Mobile / Handhelds

Last Updated on 6/30/2024

This is my Beepy (Beepberry). It does interesting things as it runs Linux, and has a special Sharp screen. I highly recommend the device. I had to use the device without the case first, but I bought one from the official store.

Last updated on 3/16/2024

Uploaded my Sigmarion 3.

My favorite mobile / handheld is Sharp IS01 - Black. I use it on WiFi and bluetooth I also like Sony Tablet P very much as well.

I got a Blackberrry Passport in Akihabara today: 2017/8/18

Picture is below.

9/16/2017: Used a roaming SIM card to connect to Softbank's network in Japan yesterday. It was pretty straightforward process, got some message in Thai from the carrier. 

Pictures below added on 8/23/2017

At McDonalds today, (ordered ice tea) as I'm feeling a little frugal. The connection here is very good. The Spotify Daily Mix is playing "It Ain't Me". 

Here is the list of what mobiles I have owned and am owning now.

Above: EMONSTER S11HT (Variant of HTC Tytn II) running Pocket Scheme. This is my most favorite PDA / smartphone.