Zephyr "Twig" Terwilliger

..Even after all these years, Twig still couldn't actually bring himself to kill someone right in front of him... 

-Shadows of War

Basic Information

Name: Zephyr "Twig" Terwilliger

Gender/Age: Male/28 (20 in v1.5) (23 in v3)

Sexuality: Demisexual, Homoromantic

Myer's-Briggs Type Indicator: INTP-A

Alignment: Neutral Good

Classification: Jack of Hearts / Joker leader

Appearance: Twig stands at 5 ft 8 inches with a weight of 120 lbs. He has fair skin and would describe himself as skinny. His bronze colored hair reflects easily in the sun in a gold hue. He has brown eyes that are deep and kind in nature. 


Personality:  Twig is usually soft-spoken and doesn't like to raise his voice particularly much. He still manages to drive his point through since his soft voice has a strange ability to project across loud places. However, the problem with this is that he is easily drowned out by someone extremely aggressive, and when that happens, Twig gets easily frustrated. When with strangers, Twig is extremely polite and almost stiff. With more knowledge about the people he is talking with, Twig ends up becoming much more social. He is generally extremely forgiving to mistakes and is extremely kind and willing to help. He is also unusually calm. Only when things are exceptionally bad does he ever panic.

Twig has a strong doctor moral code that he upholds. This moral code makes it so that if someone asks him for help, he provides what he can. It also means that if someone needs to confide in him with something, he would keep their secret. This moral code is also what might influence him to assist the enemy with their wounded, which could be seen as a sign of weakness and betrayal. But the urge to help almost overpowers Twig.

Twig likes to chew mint leaves, whenever out in public or when he is studying. He loves books for the knowledge they bring. He dislikes the taste of seafood.

After the three year timeskip, Twig has changed. Although he still has his positive demeanor, when Twig fights alongside the Jokers, he does his best to avoid talking as much as possible, and try to imitate the "silent swordsman" sort of vibe. Although he tries hard with this, he frequently cannot stop himself from chuckling in regards to how silly he thinks he is. Twig has a slightly more serious outlook at war, although he is not willing to kill someone still.

Appearance Variants

Different variants of appearances base, present after the three year timeskip

Jack of Hearts: Twig prefers to wear trousers that are in a deep brown color, a tattered coat that he buttons up, and a collared shirt. To finish this off, he wears a bright cobalt blue ribbon as a tie. Usually he wears shoes that are suitable for the occasion, which would be boots. He wears a ceremonial smallsword and usually has his Pemulihan staff.

White Plague: Twig abandons his Pemulihan and his attire, instead opting to wear a white jacket with a high collar, where underneath he wears a simple shirt and chainmail armor. His legs are donned with close-fitting white pants with protective leather pads. And he wears white Argossian boots, smuggled in from Argossia itself. His Dysidia amulet rests on his neck just under his white jacket, and with the way that Twig wears his jacket, this is usually visible. His smallsword is put against his left hip in a scabbard. Pemulihan is never carried. Since this is during missions where Twig is primarily fighting, he wears his plague doctor mask.

Dual Leader: In the fourth arc, Twig wears an outfit adapted from previous outfits. He will wear the same white trenchcoat, white pants, and Argossian boots. However, instead of a chainmail shirt, Twig will wear his standard collared shirt and floppy tie. He will boldly wear his dysidia amulet. His smallsword is against his left hip and there is a leather strap that runs across his chest and back that allows for Pemulihan to be strapped on his back. He will wear Jake's skull mask. This is known as the Legacy of Jake during the fourth arc, however, it is known as Dual Leader during the Final Rondo. 

Arsenal and Abilities


Abilities and Magicks:



Twig grew up in a large household with four children, with Twig being the second oldest. He lived a quiet life in a town where everyone knew each other. It was a place where everyone had what they needed. Everyone were twos or threes, except for Twig's family, which was filled with 6s since there was powerful wind magic that ran through everyone's veins. There was food on the table. Twice a week Twig was able to eat eggs. There wasn't a normal "school" though.

Starting when he was eight, Twig had an interest in the field of medicine. So he took every opportunity he had to be with the local healer at and learn the trade. It was probably due to the fact that he wasn't the oldest child that he was able to sneak out and learn from the healer. 

When he was ten he had already gained a small but significant amount of knowledge in the practice of healing. He was able to further it more through tomes the local healer had. 

