is:

Threaded Version works with Windows 64bit with Strawberry Perl. (Tested on Windows 10 64bit, and Windows 7 64bit) other versions  of Windows should work fine as well.

The macos-x folder in the repository contains the version which is not threaded and work on Mac OS X / Linux.


Watching the Apple's live event online. 


It's quite hot here in Japan, but today is cloudy. Sold off a couple of things (Jetson Nano, Nvidia GPU etc.). I installed CentOS 7 on my GF 1070 Ti 8GB machine. I am planning to experiment with PG-Strom.


Been trying out some things on my Windows laptop. The laptop's getting a little hot so I will probably take a short break. 


Night time... 

Gonna be remaking my profile website on wix.


Installed Windows 7 successfully on my Win 10 machine. Also installed eMbedded Visual Tools 4.0 yesterday. Chainlink (LINK) is going up. They are in cooperation with Oracle's startup division.


Installing Windows 7 Pro on my Windows machine. It's for developing a very basic browser for Windows CE. Hoping it will go well.


Couple of sites I took notice about Watson Discovery.

Site 2


Compiling Python script to .exe with Nuitka. 2 builds didn't go well (showed error when run). Now compiling it as standalone (--standalone option). Hope it works. Good night. -stingraze


This week, Parallella update went well from Ubuntu 15.04 (Parabuntu) -> Ubuntu 16.04 via 15.10. Bitcoin is going up a lot again. 


Cloudy today, with some rain in Kanagawa.

I am going to try to parse this corpus (my thoughts) with Python. Will see how it goes.

Update: went well, I used some code and modified it. Quite interesting.


Today is quite sunny, so I am at a cafe. I am probably going to head over to the library to do some research. 


Got a script called PyTextRank working on my server.


Was trying to figure out how to enable SSL on a module I'm using. Didn't work yet, but I think I'm almost there.

Today is very bright and sunny in Kanagawa.


Blockchain and US Department of Energy:

This article caught my attention via Google Alert. The startup Taekion, formerly Grid7 is working together with DoE.


Been quite busy with work recently. Researched a bit on Polymath (The Securities Token Platform). I think I will experiment with it later on. Also, I just noticed that the minergate is very easy to install on Ubunut 18.04. Starting it from now.


Read about the situation in Venezuela. There may be something big to happen... hmm..


Testing Out Nano Pi NEO (1)

I think I tried out the wrong OS for the Nano Pi NEO (1) previously so I will be writing a new OS to my TOSHIBSA micro SDHC card. (The white and red one).

My plans are to first configure it, and try some network analysis stuff.


I finished a course on coursera. It was pretty difficult for me. I really enjoyed taking the course, and am doing the 2nd part of the course. (there are 4 in total). Weather is a little rainy today here in Kanagawa. I downloaded the Q-Calc application for my EMONSTER S11HT today, and was playing with it. Quite interesting to play around with a software calculator.

I've also watched a part of Deep Learning course by MIT (2019 version). Since I am a premium user on YouTube, I can save the videos on my device officially.


Went to the Alvar Aalto exhibition in Tokyo Station Gallery the other day. It was superb. Then, I went to Maruzen near Tokyo Station and found a book that was in my amazon wishlist. It is called "Superminds". Read quite a few pages on the train back, and will read more. Watching a movie tonight at my house. Quite good so far.

Also, I am finishing one of my MOOC course soon, and that is a good thing. 


Something I listed on eBay sold within minutes. Pretty happy about that.


Doing some more programming.


I read Nimrod by Takahiro Ueda, which received the 160th Akutagawa Prize. Quite interesting story, I was surprised my Japanese reading skills increased much more since I read a lot of serious non-fiction Japanese usually... haha, Good surprise.


Bought a milk tea at the local store around 5:40AM today. It's still dark outside. I will go to Starbucks to study on coursera and maybe edX. I will be thinking up of my plans to make a personal search engine / ThoughRemix project.


Been active at night times recently. That's that. Then THAT's that.

