
I am planning to get back into robotics, possibly create a robot out of vibration motor.

I backed a project called Exen Mini, which is an arduino compatible microcontroller with DIP pins about the size of your nails. I am going to start making robots out of this.

I made a robot called YR814 with ADuC 814 microcontroller way back when I was around 14 years old. I will try to find the picture of it and post it here if I can.

Update 5/2/2018: I found the picture of YR814 on my server! It's on the right.

I took a video of Exen Mini in action with my XPERIA Z5 today. Enjoy!

Tsubasa Kato aka stingraze

Update 3/7/2018:

I've ordered a pair of vibration motors from, so I think I can make a robot with it soon. Stay tuned!

Update 5/4/2018:

I uploaded a video of me testing the vibration motor from a Exen Mini. It's below this section.

Update 4/14/2018:

Here's a picture of my parts for a robot I am going to make, which I bought in Akihabara's Akizuki Denshi.

View it on Instagram:

Below is Cozmo speaking in Japanese. He is saying "I like computers".

Note to self: 2018/3/7

Link: How to use Vibration Motor with Arduino