Walter F. Salter
Former manager of the Canadian branch of the Watchtower
Salter was mentioned in the "Jehovah's Witnesses--Proclaimers of God's Kingdom," page 628:
"Those mentioned above were not the only ones who allowed pride to undermine their faith. Others also did...In Canada, there was W.F. Salter, a branch manager of the Society who began to disagree with the Society's publications, let it be known that he expected to be the next president of the Watch Tower Society, and, after he was dismissed, dishonestly used the Society's letterhead to instruct congregations in Canada and abroad to study material that he had personally written..."
P.O. Box no. 404
Toronto, Canada
April 1, 1937
Hon. J.F. Rutherford
4140 Braeburn Road
Kensington Heights,
San Diego, California
I wrote you on January 25th embodying an article which I believe proved by the Scriptures that our Lord has not returned and that the saints have not yet been resurrected. That Christ has not returned is proven clearly by His statement in Matthew 24 wherein, having outlined all the things to occur at the end of the age, including the great tribulation, He said: "When ye see ALL these things know that He is nigh even at the door." Verse 33, Diaglott; and margin King James version. Mark well the Master's words for He says even after ye see all these things He would not be present, but near, even at the door. Well did He warn His true followers not to be deceived by any man saying He was present when He was not?
I also suggested, that "the battle of that great day of God Almighty" is not necessarily "the battle Of God Almighty" but merely a mighty and final battle of Satan's visible forces among themselves, in which God would put it into their hearts to destroy churchianity. The time of the battle is the day of God Almighty, just as one might say in the day of Shakespeare, and that would in no sense prove that God was going to fight any more than it would prove Shakespeare was going to fight. God's act of destruction of Satan's forces will be beyond Armageddon.
Two years ago last summer you made the statement to me and another that you had bluffed all your life. I believe that was one of the truest statements you ever made and I am now calling your bluff, and challenge you to answer the article above referred to point by point and prove from the Scriptures that Armageddon is the battle of God Almighty.
The premise of all the teachings of the Society's publications which might be spoken of as spiritual teaching i.e., teachings which are supposed to be for the Lord's people, is that Christ has returned and is at His temple for judgment. The burden of the Society's message to the world is that God at Armageddon will destroy all the forces of Satan. If Christ has not returned, and I now believe He has not, and if Armageddon is not God's battle, and I believe it is not, the light in that connection has come to us not through the WATCHTOWER but from another source, which, proves that the WATCHTOWER is not the channel through which God is feeding His people and not only so but that all the teachings presented therein since 1918 and based on these false premises are wrong!
So much for doctrine: now a word regarding what I feel constrained to state concerning the corruption otherwise of the Society.
As the scales by the Lord's grace, have fallen from my eyes I have been astounded to see how blinded I have been to your actions, through a superstition that the WATCHTOWER was the Lord's channel of meat in due season for the household of faith and that you as President of the Society were God's chief servant amongst His people, and that you being responsible we should be submissive to whatsoever you required done, foolishly thinking that I had no responsibility in the matter and that anything you did that was wrong, or that I did as ordered by you, the Lord would overrule. It was with this thought in mind that I, at your orders would purchase cases of whiskey at $60.00 a case, and cases of brandy and other liquors, to say nothing of untold cases of beer. A bottle or two of liquor would not do; it was for THE PRESIDENT and nothing was too good for THE PRESIDENT. He was heaven's favorite, why should not he have everything that would gratify his desires for comfort. True, I had a part therein for I partook of your hospitality, or shall I say the Society's hospitality for it was the Society's money but I partook, as above stated, being blinded with the idea the THE PRESIDENT was in charge and therefore responsible and not I. Today I see that the thought was absolutely wrong and that the squandering of the Society's money in that respect was a mis-appropriation of funds, and I should have taken no part therein whatsoever. I confess my wrong before the friends and before the Lord and ask their forgiveness and His.
Often as I thought about this extravagance and waste and then thought of the lot of the pioneers I was puzzled, but my conscience was lulled by the belief that the Lord was using you to serve His cause and people and therefore I did not and dared not say anything that I thought would cause the friends to lose confidence in you as a servant of the Lord. True, I have humorously said to those whom I thought were our mutual friends things regarding your idiosyncrasies that all MEN between friends say one of another, just as you have said of me, which things I know have been traitorously (Matthew 24:10, John 16:1,2) reported to you not along out of their setting but so out of their spirit that none who wanted to know the truth would recognize them as the original statements, and before my God I can state I have never to my knowledge done anything intentionally to injure you, the work of the Society, or its interests, in my life. In that betrayal you joined hands - not that I mind in point of fact I thank God that He permitted it and assure you I would do good to any of the conspirators had I the opportunity.
While recognizing your position as President of the corporation I have always reserved the right to think. It has been well said, "A man who cannot think is an idiot, a man who won't think is a fool, and a man who is afraid to think is a coward." I absolutely refuse to have any person do my thinking for me. I could not do otherwise and be faithful to my God. I could not be a Russellite and be faithful to God; I could not be a Rutherfordite and be faithful to God; I could not be a Channelite and be faithful to God; and I could not be a Dawnite or any other Ite and be faithful to God. To be such, to my understanding of the Scriptures, would mean one was defiled with women (organizations) and subject to their will and not the will of God. (Revelation 14:4) "He that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully (And not the deductions and sophistries of men" no matter what they may claim for themselves or their office - or organization with which they happen to be associated,) "Behold. I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the Lord...and cause My people to err by their lies, and by the lightness." Jeremiah 23:28,42 . True, all these Ites or Iarns have some truth: some more, some less. Otherwise they could not deceive the people. It is with that very truth, together with the sophistries of men, that Satan blinds men; in fact the more truth they have when wrongfully used, the more deceptive they are. Each claim to speak with authority, some much more dogmatically than others. Paul well counsels, "Beware any lest man spoil your through philosophy." - Col. 2:8.
