Japanese for Search Engineers

Is Japanese language something you want to master for searching purposes?

You've come to the right place. Here, I will be providing useful information for utilizing Japanese language to suit your business needs.

My experience with search engine business started quite early, in 2003 to be exact when I created the Mohawk Search Engine with Perl. Since then, Mohawk Search has transformed into a project that morphed into other search engines such as BeNosey Search Engine (based in UK) and SuperAI Search (which I operate).

You should study some keywords / words mentioned on my search engine related blog. I've linked posts containing ”検索”, which means search.


Technologies used by my search engin is Solr, MySQL, SSDs etc.

Here are some keywords to get you started into the world of search technologies.

[改訂 第3版] Apache Solr入門 ~オープンソース全文検索エンジン (Software Design plus)

(Latest book on Solr in Japanese written by experts in the field) I own this book, in fact I have owned every version of the book (1-3).

You can buy from amazon.co.jp here: http://amzn.to/2t41QU8 Let me know if the sellers don't ship to your location, I'm experienced with sending goods overseas, and I can help you get the book.

Solarium: something I use to power my alpha version search engine (SuperAI search)

PHP: The programming language I use to power the search engine.

技術評論社: Publisher that I buy a lot of Japanese tech related books / magazines from. They are a great publisher for computer related subjects.

日本語検索 Japanese (information) search is done on Solr by using Kuromoji (metamorphological analyzer)

I will be willing to give you a quote on search engine consultation if you need my help. Just send me your question by email to the address on the Contact page on this site!

This is a video by PyconJP about making a web crawler with Python. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65tazmN1CPg (3_01 Pythonで作るWebクローラ入門)

Contact me at @_stingraze if you would like to see the Japanese ebook I am working on to make a search engine.