The local healer, who was extremely old, died when Twig was 13. Due to his early interest in healing, he ended up the most knowledgeable in the matter. Because of this, he ended up taking the position as the local healer, which he performed at adequately but not exceptionally. 

It was around this time that Twig became distanced from his family. He had more or less moved into the vacant house of the late healer. However, he became much more connected with the people of the town, especially the boys around his age that had a predilection to get themselves hurt. He was even willing to accompany the boys once to drive out a group of anarchists. It was from the boys that he gained the nickname Twig, partially from his last name and partially from Terwilliger's fragility and skinniness, quite like a twig.

By 14, he had already taught another member of the town enough for them to take the role as a temporary healer. Twig took this opportunity to travel to an academy where they specialized in medicine. There he furthered his understanding of healing to an extreme degree. Alongside that, he also took a few years of business, for several reasons. First of all it was because Twig knew he would need to know some level of business if he was going to run a hospital. The second reason was because he needed a backup profession in the case that medicine wouldn't be able to earn enough money to feed himself. The third was because Twig only forecasted for medicine based classes-- and so the school randomly put Twig into some semi-useless business classes (he was also shoved into a magic conditioning class, which Twig managed to cheat in by making his inherit magic much weaker and slowly putting more energy into things as the year went on).

It was only when he graduated that Twig realized that he had the qualifications necessary to take on a government position in the Hearts kingdom. In all honesty, Twig didn't think too much about it, but the thought of being a part of the government didn't really interest him. But later on, when he realized that he disliked the current Jack of Heart's economic decisions, he decided to challenge him. 

The Jack of Hearts was a tall, burly man who relied on fire magic, a greatsword, and a dozen crossbows that he carried in a barrel. Twig knew that this battle wouldn't be as easy as fighting the anarchists, but he readied himself. 

But to be frank, Twig wasn't prepared at all. The first crossbow bolt went shooting through Twig's chest. Fortunately, this missed any vital body parts, and Twig was able to pull out the bolt and heal himself. This went on for quite some while as the Jack of Hearts shot through half of his crossbows (Twig literally had to use some painkillers to soften the blow of each crossbow bolt) until Twig decided to send a gust of wind magic at the barrel full of crossbows, scattering it everywhere. Without any crossbows to fire, the Jack of Hearts charged forward with his sword in hand. 

Twig honestly wasn't a very good combatant. His wind magic along with his staff were barely enough to stop each of the sword swings. Most of them managed to hit Twig, and it took all of his healing magic to heal those wounds and fight at full power. 

It took a while, but Twig was able to wear down the Jack of Hearts to exhaustion. Then all it took was a well-aimed wind blade to injure the Jack of Hearts and another gust to knock him out. 

Immediately, Twig's first concern was the wellbeing of the former Jack of Hearts, and he used whatever remaining healing magic he had to make sure the former Jack of Hearts was okay. And then he took the vacated government position -- and he partnered himself with the local doctor, naturally.

It had been less than a year since that event took place, so as a result, Twig was still particularly green in terms of experience, and he hadn't enacted many economic decisions for the Heart kingdom yet. 


 Three years after his inauguration as Jack of Hearts, Twig still holds his position, although with more experience. Being involved in the war has caused Twig to carry more burden on himself in terms of responsibility and workload, and as we all know, practice makes perfect.

When not involved with his job as Jack of Hearts, Twig took the position of a Joker, fighting alongside Cassius and Jake on the battlefield, under his own insistence. During this time, he developed his new persona that he assumed in the battlefield, the White Plague, known for his plague doctor mask and flaming green sword. In Twig's opinion, his acceptance of the Jokers meant that he needed to partake in what they did as well as making sure that they commit as little casualties as possible. Twig made it a policy to avoid killing anyone while out on his missions. Throughout the past three years, Twig hasn't talked to anybody but Cass and Guin about his Joker associations. 

So of course, Twig had to learn these new skills that he used as a Joker, which he did in general secrecy. After an agreement with Guin, Twig learned a lot of dysidia magic through her library's books, as well as with her tutorship and a dysidia infused gem. And as for swordplay, Twig couldn't keep his study of swordsmanship a secret, so he begrudgingly did it in the presence of as little people as possible. 

That is the situation. Now the present is upon us.


