Roux Windsor


Name: Roux Windsor| Gender/Age: M/19 | Race: Human (Myles x Cilantro); Deathless (Post-timeskip) | Affiliation: Argossia | Rank: Commisioned Officer/5 (50/450)


The time was two o'clock in the morning. Save for the streetlamps, most of the lights in Argossia were all out. But in Roux's bedroom, he was standing on the balcony, making an excessively long phone call to Myles and Lyndsay, as one last chat before they all left for the army

Roux was born from a somewhat lower class family in Argossia, in an area that had just recently been integrated into Argossian society. From a young age, Roux was disobedient and friends with the troublemakers. This uncontrollable behavior continued until Roux's graduation in high school. The only reason this was able to continue was because during fifth grade, Roux found himself a newfound talent of acting and keeping his rebelliousness under a facade of calm, making it impossible for people to know that he'd disobey instructions until it was too late.

Outside his rebellious activities, Roux maintained a strong friendship with a group of people. It wasn't uncommon for Rouxto hang out with friends at parks, have sleepovers, and work together on homework. With his friends, he was able to show his dark rebellious charm as openly as he wanted.

Everything about Roux's rebellious fun-times fell apart quickly when he was nineteen. After a year of trying to get into the military, he was finally able to get in and help out in the war effort. Along with Myles and Lyndsay, the three of them went into war.

When in the military, his training went by smoothly, but his first mission in Argossia did not. In fact, in that battle, the Argossians suffered heavy losses, with Roux being captured as a prisoner of war. 

Thankfully, Roux was able to escape using his skills honed from his lifestyle of stealing, although he was in a cruddy situation as a result. He had no identification to return to the Argossian army, nor did he have any way of returning home. 

As a result, Roux was forced to wander in the Suit kingdoms, fending for himself and stealing when necessary. 


Roux is the typical Argossian teenager. Gossipy, heavily bound by friendships, weak to peer pressure, and rebellious. Oh, and extremely addicted to coffee. His rebelliousness is more of a habitual choice than anything. If he is told that he cannot do something, he will try as hard as he can to not follow. This is what influences him to enlist in kickboxing, begin his career in thievery, and dabble in magic. 

On the outside, Roux is sarcastic, witty, confident, and quick to roast people, although teasingly. He doesn't see mages as people, rather he sees them as punching bags. 