The squandering of the Society's money on liquor was only one thing I had cause to wonder over; there were other things. I could not help but contrast with the lot of the pioneers the luxury that you surrounded yourself with and the comfort that I enjoyed, and among these luxuries I cannot refrain from mentioning the following:
1. Now one but two 16-cylinder cars, one in California and one in New York. One would not suffice for THE PRESIDENT nor would a 6 cylinder car be big enough for THE PRESIDENT, but a 4 would do for a pioneer, or a bicycle or a hand-sleigh, or trudging along without any vehicle at all.
2. Your New York apartment, easily worth a rental of $10,000.00 a year. And its luxurious furnishings.
3. Your palatial residence on Staten Island, camouflaged as essential to the broadcasting station WBBR.
4. As though that residence were not sufficient, a further small place of seclusion in the woods of Staten Island where you can go and rest your weary body while the pioneers and others trudge from door to door.
5. Your further abode at San Diego, for which you yourself told me you were offered $75,000.00, but of course it could not be sold and the funds used to help the pioneers because it was deeded to David - what hypocrisy!
6. Commodious and expensive quarters in Magdeburg, Germany, for the convenience of THE PRESIDENT, to say nothing of the provision made for your comfort in London.
As what is your mental attitude toward all this? Why you glory in it and brazenly advertise it to the friends. "Who dares find fault therewith? Am I not THE PRESIDENT?" Yes, you glory in it, glorying in your shame.
Nothing is too good for THE PRESIDENT. He must have every comfort and every consideration, but he feels very sympathetic and so tenderly disposed toward the "dear pioneers." Words are easy, but actions speak louder than words and I cannot imagine a more striking illustration, even as between the clergy class and laity, than between yourself and the pioneers as referred to be Jesus words when he said: "For they (the hypocrites) bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their little fingers...Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites for ye devour widows houses...ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte. And love...the chief seats in the synagogues...and to be called by men, "Rabbi Rabbi" (some distinctive name). Truly the pioneers and others have had burdens heaped upon them that you would not move with one of your fingers. Truly the widows have been robbed at your suggestion, or rather I should say command, for your command to the friends is, "Take their last penny for a book; they need it more than bread." What a spirit! And yet the friends submit to it. While a few will take the penny and as Paul says, "glory in their shame," how the vast majority hate it, but feel they must obey - God is speaking. What sacrilege! What blasphemy! What trafficking in the name of the Heavenly Father! The friends have served you faithfully, they have unknowingly been your servants, robbed by you of everything even the word of God and his precious promises which you have made null and void by your vain babblings; trudging on day by day, wondering but without a murmur. My what faithfulness, and what a taskmaster! I feel sure many will have their eyes opened, for 7,000, at least at heart have not bowed the knee to Baal even though they have advertised your name more than that of God Almighty. I would that you had gone from door to door as the pioneers and others have, and you would then know what you are talking about.
I could go on at much length about the things I know considering your personal conduct and the contrast between yourself and the pioneers, but I choose not. My sole purpose in outlining my personal experience with you is with the earnest hope of awakening the friends to the fallacy of putting confidence in man above God's word, or idolizing an office and putting confidence in that office above God's word. A Christian must learn that to honor God he must put faith in God's word and God's word alone, making it his shield and his buckler and not a man or body of men or corporation, no matter what claim is made for that man, body of men or corporation, for soon we get into the paths of human reasoning and that invariably leads us to disaster as the wrecks all along the pathway of the Gospel Age bear witness to. One organization after another Satan has overreached and brought into subjection of his will. The clergy class being overreached by Satan tried to establish the Kingdom before its time and convert the world. Of course, they claimed they were not doing it but God was. So today Satan has overreached the Society and has caused the friends through the WATCHTOWER to believe the time has come to establish the Kingdom and gather together the great multitude before the time, claiming of course that they are not doing it but that God is. But God is not and they are therefore not getting nowhere as all honest brethren are now admitting and are asking the questions, "if the millions who will never die, constitute the great multitude, are being gathered, where are they? For they certainly are not coming in our town or city." You know and I know, all who read the reports intelligently know, that despite all our stupendous effort - there are less than 50,000 associated with the Society in its work! If for the next ten years there should become associated an average of 50,000 a year, at the end of that time there would then only be 550,000. How long would it take at that rate to gather the "millions who would never die," and if such must take their stand before Armageddon, as you teach, how far away is Armageddon? Well, someone will say, "Well, if that be true what are we doing now?" The Bible answers the question: "We have been with child, we have been in pain, we have as it were brought forth wind; we have not brought any deliverance in the earth; neither have the inhabitants of the earth fallen." Isaiah 26:18. "Not everyone that saith unto me,' Lord, Lord' shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then I will profess unto them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, ye that work iniquity." - Matthew 7:21-23. The Roman Catholic Church is doing a great work but in the name of the Roman Catholic Church. Likewise the Protestant systems are doing a great work in their names, and the Salvation Army is doing a great work in its name, but the Society is doing it in His most holy name (Jehovah). "In fact, Lord, we're so busy with works we have hardly time to open our Bibles, let alone study them. You see, Lord we have our YEAR BOOK to study now and that tells of our wonderful works, and our PRESIDENT, too, is very busy writing books. And oh, Lord, he is so courageous and his faith in Thee so great that he gets behind four walls, or surrounds himself literally with an armed bodyguard, and bellows away his dreams (Jeremiah 23:31,82) [sic] and sends us out from door to door to face the enemy while he goes from 'drink to drink,' and tells us if we don't we are going to be destroyed. But don't misunderstand us Lord, we don't do it from fear or for reward, but because of our great love for you, and therefore will not be disappointed if we get no reward, but our hope is we will spared through Armageddon. Our PRESIDENT, Lord, is really a very important man. Of course he says he is not even though he thinks he is, but then that you and it is not for us to reason why; ours is but to do and die; and 'we love to have it so.' Of course he says when he speaks personally it might not be correct to say he is speaking for you, but when he speaks as PRESIDENT or through the WATCHTOWER or books then you speak; is it not wonderful!"
