
Above: Picture of my Parallella on top of a Corsair Blue LED fan. Taken on 7/10/2019

Above: top command running on Parallella running Ubuntu 20.04.

Updated (12/12/2023)



Below: Linpack (linpackc) Result on ARM cores on Parallella. (Code from: )

Result: Rolled Double Precision 98801 Kflops; 1000 Reps

Hello World on Parallella using gcc: (added on 2/15/2022)

Above: Classic C Hello World from:

You can compile by gcc helloworld.c

Then type ./a.out in the shell to run the compiled program. It should display "Hello World" on your shell.

Above: Geometric Decomposition on Epiphany.

Code from:


Today I built the Parallella Lisp (plisp) It compiled fine with my Ubuntu 16.04 Parallella box.

Some test information: 

> (  reverse (  quote (  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  ) ) )

(  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  )

> (  testfun  101  )


> (  any  numberp (  quote (  a  b  ) ) )


processor id:    15

memory:   11700480

node size:   16

nnodes:   10967

nodemem:   175472

nnames:   1563

namemem:   62520

nstrings:   0

stringmem:   0

setflag message:  Exited normally!

Updated: 5/11/2019

I got the Ubuntu 16.04 running on my Parallella, by first upgrading to Ubuntu 15.10 then to 16.04. It took several hours in total, making sure my ssh connection didn't die. I tried the eMesh Epiphany sample, and it compiled fine.

Some Parallella codes I wrote / modified.

Simple Code in Epiphany Basic (ebasic)


Simple Printing and Core Identity and Loop Sample

By Tsubasa Kato 2015



for i=1 to 10

a = a + 2

print a+" "+coreid


ePython script (Written on 2016-10-22)

import parallel



if coreid() > 0:

        a=sendrecv(coreid(), coreid()-1)

if coreid() < numcores()-1:

        b=sendrecv(coreid(), coreid()+1)

print "Values are "+a+" and "+b

c = sqrt(a)

d = sqrt(b)

e = c + d



Me maintaining Parallella for use in 2018. vivid -> xenial . Working ok for now. Fingers crossed.

Parallella Ray Tracing Demo I run on the HDMI version.

Photo on left: Parallella Micro Server x 2 in Black box.


I've been experimenting with various ways to cool the Parallella since the summer was very hot this year. Below is a photo of one of the version. (The Parallella in a blue case)


I am planning to get the Parallellas up and running again in my lab. I want to be able to use it as a low power but many core experiment environment.


The other day I powered up my Parallella and connected it from my desktop computer. Didn't do much, just configured so it has static IP address. I need to make it so the other Parallella will have static IP address as well.


Searched about possible application of big data and Parallella and found one site. (refer above, CODUIN)

4/26/2017: Since I've been busy, I haven't been playing with the Parallella for a while, but I intend to; to make sure my skills don't get rusty. 

4/8/2017: I measured the temperature using and the temperature for both Parallella Micro Servers were 43-44.5 degrees Celsius recently. This is probably because it's getting warmer here in Japan. I am thinking of purchasing a fan that operates out of USB. 

3/26/2017: I enclosed the other Parallella Micro Server in aluminum case. It took a while for it to be put in, but the temperature is stable at around 41.5-44.0 degrees Celsius. 

3/21/2017: I enclosed one Parallella Micro Server inside the aluminum case available from . I am going to enclose another one soon.

Parallella with a fan. The fan is an old Intel fan connected to a USB port cable via an adapter. Cooled quite well. 

Parallella epython Mandelbrot example running (video)

Below: Me testing a script (emesh_bandwidth_all2one). 

The result of the all-to-one on-chip communication is 3889.00MB/s.