Leolin "Leo" Hravart III (Ace of Hearts) - Twig thinks that Leo is a paragon Ace and has enjoyed his company for many years, including his occasional flirts. He respects Leo and would do his best to protect him. This platonic affection only increased greatly after Twig revealed to Leo his identity as the White Plague

Guineverre "Guin" Victoria y Blanca (Queen of Hearts) - Twig remains on friendly terms with the Queen of Hearts, even after discovering her true intentions and nature. Of course, Twig severely disagrees with her philosophy and her practice of necromancy, however, Twig knows that he would need to tolerate this if the Hearts-Joker alliance would go anywhere, so Twig generally turns a blind eye to her actions. Their friendship has truly grown since Guin taught Twig how to utilize dysidia, as well as when Twig became the leader of the Jokers and worked more closely with the One True Queen. Twig usually follows Guin's lead, however, he's known to give her advice or rein her back into the right path.

Jake "Silvern" Parkinson (Deceased) - Twig met Jake in the Diamonds prison, and quickly fell to his charms and good looks. Needless to say, Twig considers Jake his boyfriend. His status as a Joker doesn't bother Twig one slight bit, and on the contrary, Twig likes fighting by his side. After Jake's death, Twig realized that he had been initially fighting with the Jokers due to his infatuation. But this quickly changed into a true desire to fulfill the goals of the Jokers. And when he was alive, Jake was truly more than a best friend for Twig. 

Alaric Westguard (9 of Hearts) - Twig does not known Alaric too well. 

Cassius Bellarmont (10 of Hearts) - Twig doesn't dislike Cassius's passion and fervor to help Guin, and he usually smiles about it, since  it's such a positive sort of protectiveness. Working together as Jokers out on the field of battle has birthed a strong comradeship between the two of them.

Arabella "Ara" Vanstauf (9 of Hearts) - Twig has a friendly relationship with Ara as fellow healers, working together to heal those who are injured in the battlefield. Ara's ability to reattach limbs is also something that Twig doesn't have access to, while Twig's faster healing compliments Ara's healing. He does distrust her, since she hasn't align with the Jokers.

Quillon Downs (Ace of Spades) - ???

Xixix "X" Valentine (King of Clubs) - ???

Mortemiah  "Emia" (Queen of Spades) - Twig is worried that she may be an obstacle towards the Joker's goals. He also has a lingering dislike for the Spades royalty for Jake's death. 

Arimand (King of Diamonds) - TBD, likely an enemy. Dislikes how he allows Will to continue acting as the Ace of Diamonds even after his betrayal. 

William Code (Ace of Diamonds) - Despises for his murder of many.

Marillys Argossia (Argossian) - Twig considers Marillys a good friend, albeit a scary one that could beat him up at any given moment. However, he sees the goodness in Marillys's soul. They have a teacher-student relation in regards to Yl Fenca

Amsterdam (9 of Hearts), Mohammed (8 of Jokers), Keo (6 of Jokers), Cillian (7 of Hearts): Childhood friends who Twig has helped immensely as a student in healing magic. They live on the outskirts of Woodheart Village. The four of them create a Straight Flushe.

Jake's Mask


Further Item Information

Tous: Tous is a Pole-arm that Jake uses as his main weapon. It is capable of changing size based on what rune is said, which was enchanted by a woman who gave this to his family generations ago. Saying the name of it, 'Tous', returns it to a size of a normal pole-arm. 'Sous' makes it smaller, into a more sword sized of a weapon but the same shape. "Wous" does something similar, but the size of a small knife. Jake keeps it in Wous normally, to perverse space on his persons.

Jake's Mask: The mask Jake uses is something he keeps dearly, as it was given to him by his first boyfriend. Sensitive about the topic, no one knows the story behind it. Rumor about it, which is true, is that it has a resistance against illusions and in which they shimmer. It is the one pictured below, however is black instead of gold. 


The Dragon Quest was the initial theme that I gave Twig to represent his offensive yet fragile healer archetype. 

Live it Up represents his love for Jake Parkinson, and how it feels like he's moving into a new world, AKA the Jokers. It's as much of an adventure as it is a duty. Scapegoat represents the uncertainty that Twig walked into the Jokers with. 

Perfect Blue represents the visages of his grief. Even though Twig has mourned, spent some quality time to introspect, and move on, Twig is still affected by Jake's death. This has invigorated Twig and made him much more loyal to the Jokers, but it has also made Twig slightly melancholy. 

Luv Letter represents Twig's lingering attachment to Jake even after he has completely moved on after his grief. It represents his passionate devotion towards the goals that Jake has fought for.