 I'm trying to learn Korean, French and Russian simultaneously...


Today I went to Yokohama. It was pretty interesting.

Discovered a few things too.


Watching this because quantum and brain seems very connected.

Quantum Cognition and Brain Microtubules


Yesterday, there were weird lightning clouds all around. I could see one, I thought it was fireworks, but I was right the first time, it was lightning clouds. Yikes.

I'm building a lexicon / word search service to catalogue words. I think it will be useful to make the next phase, building an algorithm that will understand words in the search index by studying them.

Today is sunny, so I'm happy. 


Went to Akihabara today. Bought a SSD by SAMSUNG, the model number: 860 EVO. Capacity: 250GB.

Also, sent the Macbook Pro that sold on today. The Macbook Pro was the one made in 2014. Did a lot of work with it. Now using a 2017 version with Touch Bar. 

After I came home, I put the SSD in an enclosure. It is a portable one I bought and made by OwlTech. It was easy to put into the enclosure, and I connected it to my Macbook Pro and formated it as exFAT.

Video to watch again later on. 

Now doing some decision stuff on who to hire etc. See you later.


I created a new icon for Ppctweakies. It's available on the Facebook page and website.


Going to Maker's Faire Tokyo 2018 today. Exciting!

Here's a interesting thread on HPC Factor about running Puppy Linux on Jornada 720. Some interesting information there.


I got the Bluetooth mouse to work properly on Sony Tablet P with Debian noroot.

I uploaded it here:


Found this article (gigazine, Japanese site) It's about a pc bullding simulator. Interesting.


Bought several used books. Can't wait till I read them from now. Parallella fiddling was fun today. Maintained some things and experimented a couple things. It was a pretty good day today.

7/20/2018 video by TechCrunch. This inspired me so much! (kit for self driving car enthusiasts) The product featured is called panda. Wait, I don't have a driver's license! lol. Oh yes, of course. There will be self-driving cars! haha. Time to buy more NVIDIA & Intel stocks ;-). 

Also, future wishlist for me: This HPE Edgeline EL-1000 Converged System.


Went to BOOK OFF and got some books to sell. 

Today was hot again. Went to do some stuff here and there. 


Edited and uploaded a photo from my iPad Pro.

The picture is here. Be Strong & Courageous.

I might make a ebook of my clouds I uploaded on Instagram. I remember making one a while back, but it wasn't Instagram.


I was busy today, doing some things (needed to buy a radio). I also went to a local bookstore to buy some books. Books are one of my top favorite things. Well, see you later.



Been focusing on intelligence and cyber security stuff recently. I also bought Toricomail the other day, which was new condition. I think I will be going to the library again today to do some research / work / study.

I analyzed the crypto market. I'm glad XEM is going up, as well as the crypto market in whole.


Bought a new cheap (1980 yen) earphone for backup. It's made by Sony. The build is not bad, rather cheapish but you can't blame them. The sound quality is good compared to other ones I bought in the past in this price range.

Bought 3 LSK today. :)

Was researching cyber security stuff today. Lot's of topics I need to study. I think I will focus on network from today. Also IoT and Android security will be good.


Studied a bit of quantum computation and quantum information. 

I also tested Antutu benchmark on my Xperia Z3 Compact by Docomo (unlocked). 

Here's a page I made here that has results from my other Xperias too. 

I went to the blockchain conference in Tokyo yesterday held at 東京国際フォーラム. It was very good, especially SBI Holdings' Mr. Kitao's keynote.


At my lab. It's raining here in Kangawa. 梅雨ですね。

Anyways, doing some research and started a couple more projects.


Chatted with an old friend I got to know through HPC:Factor. It was good chatting with her. It has been ages. :-)

Tomorrow is a English conversation meetup. 


Came back from Taiwan! 

I'm uploading a video to YouTube which I made now. I'll post the link here:


So, tomorrow I am going to Taiwan! :-)

I can't wait to see what the country is like, and also excited to see the various gadgets on sale.