In fact these publications, he says, contain your commands and we must obey. My, what a difference a little man-made office or a little paper and ink make. How authoritative one then becomes and just on a par with the Catholic priest who says bread and wine is just bread and wine but he blesses it, oh my, it is the actual body and blood of Christ!! How alike Mr. Rutherford (excuse me, I should have said 'Judge') is to Mr. Ratti, for does not Mr. Ratti say when he speaks personally it is nothing but when he speaks as the Pope, he speaks infallibly. "Oh," some will say, "the Roman Catholic Church is the counterfeit of the true and the Society is the true church." But the question might be asked is it not more reasonable to conclude that the Society is the counterfeit of the Roman Catholic Church even though the Catholic Church is not the true church, do not appear to be the work of the same potter? Note, the spirit of both: pride, arrogance, intolerance, bombast, to say nothing of the spirit of judging. Furthermore, Paul's statement in 2nd Thessalonians 2:4,8 seems to have application to both organizations. These verses read: "...so, that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. (When we speak officially, God speaks commands. Beware!)...And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall annihilate with the brightness of his coming!"
Now a word regarding the financial progress of the Society. You inform the friends and the public that the books and booklets are placed with the public at cost - they surely are and more!! You well know that the price to the pioneers until recently covered all costs including all appropriate overhead charges and even now the loss is only slight on some items, while on the other hand the price to the companies and public nets the Society at least 100%! What is this 100% if it is not profit? Poor gullible friends. How they believe everything you tell them!!! Where do they think the millions of dollars invested in buildings, machinery, stock, etc, at Brooklyn, Magdeburg, London, Toronto and other places, to say nothing of your own dwellings, etc, come from if not from profit on the books? You know and I know that the gain the Canadian Office alone during the past few years was a hundred thousand dollars. And at the time I was relieved of my duties there was not only a large sum in the bank as customary but also over $25,000.00 in cash was lying in the Society's vaults at 40 Irwin Avenue and had for years, which could be used for the needs of the President or those whom he might designate in case of an international emergency - and the dear pioneers? Well, of course they could go hungry. Poor gullible friends!! My, were we not blind, and how blind the friends still are! And yet the annual reports tell of our great losses and how it is hoped the Lord will make it up. Well, it is said, "figures don't lie, but liars do figure."
From the article "Upon Our Lord's Return" which shows it is a future event, which the vast majority of the friends now have, and which others may have upon application, they can choose between a "thus saith the Lord" as found therein and your bombast, bluff, and follow which they choose. Furthermore, from the above testimony, which is true before the Lord as you know it to be, the friends can determine whom you are serving. Many no doubt will decide, "I will remain with the Society until THE PRESIDENT himself through the WATCHTOWER tells me I must go." Poor, deluded children, may God have pity upon them is my earnest prayer. They ultimately will be forced by the logic of events to realize their mistake even as I was forced to, blindest of the blind.
It seems strange that after our experiences of 1914 and 1925 we should still fail to draw a clear cut line of demarcations between deduction and a "thus saith the Lord", and go on dogmatizing regarding the Lord's presence, dogmatizing about the Lord being at His temple, and dogmatizing concerning what Armageddon will bring about. But there are "none so blind as those who won't see" and they will go on prophesying false dreams until events themselves prove the folly thereof. And this, even though such false teachings bring dishonor to God and His word, for what is prone to dishonor God's word more in the minds of people than testimony that is made with a declaration that it is based upon God's word when that testimony is found to be false. One does well to take heed to Deuteronomy 18:21, 22, which reads: "If thou say in thine heart how shall we know the word, which the Lord hath spoken? When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the things follow not nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoke, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptously; though shalt not be afraid of him." (An outstanding example, our nonsense concerning what God was going to do in the year 1925.) And again I quote Jeremiah 23:28-82 [sic] "He that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully...Behold, I am against them that prophecy false dreams, saith the Lord, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness."
