My Sourcecode

Updated: 7/17/2023

On the left is a "browser" for Windows CE 4.0 which uses winsock 2 to make connection to a server and display source code of the URL. I basically just ported it from a project I found online ( ).

Download my eMbedded Visual C++ project at my server at:

My GitHub Repository:

New: Mobile Low Bandwidth Version of SuperAI Search sourcecode (written in PHP). Dependencies: Open Web Spider and MySQL.

Experimental Web Crawler using GPU (CUDA + PyTorch + BERT) Updated on 7/17/2023

This project is still in alpha stage. It crawls the sites asynchronously and gathers the essential tokens (keywords) and stores it in JSON array into a CSV.

Tested to work on Ubuntu 20.04 with NVIDIA's CUDA 11.4 + GeForce RTX 2080Ti with a 10th generation Core i5 CPU with 12 threads. Also tested to work on Macbook Pro with M1 Pro.