I'm listening to Spotify at the moment. It's raining here in Japan right now.


I went to Starbucks today and there were some little bit noisy foreigners laughing and shouting. But yeah, you can't blame them; they're guests in our country and it was SUPER hot today. lol I've analyzed some things and wrote some things on my notebook, and went to HARD OFF and BOOK OFF to get what I needed. I also got a 3.0A maxell 3 port Quick Charge enabled charger to use in Taiwan. That'll be able to charge some things I need to charge like digital camera, iPad Pro (I'm hoping it will work) and my smartphones.


So,  I bought some books today again at My Books which I sometimes go to. I was reading Tools for Thought in Japanese again, I had a good laugh at one of the pages. It was quite humorous. If you're curious what I thought was funny, try searching in this thread on HPC:Factor. 

It's quite hot here in Japan. I also went to Shonandaira today and took a picture of Hydrangea. Oh yes, I finished the IoT course by MITxPro! I'm very happy! 


So, I bought four books today at TSUTAYA, and one of them was Forbes Japan. It had a list of cryptocurrency billionaires. It was pretty interesting to read. I am relaxing right now and putting my thoughts together in my notebook and digitally.

I also got a smartwatch for myself today. I am hoping to create cool demo applications for it.


I am almost finished with the IoT course! :-)

I'm probably going to be researching stuff and finding which roaming SIM card is good for using in Taiwan.


In Starbucks right now, almost finished with one section. I was thinking there is great potential in camera that is strong against backlight. That will provide safety features for autonomous vehicles.

I'm going to Taiwan next month! :-)


Played with Sony Tablet P today. Installed Debian noroot. See it in action here: 

Stocked some items for my eBay listings and Found good Final Fantasy related games that should have good price, and a book about data science for

Going to eat at KFC from now.


Been researching a bit on blockchain and search. Found something called .


At my lab starting my IoT course again. I'm in the latter half of the course. 

I'm experimenting with mining XMR with my GeForce GTX 1070 Ti at the moment.


I've been working hard on studying the IoT course, I'm at localization part of the course. A SONY clie I stocked is coming, and I also stocked TOSHIBA Libretto 60, which I will be maybe restoring with Linux (if I have time) and putting it up on eBay.  The condition of the Libretto 60 is very good considering its age.


Analyzed some tweets of several cryptocurrencies. Seems like the market is not that volatile, rather on a downward trend. I made some profit selling AMD stocks yesterday. I'm happy for that. I bought IBM stocks this time. I'm hoping it will go up in a couple months to a year. 

I studied a little bit of IoT course again. It's going well, but I may need to hasten up the pace a bit more. Will see. Not that I'm lagging that much.

I've got a news via twitter that Redbull AirRace Chiba 2018 is accepting Bitcoin when you are going to purchase the ticket.


I'm working on the IoT course again today, with good progress. I've been checking up Arduino compatible boards on Amazon, but most ship from China. I think I might buy the original one this time for a change.

I've released source code for a benchmark app for Android. You can see the source code here.


At Starbucks again, studied a bit of IoT course on MIT xPro. That is going well. I started relisting some stuff on eBay again, I think I will relist more soon. I need to list a couple Sharp PDAs as well as portable gaming devices.

I bought some XRP yesterday, hoping it will go up about 10%, then I will probably sell it. 

Today's sunny here in Kanagawa. 


I'm going to Akihabara to do some things. I think I will need to get a good WiFi router as well. I am wanting to do some research on network security stuff as well. MIT xPro of IoT is done 40% for me. Pretty happy with that progress.


It's Children's Day in Japan today. I booted the TDS Recon I bought some time ago for the first time. Quite interesting, there were a few apps I don't see anywhere else, and I have been in the PDA field for more than 16 years. So I can tell you, it's quite rare. More info on this thread on hpcfactor .