Up until the time I received the article "Upon Our Lord's Return", above referred to, I believe the Society was the Lord's organization. That article shook my belief therein. I wrote you to see if the article could be answered. It has not been answered. I cannot be answered because it is the truth, and I now no longer believe the Society is the Lord's channel of truth or that you are a servant of the Lord, whatever else you might be. As God is against the Society (Jeremiah 23:98-82) [sic] and every other adulterous woman that defiles men and makes them puppets or "yes men", so must I be. I was active in the service work up to and including the "Jehovah of Hosts" testimony period and then was forced to the conclusion that such service was not only not of God but dishonoring to His Word and Name. Why, one may ask? I answer: because the message contained in the publications is largely based upon the false premise that our Lord is present, the He is at His Temple and that God at Armageddon will destroy Satan's organization and usher in His Kingdom in power and glory upon the earth. The message is spoken presumptously and is based upon philosophy or deduction of man and not upon a "thus saith the Lord." In other words, it is what the Lord speaks of as "false dreams" and He say He is against such and therefore I must be. Was the Lord please with our false dream concerning 1925 and the zeal of the friends in that connection? He was not. Was it a lie. It was. Did we learn any lesson therefrom and humble ourselves before the Lord? We did not but went right on presumptuously heralding broadcast our further dreams in His name. Will He be any more pleased this time with our dream and zeal than he was in 1925? He will not, and therefore it behooves a faithful child of God to courageously take a stand and "come out of her that he be not a partaker of her sins."
But someone may ask, "if the Society is not doing the Lords work, what is the Lords work?" The answer to this question must stand until a later date. Suffice to say now that just as one required to see in a measure at least the corruption of Churchianity and be dissatisfied therewith before he could accept what truth the Society had, so likewise one must see in a measure at least the corruption of the Society and how far it has departed from a "thus saith the Lords" before he can receive the answer to that question. In the meantime, I would suggest that any who read this letter should read carefully and prayerfully 1st Corinthians 18 and Philippians 4:8, pausing after each sentence to think on what he has read.
While hardly related to the matter at hand, I could not help but think as I read a recent copy of the GOLDEN AGE of Paul's word in Phil 4:8 which reads: "Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, THINK OF THESE THINGS." I wonder how one could read such blood-curling stuff and obscene language as the GOLDEN AGE contains and at the same time carry out Paul's admonition. But I can hear some scoffer saying, "Oh that was only Paul and he said it long before the Lord came to his temple in 1918. Since then we are taught to be real "He" men, real "Christians" that know how to use strong language.
In all my twenty years association with you I always had a kindly feeling of love toward you in the Lord and have in sincerity always closed my letters to you giving expression thereto. Even upon this occasion I cannot refrain from saying that I would to God that you would awaken to your position and make full confession before Him, for I have no ill will toward you whatsoever; I pity you and would do you good if I could. Remember, God is a God of loving kindness and tender mercy; His mercy endureth forever!
As I survey the whole matter I am reminded of Jesus words in John: "This is the condemnation that (cometh upon you) lit is come into the world. And me (you) loved darkness rather than light because their (your) works were evil", not truth but lies, false dreams, vain babblings. "Am I therefore you enemy because I tell you the truth?" Galatians 4:16
W.F. Salter (signed)
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FOR three and one-half years the disciples of Jesus walked with him and learned that he is the Christ, the Son of the living God. One of them, called Judas, while claiming to believe on and serve Jesus Christ, was at the same time in a conspiracy with the enemy to bring about the death of Jesus and to destroy his work, and, knowing this, Jesus named him "the son of perdition." Later the Bible record discloses that Judas was a type of a class of persons who covenant to serve God and Christ and who become unfaithful, and who are therefore the instruments of the Devil.
For twenty years or more one W. F. Salter was the trusted representative of God’s organization on earth, the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY. Claiming to believe in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, and often so stating, and while in the pretended service of the Lord’s organization, that man was in a conspiracy to bring about the destruction of the Lord’s work and the death of some of the Lord’s servants. His duplicity being discovered, he was, because of his unfaithfulness, relieved of his position and duty in the Lord’s organization. About a year later this same man enters into a further conspiracy with the enemy to commit more wrong. He got someone to write an article attempting to prove that the Lord Jesus Christ is not present. That article he printed and caused to be distributed amongst many of the Lord’s servants in different parts of the earth, together with a covering letter, which letter and article purported to come from the head office of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY. Manifestly this was done in order to practice fraud and deception upon the faithful ones. He caused the printing to be done in the United States, and had his papers posted in the mail at Brooklyn, New York. In his letter of so-called ‘instructions,’ and which purported to be instructions from headquarters, the demand is made that the letter and article be read to the various companies at a stated time, and further stated that organization instructions are mandatory and this instruction must be carried out and the letter read.
Then he issued another paper, had that printed and sent throughout the earth to the various offices and servants of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY, and in which letter he resorts to lies and manifests a vicious and malicious, lying disposition, attacking the president of the BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY, and making many statements which he knew at the time are deliberate lies. He demanded that his letter be answered through The Watchtower. The Watchtower columns are not open to the discussion of matters with those who are opposed to the Lord, and certainly not to printing the argument of one against the presence of the Lord, when this question of the Lord’s presence has been thoroughly covered by the publications of the Society.
The Lord Jesus denounces such as conduct of those who are the evil servants, using this language: "But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to smite his fellow-servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken: the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Matthew 24:48-51)
Judas hanged himself, "and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out." (Acts 1:18) The evil servant is the head or chief part of the "man of sin," "the son of perdition," and concerning which it is written: "And then shall that Wicked [the man of sin, the son of perdition] be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming." (2 Thessalonians 2:8) No notice would be given of this fact and wicked conduct except for the protection of the Lord’s people, whom Salter has attempted to deceive. This is The Watchtower’s answer, and the answer of the president of the Society, to his aforementioned publications.
