
What's your favorite color?

"Lemon yellow. It's the same color as my eyes. Look carefully. See?"

What's your favorite song?

"你是我的小苹果... I'm joking of course."

What's your favorite kind of weather?

"The sunny days that you can sit down with your friends for a picnic or go out to have some fun."

What's your favorite drink?

"A nice glass of cola always hits the spot on a sweltering day. Apple cider always warms you up on a nice winter day."

What’s your favorite part of Halloween?

"Chasing after people trying to eat them :P"

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

"My family was weird. Alongside the usual turkey we'd have various dim sum. And for desert rather than pumpkin pie we'd have a peach cobbler. Oh, those cobblers were the best. The best, I tell you, pumpkin pie has nothing on it!"

What’s your favorite fish/water animal?

"Sharks are really cool, aren't they? I always wanted to be one of those cool dudes on the beach who have a nylon necklace with a shark tooth on it."

What's the name of your favorite stuffed animal?

"I had a stuffed lion once named 小王子. I had a fantasy when I was young that I could marry into riches from a prince."

The chinese words translate to 'little prince,' pronounced 'Xiao Wangzi.'

What’s your favorite milkshake?

"There was this really good dairy free blueberries and cream milkshake that was sold at the supermarket back in the West District. I might sneak into the West just for it."


What is your OCs moral alignment?

Peyton is chaotic neutral. Ironic for a dragon, I know

Which dere type best describes your OC? https://the-dere-types.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Dere

"Pffft zondere."

What are some misconceptions about you?

"Some see me as cute, others see me as a disgusting monster. Really, I think it's somewhere in the middle. 

Often I'd see some Dragons comment about me working with the Sable Serpants. No, I was never loyal to them. It was all about the money and not joining the Albino Tigers in the process. I swear my loyalty to the Dragons, even if I have several friends back in the Serpents."

What are some easy ways to piss you off?

"Violence and killing are a necessary part of keeping the order. But those who kill just for the sake of it are plain twisted. Ever try to justify them doing it for 'freedom' and I'll show you what being at the receiving end of that freedom is like." (I... don't know if this applies anymore)

"With matters of money, those who assume that you 'deserve' the situation you're in are awful. A good way to piss me off is to be careless with your cash."

This and That

Sandcastle Builder, Sun Bather or Swimmer?

"I can go bathe in the sun or the water anywhere, the sand at the beach is where all the fun is at."

Showers or Baths?

"There's nothing quite like a nice bubble bath with bath salts to end the day. I always make a mess and spill water out of the bath though."

Leader or Follower? 

"Follower, but only if they're cool."

Big Spoon or Little Spoon?

"Hey, you think someone my size can't be a big spoon?!"

Tea or Coffee?

"Mmm... I don't like either. My go to caffeine is a nice cola."

Salt or Pepper?

"I always tell the people at the Eternal Night Palace that electrolytes are important if you want to go for several rounds. So of course I'll go with salt."

Milk or Cheese?

"Sorry, but I'm lactose intolerant."

Cats or Dogs?

Seriously?! I have a dog phobia, I have not been able to write a single character that truly loves dogs in the "man's best friend" sorta deal. I cannot answer this question as I think Peyton's answer is too dependent on mine. Because yes, he's a cat person.


What two Pokemon Types would you be?

"I think I would just be a normal type Pokemon. Nothing wrong with that, I think."

Would you wear a maid outfit if asked? 

"Heck yeah, that sounds like a fun time!"

Can you do the Jack-O pose?

Peyton attempts to do it and realizes that he doesn't have any flexibility in his leg muscles.

What's one skill you believe everyone should know?

"Filing your taxes! There's so much extra money to get out of it if you know what you're looking for!"

... I don't know how to file my taxes.

How good are you at bowling?

"Good enough to go for an outing with the gang, but it sure is hard to bowl when you're small."

What do you do at the beach?

"Outside of sand castles, I like to play beach volleyball and sit in the sand eating an entire tub of chocolate icecream."

Do you eat the end slices of your loaves of bread?

"Those go to the ducks."

What is one of the weirdest things you have ever said or done?

"I mean, I microwave my bayonet. To disinfect it, I swear! So what if you can't put metal in a microwave? Modern microwaves barely have any arcing at all!"

What do you get at Subway™️?

"Macadamia nut cookies. No sandwich. Just cookies."

You get a steak. How do you have it?

"Bleu is the best. You can taste the life in it!"

How often do you use your potential? Do you think you rely on it too much?

"Hehe, if I didn't use my potential almost every living second I would try to eat you all up."

What are your phobias?

"I don't like crabs. I had a bad time with them on a fishing trip. The only way I don't run away screaming from the fish section of the supermarket is because the crabs have their pincers rubber banded up. And that they're in a tank."


What does your name mean? Do you like your name?

"Xiong means 'bear,' which has gotten many people to compare me to a bear cub. Hmph! Can a child fight like I can?

My first name means 'flying roc' which I find kinda redundant. I wish I had the freedom of a bird."

Hey, just out of character, I just want to say that I accidentally named Peyton after a member of the Chinese Communist Party who fought in the Red Army. It's a bit too late to turn back though.

What jobs have you held before? 

"I've held many jobs. Working at a dim sum restaurant really wasn't my calling in life. Being a book seller was much better. It meant that I could read books all day and nerd over them with others. And now I work part time at the brothel serving wine. Honestly, brothels are great. They sell happiness after all."


Describe your fighting style.

"Full offense, but it'll depend on how much I let myself go. With my Potential, I like to be far away from the enemy and go with carefully placed shots. But without my Potential, I like to get in close and personal with my bayonet, not that I'll neglect shooting the gun at close range if I can. I've also been working on my gun spins! Watch this!" *fucking drops his rifle*


What's your personality? 

Honestly, when I was creating Peyton, I took inspiration from the 16 Personalities

He's an ISFP

Describe your OC's default face on this chart https://twitter.com/ArtNekuz/status/1449413432755822595

Peyton would typically be mid energy typically and mid evil when he lets out his wild side

How do you sound? (Do you have a voice claim?)

Peyton's voice claim would be Justin Briner, with an emphasis on Mikaela (Seraph of the End), Hanako (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun), Mio (the black haired dude from the linked clip), and Maki (The Stars Align)


I make no apologies~~

What do you smell like?

"I bought this lavender vanilla perfume from the store once. I realized afterwards that it was a woman's perfume. But I gotta tell you, it's growing on me."

How do you typically say 'yes,' 'okay,' and 'no' ?

"Yup, okey-dokey, nah."

Fight, flight, freeze, or fawn?

"I tend to freeze when I'm really scared, although I haven't had a good fright in quite a while."


What does your closet look like?

"I'm not patient with folding my clothes, so I like to roll them up and put them in boxes. So my closet is just full of boxes."

At what hour do you usually go to sleep?

"On days when I don't work at the Eternal Night Palace, I can go to bed at 10PM. But on days when I have to work to please those at the brothel, I get back pretty late in the night. On those days I can only go to bed at 3AM.

"Huh?! No no no, I didn't mean to word it like that!"

Do you sleep on your sides, back, or stomach? Or maybe a mix of the three?

"It's kinda hard to sleep anywhere but on your side when you have a body pillow.

What's the bodypillow of? ...I'm not telling you that."

What do you usually have for breakfast?

"A fizzy cola and a meat and egg breakfast burrito always is a good start to the day!"