I went to Starbucks and did a little bit of IoT study from MIT xPro. One section is almost done. I've experimented with my Exen Mini & a vibration motor yesterday, and here's a link to the test video if you're interested: . It's a progress made for my upcoming robot. I plan on integrating the robot with a WiFi board so that I can control it from Sigmarion 3 or EMONSTER S11HT. Maybe Exen Mini isn't a good fit for that, but we'll see.

4/27/2018 Part 2:

Went to the library and bookstore today. Got two books. One is for my study of English, and another is about the outlook of jobs 10 years from now. 


Got a new smartphone (sim-free) for myself. Very good price.


Got rid of two old laptops (sold em at HARD OFF), one from SONY and one from HITACHI. Very surprising price for both.... drum roll.... 120 yen..! lol Well, it is in fact very old.


I sold LMT stock and bought 20 shares of TERP. I am going to hold TERP rather for a long term, expecting yields as solar energy demand rises in the coming years.


Going to try to play Final Fantasy XV on my Windows box with GeForce GTX 1050 Ti. -> done.


Finished one job for today. 

I bought a book yesterday about augmentation in Yurindo. 

Interesting book indeed.


It's been a while since I last wrote. I've been quite busy these days researching and building / programming stuff etc. I've been fascinated by videos of Jetson boards by NVIDIA and its application with remote controlled cars and drones.

I need to start planning some things about SuperAI and I have been doing a lot of things about it. Upcoming project is going to experiment with really big data sets locally. I hope to publish it soon.

The weather today has been funny, it has been raining and sunny on and off. 

I'm planning to visit several bookstores today in Kanagawa to search for AI / search stuff.


I went to Tokushima Prefecture for 2 days this week. Was great, visit my YouTube channel to see some of the videos I took. 

One video here:

I also went to Starbucks today, got some work done in visualizing Ethereum prices in 3 currencies. Nothing special but I was glad it worked fine.


I charged my Sigmarion 3 yesterday, it still works perfectly. I really like the keyboard of the device.

I think I will also charge my EMONSTER S11HT too, and try to run some apps.

3/25/2018 - Part2 

I went to Popondetta with Odakyu Train View in Ebina, and played with my model trains. Here's a video I took and uploaded on YouTube.

I need to start doing research on retro PDAs to sell and also fix & sell on eBay, Yahoo Auction and It's a sort of job / hobby-in-between sort of thing.

Today was really sunny which was good for me. I rode on Tokaido-line and Sagami-line (JR). I think I will go to Starbucks tomorrow and think about crypto, business of PDA / handhelds, and my upcoming robot project. I will also enhance my coding skills. I need to pick up on Spark, PHP and possibly Node.js.


I've been making a lot of slideshow videos on my Macbook Pro 2017 and putting them up on YouTube. It's pretty fun. I also started using Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2018. It's a very good software, but I'll probably have to spend a lot of time to make a good video.


It's been raining for a couple days recently in Kanagawa. I went to Yokohama again on Monday, and went to a museum of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and did the flight simulator of MRJ. 


I went to Yokohama today. Minato Mirai area to be exact. 

After coming back and eating dinner, I noticed strange clouds. I couldn't take a picture of it, but it looked like the Alien in the move "Alien vs. Predator". Also noticed a strange aircraft with sequentially blinking lights. (Yes, it's unusual for aircrafts around here to blink like that)

I hope it's not EMP or something... The WiFi wasn't working very well today for a short time either so.... hmm...


Strange thing happened today at Starbucks. Well, not that strange, but the cash register somehow malfunctioned when I ordered. I think this is the first time that happened... Oh well. :/


I was studying Lorenz attractor on OCW's video. 


My interest these days is how to apply chaos theory and fractals to stock / crypto prediction. I am going to work on some simulations with my newly purchased MATLAB. The video above is instructed by the inventor of MATLAB. 

Lorenz attractor has been fascinating since I don't know when, and that butterfly effect has been something I will be researching for a very long time. 