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Bellingham, Wash. April 15, 1937
Dear Brother Rutherford:
Enclosed find two printed letters, evidently sent out by Salter, one from New York post office, the other envelope mailed at Brooklyn. Envelope marked No. 1 was received on the 12th of this month, and the one marked No. 2 received on the 14th inst. In No. 1 envelope there is a letter supposed to be written by the Society, instructing the company servant to read his (Salter’s) printed letter to the company on the nth inst., or at an earlier date or as soon as possible after the nth inst. However, it is purely Salter’s own diabolical, dirty work. You will notice that envelope No. 1 is stamped with the Society’s stamp for the purpose of deceiving the gullible saps. How one can stoop to such low level of wickedness is beyond me to comprehend.
I noticed Salter’s deflection on January 1933, when he was taking a trip from Mexice to Canada. At every place he stopped he caused much confusion among the brethren, not only doctrinally, but also speaking disparagingly concerning the establishment of divisional campaigns by the Society; also ridiculing the Watchtower articles. This (his conduct) I reported to the Society at that time.
On my way to Wenatchee I will stop at Mt. Vernon, Everett and Seattle to see if the company servants received the same letters.
Anything I can do in undoing the effects of these letters of Salter I will be pleased to do. Of course, no one who is well established in the present truth can be affected by the Devil’s attacks if they have made the present truth their own and are wholly devoted to Jehovah. Let the others be weeded out.
With fervent love and best wishes, I am
Your brother by Jehovah’s grace,
Mr. S. H. Toutjian,
Brooklyn, New York.
Dear Brother Toutjian:
April 38, 1937
Thank you for yours of the 1st, in re the enemy’s assault through Salter. It is said there are two causes of insanity, one the disintegration of the brain tissue, and the other the effect of the influence of the wicked spirits. Salter gives every evidence of laboring under this disability. The fact that he resorts to fraud and deceit and forges the name of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY for the purpose of getting a message before others, shows he is of an unbalanced mind.
We are in a real fight against Satan and his forces. Our business is to proclaim the truth and not to be disturbed by what the enemy does. So encourage and comfort the brethren everywhere you go. Remember the words of the psalmist: "Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity...Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him; fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; fret not thyself in any wise to do evil." (Psalm 37:1, 7, 8) Personal assaults upon me are of no material interest. I expect these from the enemy. By the Lord’s grace, I will proceed with His work regardless of the same. I have full confidence that no one of the temple will be disturbed by the acts of the wicked one, but will press on with greater zeal in the proclamation of the kingdom message. You may use this letter wherever you have occasion. With much love and best wishes, I remain
Your brother and servant by His grace,
[Signed] J. F. Rutherford
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Dear Brother Rutherford:
April 12, 1937
Re Salter’s letter: The following telegram was sent from this office on Saturday morning to each large company in Canada: "Salter’s letter and instruction not from Society. Fraudulent. lgnore it."
On Saturday evening a meeting was arranged and the following were present: The servant of companies, his assistant, Brother Sinclair, a faithful brother who has been long associated with the Toronto company, and myself. It was decided that the following afternoon, at the time of the assembly of all the units for service discussion, a motion be introduced to disfellowship W. F. Salter from the Toronto company.
Sunday afternoon at the service meeting I was in the chair, and toward the end of the meeting the position was put before the brethren, of whom there would be between 300 and 400 assembled. The envelope with the Society’s address and the printed letter to yourself from Salter were displayed, and the covering unsigned instructions were read to the company so that the brethren should realize the wickedness of those who were responsible for this action. Many of the elder brethren expressed their disgust at such an action. Brother Sinclair then came forward and read to the church the matter prepared. A copy of this is enclosed.
Someone in the hall then raised the question whether Brother Salter was present, and the chairman stated that if he were he would be able to hear for himself what was being said, and if he were not, he would be notified.
A. G. Cameron, former company servant and friend of W. F. Salter, raised his voice in favor of the letter, stating amongst his remarks, "I know the article in question; I have read it, and read it carefully. It is true that Brother Salter has challenged Brother Rutherford to answer it point by point, and I now challenge you, Brother Chapman, to answer it point by point and deal with it faithfully, because I firmly believe that the church has arrived at the crossroads. Up to this day we have all followed men, blind leaders of the blind and all making to the ditch. It cannot be denied that as an organization we have been mistaken in the past many times, and it cannot be denied that we are mistaken now." To this the answer was given from the chair: "I am glad you have shown yourself at last, Brother Cameron. It has taken you twelve months to show yourself in your true colors." The whole company evidenced their agreement by an unusual outburst of clapping.
Pointed remarks were then made by Brother Guest regarding Salter, showing that for at least three years he had not been in harmony with the organization. A sister in the rear of the hall (afterwards confirmed to be Salter’s former stenographer) asked if she might speak. It was ruled by the chairman, however, that the brothers were capable of dealing with the matter. Other brothers then expressed themselves in no uncertain way regarding their attitude toward this scheme to hurt the Lord’s people. Cameron endeavored to hold the floor again, no doubt trying to regain something he had lost. The time was getting on and there had been ample discussion to clearly show what was the mind of the church on the motion, and therefore the chairman did not give permission for him to speak further. Cameron shouted out several times, and refused to recognize the ruling of the chair. The company was then appealed to by the chairman as to whether they wished to hear Cameron or not, and they replied with a great shout "No."
