Comparative Prime Number Theory
During the symposium: schedule

Schedule of talks and activities

The symposium program contains the entire schedule and description of activities, as well as the list of participants.

Venue and registration table

The symposium will take place in room ESB 2012, the Silver Wheaton Lecture Theatre, which is in the Earth Sciences Building. Please be warned that the tantalizing staircase just inside the main entrance to ESB does not give access to room 2012! Instead, go around the corner to the right and take either the elevator (push the “2R” button) or the less obvious staircase next to the elevator. Washrooms and water fountains are available on the first floor, across the atrium from the elevator/staircase.

Room ESB 2012 has its own small hall just outside it, which is where the registration table (and the coffee breaks) will be. Registration will open at 8:00am on Monday, June 17; you can pick up your name tag, pronoun stickers, pen and paper, and other little gifts at the registration table when you arrive. There will also be some board games that participants are welcome to gently borrow throughout the week.

Networking and leisure events

The symposium schedule includes an icebreaker, Gather time, and an Ask Me Anything” session; all of these events share the purpose of giving people an excuse to meet and engage one another. Particularly if you are a younger mathematician and you might otherwise feel a bit reluctant to approach more senior researchers: please introduce yourself to people! Interacting with one another is one of the most important outcomes of a scientific meeting.

We will be organizing a guided Decolonization Tour of Indigenous art on campus, during the free afternoon on Wednesday. The walking tour will double as a lovely stroll around campus in hopefully beautiful Vancouver summer weather. The tour begins at 1:30pm at the Musqueam Post outside the UBC Bookstore and ends around 3:15pm. The tour is free; people who might wish to are encouraged to make a donation to the Belkin Art Gallery who organizes these tours.

The custom CPNTS map gives the location of a few of the many museums and art galleries on the UBC campus. There are also various gardens on campus and trails to nearby beaches, such as the Tower Beach trail and the Wreck Beach trail. Note that Wreck Beach is a clothing-optional beach. Note also that these trails involve very high stairways—be prepared to walk up the equivalent of a 25-story building coming from the beaches back to campus!

For those wanting to explore Vancouver and its surroundings, it is easy to take busses and the SkyTrain throughout Vancouver, even to the extend of visiting the north shore mountains north of the city. UBC is a terminus of all bus lines that come to campus, so the departure times should be reliable, especially in the summer.


All announcements and updates made during the symposium will be recorded here for your reference.