Oh yes, I also bought a book on differential equation / calculus and linear algebra in Yurindo. It's a MIT textbook that was translated into Japanese last year. It cost quite a bit (9000 JPY). 

I really like putting my thoughts into a journal entry here, since some thoughts are better in obscure places... haha that's just me. I don't know, but it seems that Facebook is losing its momentum. In Japan, most young people use LINE. Is it worth investing in them (LINE)? 


Well, I bought cozmo because I was interested in it from a while ago, and I am hoping to program it after playing with it. It's a really neat robot. It's so amazing nowadays kids get to play and program with these wonderful robots.

I earned some money yesterday (22,000 yen) for writing a script for my business. :-)

2/18/2018 (Part 2)

So, I got bored and watched YouTube on my PS4 Pro for the first time today. Pretty impressive I must say. I like their layout a bit better than my Google Nexus Player. :-) Then, I went to HARD OFF to stock a retro game for my eBay listing, and also stopped by TSUTAYA on the way back and bought 3 magazines. 

I scheduled my plan so that I will list the retro games tomorrow. 

Olympics, yes Olympics. I've been busy that I only watched a few minutes of women's Japan hockey team against North / South Korea combined team. I'm glad that Hanyu got the gold medal in the men's figure skating. 

It's getting a little bit more like spring but there's talk of snow coming in 2 days or so. At least so they say. (Yesterday was 15 degrees Celsius).

2/18/2018 (Part 1)

I finally bought Sudden Strike 4 for my PS4 Pro! I got it working fine, I just downloaded from Playstation Store because I had some credits left unused from quite a long time ago.

I'm staying in my house today as I'm pretty tired, after going out yesterday and stuff. I think I will check on rumors of NVIDIA's "Turing" GPU.


Sold some Twitter stocks the other day. About + 25%. Not bad, right?

Bought some stocks relating to Asia development. 1000 shares to be exact.

I will be doing some research on text mining, and a book will come from soon. I'm here in my lab, but it's cold, even with the heater on. 

See you soon.


I finally bought MATLAB license today! yipee! Off to analyzing fun!


The amazon echo dot arrived at my house today. I played with it a bit, it's pretty amazing, I think it will be a good English learning device for me. 


data, data, data and more data. I need to be studying about data pipelines as well. So far, Python dev and PHP has been really good. I'm not using Perl as much as I used to unfortunately, but that's that.

NVIDIA stock is something I will be buying again as I profited from selling some of their stocks. Intel stocks might be a good time to buy, not really sure.


It's been 10 days since my last update.

I've successfully created a working demo of a search result summarizer interface that is useful for summarizing search results content. 

The demo URL in action is:

Main page of the search results summarizer is:

The demo shows how search results can be used to summarize and make an automated abstract of search results that can often be long and tedious to read. 

The smaller paragraph above the line is the summary while the longer text is the input description (search results).

The system generates summary without using external Web API.


Happy New Year to all! :-) 

I'm up early today in McDonalds, and listening to Spotify and going to start writing the ebook I'm writing.


Bought Interface (magazine) and DOS/V POWER REPORT today. Studying a bit more about AI chips today. One chip that caught my attention is MIT's Eyeriss. It is for embedded devices. More details from MIT here:

Also found another thing interesting: WaitChatter


I went to Osaka from 12/20/2017 to 12/22/2017. I had a wonderful time there, I went to Kyoto and Nara as well. I studied a bit about Linux on Coursera.

I've been playing a bit of Final Fantasy XV recently, (just a bit, as I'm a very light gamer). 

Here are two videos of Final Fantasy XV I made and uploaded on YouTube. 

1. 2.

I'm planning to buy AMD stocks today or tomorrow and some other stocks (maybe Intel). 


The CME Bitcoin Futures began yesterday. BitCoin went down a bit, but recovered fast.

I bought more AMD stocks and one stock I have been thinking for a while.


CBOE's Bitcoin Futures has begun. I ordered a book called ホゲゆに from . It's a book in Japanese about installing UNIX related OS in many devices like iPod, Sigmarion II etc. I'm excited for it to arrive.