Brother Sinclair was then called upon to again read and move the resolution. It was seconded, and the whole church were in favor, with the exception of three dissenting votes. These were Cameron, his daughter and G. Richardson. The meeting then closed.
This morning the servant of companies is sending a copy of the resolution passed by the church to W. F. Salter by registered mail, so that we will be sure he receives it.
Re: the resolution: Would you approve of a copy of this resolution’s being sent to the companies in Canada, so that they may be made aware of the decision of the Toronto company? Several brethren have stated that they would be glad if this could he arranged.
This morning many telephone calls have been received from brethren in different parts of Toronto stating that a copy of the printed letter has been received by them in the early morning post. These letters were posted in Toronto at 11:30 p.m. Saturday.
It is very evident that it was thought that the brethren and this office would be deceived, and conclude that these arrangements had actually come from Brooklyn. It would also appear that a discussion of these points was anticipated yesterday, and hence a follow-up of the work by sending the letter to many brethren in Toronto for this morning.
The discussion of yesterday afternoon, and the decision by the church, has had the effect of giving the church an immediate stimulus to further activity, and it has assisted some brethren, who had wondered about Salter and Cameron, to have no further doubts, and to make straight paths for their feet.
With warm love, I am
Your brother and servant in Him,
P. Chapman
Almost a year ago the Society’s president, Brother Rutherford, saw fit to remove from office one to whom for years we had looked with confidence for leadership in the Lord’s work here in Toronto. At the time, and subsequently, through The Watchtower and Year Book for 1937, the principles underlying this course of action and the reason for it were expressed.
At the time that the change of servant took effect, many in our midst looked for some word from the brother discharged to indicate sorrow, repentance or reformation in his attitude toward the Society and brethren. Since that time, many others have patiently waited for some statement tending to clear the situation. Many have wondered as to the course of action to take.
Thus far, no public acknowledgment has been made.
In the last month or two, Brother Rutherford has quietly made arrangements for the greatest and strangest campaign against the enemy organization that has ever been undertaken under the Lord’s direction. On the eve of that campaign the Devil has seen fit to throw (as he thought) a bombshell into our midst, and we, as well as others, are in receipt of planted matter to be read among and disseminated among the brethren and purporting to be sent by the Society. Associated with this literature is the name of W. F. Salter. Needless to say, a serious consideration of this matter would, to say the least, tend to doubt and dissension among the brethren.
I therefore move the following resolution:
"That in view of the facts set forth above, we, the company of Jehovah’s nitnesses to Toronto and vicinity, failing to receive in the course of the next seven days, in writing, a clear statement of sorrow, repentance and reformation from the brother, do hereby disfellowship the one known as Brother W. F. Salter."
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Dear Brother Rutherford:
April 16, 1937
To hand this morning is a further letter published by W. F. Salter. It was forwarded by Brother Hersec, who is at present doing a little pioneer work in Port Huron. I am forwarding this to you immediately in case it has not yet been brought to your attention. This is the first one to come to our notice. I feel compelled to write a word to you that you may know of my love for you.
It has been my privilege to work in the Society’s office for the last fourteen years, and during that time I have grown to
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truly love you because you magnify Jehovah’s name. Year after year your fearlessness in boldly facing all manner of opposition to publicly hold forth the Word of life, in exposing the Devil’s schemes and all forms of false worship in the church as well as out of it, in assisting Jehovah’s anointed and the people of good-will, is complete testimony to your unselfish devotion to Jehovah, and that his favor, protection and blessing is with you in its fullness.
Your love for the brethren has been demonstrated over and over again by considering their needs. This is true, not only concerning the pioneers, but also toward the Bethel family in London, with whom I was privileged to associate and serve for many years. Your stay at the Bethel home in London was always a joy to look forward to. We knew you had our interests at heart, and you never spared yourself to find ways and means to show your love for us, and to make us happy in the Lord and in his service. This is without contradiction. It has been my experience to know you as an elder brother; yes, and time and again as a father and true counselor.
Again I repeat that I love and respect you as the president of the Society, because Jehovah has honored you with His great service. I know from personal experience that you are true, just and full of love for Jehovah and his people, who are your brethren.
The Bethel family also go on record as declaring their love for you, and that not out of hearsay, but out of close association with you. I am pleased to enclose with my own above declaration the one sent from the whole Bethel family.
Your brother and servant in the Lord,
P. Chapman
Dear Brother Rutherford:
April 16, 1937
Twelve months ago you saw fit to remove from office W. F. Salter, who had been reported to you as not being loyal to the organization, and now, after twelve months, he has clearly shown his hand as being against the Lord, the Society and yourself. Therefore, we, the Bethel family at Toronto, make known the following:
That for years W. F. Salter showed himself to be thoroughly selfish, egotistical, and had an undue sense of his own importance. He had not been loyal to you nor to the organization. From the platform and in private conversation he would consistently try to undermine your influence in the minds of the friends, and impress them with his own ideas.
Also that for years he questioned that which came from the Watch Tower, questioned the evidence of the Lord’s being at His temple, and endeavored to put doubt into the minds of the brethren as to Jehovah and Christ Jesus’ being our teachers.
