Cosmo Communicator

New: 8/6/2021

Planet Computers official Twitter Account retweeted my photo I took with Cosmo Communicator!


Uploaded a new video taken by Cosmo Communicator (on the bottom)

Uploaded some photos taken by Cosmo Communicator and Open Camera at:

Videos taken with Cosmo Communicator (below, last updated on 4/12/2021)

I took some videos of canola flowers with Cosmo Communicator.

Some honest thoughts about the Cosmo Communicator:

The keyboard has chatter, which I don't really like especially when you're typing fast. I like the overall form factor a lot, reminds me of the PSION and Jornada. Modern hardware spec makes this handheld very easy to cope in the modern world. (For example, ssh might be do-able on Handheld PCs, but will take a lot of effort.

Update: 6/26/2021: I got used to the keyboard, it seems it's good when thumb typing. I have to get the fingerprint reader setup, I haven't done that yet.

The camera quality is ok. Not that bad, but reminds me of Galapagos phones (Japanese keitai) in the 2005 era. If I could take pictures like my XPERIA XZ3, it will probably make the cost go up though. I wonder if the next iteration (Astro Slide 5G) will make this better.

I like the fact that you can check email (Gmail) from the sub display on the top. This is a neat function because you can check email when it's closed.

I want to try to flash Linux on this handheld, to see what happens, but that will probably be done when I won't use it as a main handheld.... (maybe) We'll see.

Latest Video: (5/14/2021)