Today, I'm planning to go buy some things.


1. Bought NVIDIA and AMD stocks. Going to hold it for a couple years and increase numbers as I go forward.

2. WIRED (Japanese version) arrived today in the mail. In an article about "WILD SPEED SERIES", it mentions that RB26 '89 Nissan GT-R is in boom in USA. It might be a good move to stock some inexpensive parts in Japanese market and export it. '93 TOYOTA Supra is going to be having its 25th anniversary, and that might introduce some business opportunity. :-)

3. Today was my mother's birthday. I went out to have tea with her and we shopped in the city. We also ate sushi bowl and okonomiyaki today as a family.

4. Found this cover song: 小さな恋のうた/mongol800(Cover) Natsukashii!


I've been following the news articles in Nikkei and Sankei (online). Yes, 'that' 's bothering me and things are seeming to be escalating. 


Today, I went to BOOK OFF and purchased several books to stock for my listing.

I've stocked a book on Leica, World War II German Tanks (Illustrated), Oreilly's book on bash and a book about computer's battle against shogi player.


I've subscribed to coursera (about 5000 + yen / month) and one of the course reminded me how pipe can create cool things. 

I've searched about it a little, and this site came up.

My further thoughts on stock:

Some notes to self on other areas I should invest and research (in stock and in technology):

Note to self: I need to write more of the how to make a search engine book I'm writing in Japanese. 

Note No. 2 to self: Marvin Minsky & Tinker Toys and Lego YouTube video:


I've been thinking thoroughly about where to invest my money etc. I am probably going to invest some money on NVIDIA / AMD, and in DASH / BitConnect / Ripple.


I went to watch The Circle with Mae being portrayed by Emma Watson. Did you know I'm an Emma Watson fan? haha I bet you didn't. I liked her act in The The Perks of Being a Wallflower . I also went to the Popondetta to get a freight car. (500+ JPY) 


打上花火 is a Japanese song I really like it's rather kind of sad sort of song, but I like its melody a lot. Spotify rocks.

Bought 日経テクノロジー展望2018 世界を動かす100の技術 in a bookstore not very far from my house. 

I've been interested in CB radio for a while, maybe I'li get one soon... I bought a magazine on it.


I went to Akihabara and Kanda today. I bought a book on Niels Bohr (Japanese book) and Rapberry Pi 3 (Made in Japan ver.) . I found an interesting demo of Raspberry Pi doing deep learning. 

I really want to study quantum mechanics / quantum computing, so I will start a course on college algebra and work my way up from there. 

Movidius is something I am planning to play with and work with as a side project. I bought Core i5 7th Generation 3.0GHz and 16GB of DDR4-2400 RAM the other day, along with 512GB of TOSHIBA chip SSD. I installed Xubuntu 16.04 on it, it works super fast.

I am interested in this AI chip that Google is putting on Android phones. I think it is a very smart move for them. 

I am making a search platform for a project I am working on, it's going good. 

This video came up on my YouTube. haha 

This campaign caught my attention via Twitter, so I decided to back it. (Atom x1)


I've been studying about the cryptocurrency world in Japan today from a book. There's a lot to be learned still. Oh yes, I've started a Udemy course on cryptocurrency. This one's short, about 2.5 hours. 


I am writing the "How to create a search engine" ebook. I am in Starbucks near my house, and it's good to be here. Spotify is really important to my motivation. 

Today, I will be going to the library to study and work on the ebook. 

Yesterday, I tested a few AR / scanner apps, and found several good ones, including one from Microsoft. 

^ Start of Scribbling... ^ 

Artificial intelligence's IQ can be increased greatly by letting the artificial intelligence monitor all the input from keyboard, web cam. Analyzing this automatically would probably be really beneficial to create a synapse like structure to make the computer have an "awakening". I think there is still too little data on there are connections between knowledge and other knowledge. Marvin Minsky's Society of Mind is a great starting point for this concept (K-line). 