For this man now to pose as loving the Lord and his people clearly marks him as a hypocrite and a liar. Therefore we go on record that our full devotion is toward the Lord and the interests of his kingdom. Not only have we full confidence in the Lord that He is directing His organization and His work, but also that He has placed you in charge of the direction of the earthly affairs of His people.
This family is now at unity, whole-hearted in Jehovah’s service, and now dwells in peace, and unanimously sends this statement to you.
With our warm love to you, we are
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Dear Brother Rutherford:
We received from the Canadian branch, Toronto, this afternoon, information leading to the disfellowshiping of Walter F. Salter by the Toronto company. At the regular weekly service meeting of the Winnipeg [Canada] company of Jehovah’s witnesses, held this date, the motion of disfellowshiping Walter F. Salter by the Toronto company was also concurred in by the company here. The following resolution was also moved, seconded, and passed unanimously:
(1) Seeing that the Lord’s people are being subjected to a barrage of literature calculated to undermine and overthrow the faith of some, the Winnipeg company of Jehovah’s witnesses hereby recommend to all of the Lord’s people, here and elsewhere, the following course as a means of protection and safety:
(2) Increased activity and interest in the Lord’s work, especially in the ‘strange work’ in the field sersme now beginning, as also the studies in The Watchtower and other publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.
(3) The destruction, without reading, of any such literature received through the mail or otherwise.
(4) The turning of a deaf ear to anyone among us manifesting a desire to debate or argue respecting this course of action.
We take this opportunity to tell you that we are unitedly behind you as the one Jehovah has raised up to carry forward the Kingdom witness, as directed by Christ Jesus, Jehovah’s mighty King and Vindicator.
We are in full harmony with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and the teachings which Jehovah is so bountifully providing us, through his visible channel, the columns of The Watchtower.
We assure you of our Christian love and our desire is that the Lord will continue to guide and direct you to the end that his purposes might be carried out.
The above motion was unanimously adopted at a regular meeting of the company.
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THAT the Lord’s people may be informed of some of the activities of the "evil servant" class the following is published:
One Anderson has "spilled over" and talked out of turn in so far as his coconspirators are concerned. He talked in the presence of reliable witnesses and, among other things, said the following: That the Roman Catholic Hierarchy sold to the Museum in London a correct writing of the entire Bible for $550,000.00, and that they expected to show by this newly discovered Bible manuscript that the Watch Tower publications are all wrong; that one Salter together with certain clergymen or priests of the Roman Catholic organization in Canada and elsewhere is preparing to publish certain things which they think will be derogatory to the Watch Tower publications and to the Society in general. He reports Salter as being exceedingly active with Catholic priests in preparing their ammunition for a joint attack at an early date. This is to advise that all who are devoted to the Lord and his kingdom interests should in no wise be disturbed, regardless of what the "man of sin," made up of the clergy and the "evil servant" class, may publish. The Lord has informed his people that the battle is his.
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Our business is to proclaim his truth, and he will take care of the result. Let everyone be of good courage us and press forward in the work that the Lord has given to do.
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Dear Brother Rutherford:
After having been scattered in various parts of the East for the last eighteen months, we the undersigned pioneers are met together in Batavia, Java, for the purpose of discussing ways and means of better organizing the Lord’s service in these parts.
We take this opportunity of unitedly sending to you our heartfelt greetings and assurance that we are ready and privileged to follow the instructions of the two great Teachers and at the same time work shoulder to shoulder with you against the Devil and his forces to the honor of Jehovah.
All are pleased with the recent progress of the Lord’s service in the Far East, and interest is now manifest in territory that had previously seemingly borne no fruit.
Watchtower and Consolation are looked forward to with eagerness and the spiritual food concerning "Understanding," "Evil Servant," etc., was eagerly devoured. Golden Age re Salter was read with smiles; for there were many things concerning pioneers that Salter did not know. Even though the working conditions in these distant lands are at times very trying, the joy of the Lord is our strength and the pioneer spirit was never so manifest by the East Indies publishers as it is at present. Happy is he that getteth understanding.
We are sure that the other pioneers in this territory working in Malaya, Siam, Indo-China, Sumatra and on the yacht "Lightbearer" would also like to be with us; we therefore send you greetings on their behalf.
We assure you of our desire to always work in harmony with you and be obedient to organization instructions. May the Lord continue to bless you in your efforts as you seek to magnify the name of Jehovah.
