Santiago de Leon

The Basics

Name: Santiago de Leon (goes by Leon)

Gender: Male

Age and Birthday: 17 (September 7th, 2004)

Height/Weight: 170 cm / 70 kg

Reputation: Rowdy Skateboarder

School Year: 11th

Reason for Enrollment: Stowaway

Hex Code: F64A8A 

Nalu Tanaka, Wave!! Surfing Yappe!!

General Description

Leon has light mocha skin, raven black hair that's often tied in a small tail, and amber orange eyes (unfortunately the lighting of some of my picture choices do not do a good job at maintaining this, such as making it seem like he has highlights in his hair when he does not). He has a toned, muscular body, and he often makes modifications to his academy uniform (in an attempt) to show it off. 


Leon is the resident troublemaker, and he believes that rules are often put in place just to be broken. He of course does this all with harmless fun, and would never wish for destruction or harm. This rebellious fun often takes form in skateboarding in no-skateboarding zones, parkouring into prohibited areas, and ditching class in the bathrooms. 

Leon is disinterested in most parts of his education, finding that sort of thing to be far too boring. However, he does have a knack with botany and computer science, which he does his best to cultivate. It's a shame, cause Leon does have academic potential. 

He's terrible with romance. He's dorky around women and really awkward when flirting with guys (or being flirted to for that matter). This is all only the case when you get past his flamboyant exterior. Due to his upbringing, Leon is trapped by ideas of toxic masculinity and hasn't felt much affection in his life (in fact, too much affection makes him uncomfortable). 


They say that making a child is never the key to fixing a marriage. But that was how Leon's parents attempted to stabilize their marriage, with not one, but two kids. Leon and his sibling Marion grew up in a household full of strife, and they often took shelter in each other's company, the local school system, and the street kids. Those were wild fun times: Skateboarding until it got dark, indulging in the school's clubs, and catching trains to exotic places with his sibling. 

But that sort of life was bound to not be stable. Bound with issues related to their behavior, the street kids dwindled until the clique essentially dissolved. And although Leon took solstice in his school's woodworking and performing arts clubs, these were both axed in Leon's early high school career. When Marion revealed to Leon that they wanted to escape home, it meant that Leon had to choose between home and Marion. It was an easy choice to make, and after Leon packed his bags, both him and Marion stowed themselves away on a train bound across Amestria. 

The next few months consisted of Marion and Leon taking up odd jobs wherever they could find them and continuously traveling around Amestria through cargo trains, getting to know the sights. That was until now. Leon was invited to stay in the Rosengarten Conservatory to finish his education while Marion got an opportunity to study at the police academy.

First Impressions (Rosengarten)

"There are a concerning amount of murderers here."

Ivaylo Vodenicharov: "I like him. He's a cute bundle o' fun, but his affection does make me a bit uncomfortable. Par for the course I guess." Leon is completely unaware at the fact that he tests Ivay's patience.

Tiago de Cavalcante: "Okay, I am not his servant... Maybe I am. But I'm at least his top loyal retainer." Leon sees past the narcissism that Tiago has, and genuinely enjoys serving the fallen prince. However, it does interfere with Leon's alpha complex, and so Leon reconciles with it by insisting that he's simply the strong retainer that protects Tiago. 

Jubei Tetsuo: "Finally, someone who gets the spirit of mischief!" Leon looks forward to the days when the two of them can 


Primary Class: Alchemic | Secondary Class: N/A | Alternative Names: Supernatural Artisanship

Potential Description: Upon touching a piece of wood, as long as Leon has the ability to create something given the tools necessary, Leon can immediately transform that wood into the finished product. He can also instantly apply finishes or adjustments as long as he has the materials on hand (example: varnish, a leather harness for a shield, charring or painting). 

For more complex bits of woodworking, Leon has to maintain contact and concentration for a non-trivial amount of time (for example, making the shell of a violin or building a small structure). 

His Potential can spread to other forms of craftsmanship throughout the RP, and it improves as his skill in woodworking improves.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Leon's Potential allows him to create things without spending too much time on it, as long as it is made of wood. This allows near limitless applications. 

However, it should be noted that Leon can only use his Potential when he is capable and competent of building that object without the use of his Potential. This is often verified through Leon physically making that object. Additionally, he needs to have wood on hand in order to use his Potential. 

It should be noted that Leon's Potential is objectively inferior to Shen Yue's Potential by a long shot. 

Outside of his Potential, Leon is well-versed in performance swordplay and is very good at parkour.


Leon's Theme