As we live in the cloud era, it is also important to think of the next generation Dapp era. Ethereum will most certainly be adopted by new generations of developers and will be used to fuse new ideas and a new paradigm.

I was really impressed with Google Assistant's ability to answer the question and conversation well, with well phrased sentences as reply and courteous sentences. Oh yes, Google Home going to be on sale today, I think.

-Tsubasa Kato

Be sure to visit my search engine (BETA) at


"Astronomer Connect collects valuable customer behavior data and broadcasts it to your data warehouse, CRM, marketing/sales analytics tool or any other destination." 

Interesting. I will be looking at it later.

Here's the demo of the search engine backend: 

How to use: type in "expand site starting from" replace "" with whatever URL you want to tell the seed dispatcher to start crawling. 

5. I've been thinking up a plan to implement voice search and video object recognition by tensor flow sometime when I get enough funds to do so. I think I will hire a freelancer in to make the video object recognition project, but I might program it myself using C++, C#, or Python. 


Take a look at this link:

I found it very interesting. Flip-Flop qubit? Something I heard for the first time.


On the next to do list, I am considering in upgrading my LIFEBOOK SH90/B1's memory (DDR4) to 12GB. 

I'm going to be doing my project (online dashboard stuff from now).


It's becoming more like autumn now, and my birthday's coming up in 2 days. I'm going to be 28 years old! :-) I'm thankful to God for providing me many opportunities and experiences during the past years. 

I'm planning to divide my time on NYIF's edX, (almost finished), tuning up my search engine, open source software / developer conference, and brushing up Linux.

As I have installed CUDA development environment on my rather old Win 7 box, I will be using it more often. I also have to fiddle around with my Parallellas I bought this year as well. I am also planning to get a new desktop computer in the near future as well. 

I think the neural network stick from Intel should be arriving soon, I'm hoping it will be able to reach my house by my birthday... fingers crossed.

Oh yes, the other day, I got the microKEY from KORG, and it worked very well with my Macbook Pro. I like it wired, since I don't want it to be too wireless.


I've been watching the sentdex's YouTube channel today. It's really nice. I'm drinking 午後の紅茶 btw.


At Kamata (in Tokyo)'s Starbucks right now (9:58AM) download speed on the WiMAX 2 portable hotspot is slow here, about 212KB/s but maybe that's because I'm downloading 200MB+ file from Gentoo. Who knows... Maybe it's congestion though. 

VALU ( seems interesting. I will research on it, and see if it'll work on me.


Well, I've decided to get some configuration done for my Arch Linux virtual machine on my laptop on Virtual Box. I think it will take a lot of time configuring it, but I will get it done step by step.


Went to Starbucks today to program a twitter searcher in PHP. Also made a Twitter News Searcher (very easy) using IFTTT.

Right now, I'm in my lab making this site, relaxing etc. I was pretty busy today unusually because something's coming up next month! :-) 

Oh yes, it's also my birthday next month too! 


Bought 3 magazines today. 

日経Linux, Popeye - September 2017, and a Motorsport magazine (580yen) at Sakura 書店

The motorsport magazine I bought had cool pictures of GT500 NSX, and I really like it.

I also got a lot of likes for the photos I took in Hakone yesterday on my Instagram / Facebook. :-) 


At Starbucks studying and researching about twitter analysis / sentiment analysis script. 

There are a few samples and starters I found:

Listening to a track on Apple Music called How soon the Dawn.

The page 121 of Web Scraping with Python looks like it is going to be handy, so I'll note it here. :)


Just noticed that there is a $300 coupon for using Google Cloud Platform. Maybe I will use it later.

7/13/2017: Part 2

This is the first time my 5GB data plan from Softbank reduced its speed. I'm finally using all that data up... Hm... What has changed so much? I'm doing tethering from my smartphone via WiFi and it's working okay albeit a little slow. Yeah, big images load very slowly, but I read text most of the time, I don't use Facebook all that much except to see what my close friends are doing recently and what not. 

The other day, since I donated a small amount of money this year's 3/14 (Pi Day) to MIT, MIT sent me a surprise gift: a decal that I can stick to a window! I think I will use that to decorate my video rack's window. :-) To the few guests who came to my room: There's a lot of MIT stuff in my room now that I decorate; 2 certificates from MIT Professional Education and a Official Wool Felt Pennant. 

These days, it's been a lot of fun analyzing the cryptocurrency market, I'm hoping things will get bullish in the last part of this year. Also, speaking with a high schooler yesterday at the Alpha Beta Coffee Club, I found myself interested in biohacking. I've heard that having the right tools is very expensive depending on what you do. For the realistic future, I think I will be considering to getting a 3D printer... 

Hm... What else is on my mind? 

Yes, these things: Artificial Intelligence, Cryptocurrency, some quantum computing, IBM, Watson, supercomputer, Linux, Solr.

Next stage of my life is probably to be a good investor in stock / cryptocurrency. I've heard that the best is buy and hold, but it takes a lot of patience, I must say. But things are going good...


I've been studying a MOOC of finance from Newyork Institute of Finance and progressing pretty well. (I'm almost 2/3 done). I've met some wonderful people yesterday in Jiyugaoka in a farewell party sending a friend who was part of the Japan's Windows Mobile movement and now part of a big corporation. Oh, the joyous days that flew by in my high school years... 

I've also found this today:


Scarcity is something needed for something to have value. If something can be replicated easily, it will have lower value. For something that is made and designed well, it will naturally bring values. Fintech industry is going to thrive so much in the next few years! 


Today, I went to Junkudo in Fujisawa and bought a book on Quantum Computer accelerating Artificial Intelligence. I also bought another book as well. 

All going pretty good for me so far, I'm excited to learn basics of quantum computer and quantum mechanics bit by bit as well as finishing a MOOC I'm taking online. It's always good to write one's thoughts somewhere I can recall later so I get to look back to "now" from the future. 

Weather today was rather cloudy, and I also read Beautiful Mind in Japanese. The book is really well written, I think I will read in depth...

My Macbook Pro is doing fine, but I am thinking of getting a new laptop sometime in the near future, maybe from VAIO or NEC. I liked my Vaio Z which had a Geforce GT330M... Maybe I should fix that? Hmmm.... requires some thinking lol.

Well, I'll be off writing some articles on my blog, and listening on Spotify... See you till next time.


I'm listening to "Your Love" by The Outfield. on Spotify I love the first intro part electric guitar. It really refreshes me everytime I hear it. I'm at Starbucks, sipping Caffe Mocha, which to my dumbness was quite sweeter than I had expected. duh me. Haha 

I'm going to try out a three node cluster of Parallella which will have 48 Epiphany cores soon. 48 cores! It's pretty amazing where the world has come in the world of embedded devices and SBC (Single Board Computers). John the Ripper isn't something I do, but maybe I should experiment with it.

Cryptography is something really essential for us nowadays, especially quantum cryptography. It is said that nobody understands quantum mechanics fully yet.


Evening: I've stumbled across this site via HPC Factor, it's a Compact Flash card size single board computer. Link 

Morning: At Starbucks again, studied some Micro Economics a bit, and listening to music on Spotify. I'm going to probably list some stuff on eBay again.

4/25/2017 At Starbucks watching Fred Kaplan: Cyberwar: The Digital Battlefield. Very interesting to watch. 


2/22/2017 Studied quantum computing & information retrieval in Starbucks. Also made an Arabic UI (under construction) on SuperAI Search. 

2/11/2017 Worked on improving SuperAI Search. I must study more of information retrieval, machine learning in R, and NLP. I want to make a query expander use neural network and make it so that it 連想検索 queries inside the SuperAI brain. The project is under way, and I have a tiny script working... I must somehow scale it... -stingraze

2/7/2017 나는 경제학을 공부하기 시작했다.