With much love in the Lord,
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Jonathan, with great danger to himself, visited David when David was in exile, and he rendered comfort and strength to David. (1 Samuel 23:15-18) Thus Jonathan displayed his faith in Jehovah God and in God’s purpose concerning his anointed one. Jonathan, although afforded many opportunities to do so, never betrayed David. Others did betray David to Saul, telling Saul of the whereabouts of David, and in this such persons picture the "evil servant" class that willingly cooperate with the other religionists or Saul class to work injury to Jehovah’s witnesses. The facts show at the present time that the "evil servant" class and the Roman Catholic Hierarchy are conspiring together in their efforts to destroy the work of Jehovah’s witnesses, and in this they are resorting to all manner of malicious falsehoods. A specific instance of this is that related by one Anderson, who has "spilled the beans," by gleefully telling others of how one Salter and certain members of the Roman Catholic crowd are in a conspiracy and expect to shortly carry out their conspiracy by committing
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overt acts against Jehovah’s witnessses, particularly against the officers of the BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY. God foreknew and foretold all this wickedness in advance, and thus he warns his people today. As Jonathan visited David to comfort him, even so the "other sheep," pictured by Jonathan, visit the remnant and comfort them when in prison and when they are otherwise persecuted. (Matthew 25:34-40)
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The question propounded publicly to Achan, "Why hast thou troubled us?" offered the opportunity to Achan to publicly repent of his wrongdoing and to beg forgiveness from God. Achan "found no place of repentance." (Hebrews 12:17) The Society’s former servant who had taken the wrongful course, when all the evidence proving his guilt was laid before him, then and there promised that he would write a letter to all the consecrated throughout the earth acknowledging his wrong and asking their forgiveness. Not only did he fail to keep that promise, but within a short time he took exactly the opposite course by sending letters throughout the earth condemning the Lord’s organization on earth and many individuals connected therewith, and thus exhibited his unrepentant spirit. That one person, together with some of his supporters, continued to trouble the Society by sending letters to radio stations and to religionists known to be avowed enemies of God’s organization, and to others, wherein threats were made "to break up the organization of the Society within two years." Not content with that threat, the name and address of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY was wilfully and deliberately forged by some of the conspirators, who sent their libelous publications through the mail on letterheads and envelopes marked with the Society’s name and address, with the manifest purpose of deceiving and attempting to carry out their cruel purpose of ‘breaking up the Society.’ Their propaganda was printed in the United States and posted in New York, on paper purporting to come from the Society, thus proving conclusively the purpose of deceit and fraud. Instead of showing the spirit of repentance, the spirit of malice and wickedness continued to be expressed by the wrongdoers. Such a spirit is, within the meaning of the Scriptures, "spiritual fornication," by going to religionists and attempting to join with them in fighting against the Lord’s organization. A desire to glorify self had led Achan to commit a great sin. The desire to satisfy self led Esau to commit a great sin. The desire for personal or self gain led the former Society’s representative to ‘sell his birthright’ for self gain. Concerning such the admonition is given in the Scriptures: "Follow peace with all men, and holiness [uncompromising devotion to Jehovah], without which no man shall see the Lord: looking diligently lest any man fall of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled; lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright." (Hebrews 12:14-16)
After propounding to Achan the question as to why he had troubled Israel Joshua said: "The Lord shall trouble thee this day." How marvelously the Lord has made pictures and then brought about the facts to show their fulfillment and later has permitted his people to see the fulfillment and the meaning thereof. These things should cause all of God’s people to tread lightly, with fear and trembling, lest they should go contrary to God’s appointed way. In The Watchtower of May 1, 1937, page 141, in an article entitled "Evil Servant" the facts concerning the aforementioned deflection of the "evil servant" class are set forth. In that article the following, amongst other things, appears: "His duplicity being discovered, he was, because of his unfaithfulness, relieved of his position and duty in the Lord’s organization. About a year later this same man enters into a further conspiracy with the enemy to commit more wrong. He got someone to write an article attempting to prove that the Lord Jesus Christ is not present. That article he printed and caused to be distributed amongst many of the Lord’s servants in different parts of the earth, together with a covering letter, which letter and article purported to come from the head office of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY. Manifestly this was done in order to practice fraud and deception upon the faithful ones. He caused the printing to be done in the United States, and had his papers posted in the mail at. Brooklyn, New York. In his letter of so-called ‘instructions,’ and which purported to be instructions from headquarters, the demand is made that the letter and article be read to the various companies at a stated time, and further stated that organization instructions are mandatory and this instruction must be carried out and the letter read.
"Then he issued another paper, had that printed and sent throughout the earth to the various offices and servants of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY, and in which letter he resorts to lies and manifests a vicious and malicious, lying disposition, attacking the president of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE
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& TRACT SOCIETY, and making many statements which he knew at the time are deliberate lies. He demanded that his letter be answered through The Watchtower. The Watchtower columns are not open to the discussion of matters with those who are opposed to the Lord, and certainly not to printing the argument of one against the presence of the Lord, when this question of the Lord’s presence has been thoroughly covered by the publications of the Society.
"The Lord Jesus denounces such as conduct of those who are of the evil servants, using this language: ‘But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to smite his fellow-servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken: the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ (Matthew 24:48-51)"
The Lord permitted all the Israelites to see what was done, and they all approved what was done to Achan. Likewise in this day the spiritual Israelites show themselves in full accord with the Lord’s judgments, and these joyfully announce that they willingly bow to his law, his name and his majesty. This was evidenced by many letters sent by companies of Jehovah’s witnesses to the Society’s main office, and by resolutions adopted and published by many companies throughout the land, and some of which were published in The Watchtower at the time. The sinful course of Achan caused the Israelites to determine that they would be more diligent in obeying the Lord; and the subsequent facts show that a like influence directed the course of God’s faithful people of the remnant, as shown by resolutions adopted and published by them, a sample of which resolutions appears in The Watchtower June 1, 1937, and, amongst other things, contains the following:
"Almost a year has now passed since (under theLord’s direction) as president of the Society you removed from office one W. F. Salter, to whom we had long looked for leadership in the service, but who had become unfaithful to his charge.
"At that time some could not quite clearly see the reason for such action. We had, however, implicit confidence in Jehovah and that the steps there taken were under his direction.
"Subsequent events not only have fully justified this faith and confidence in Jehovah, and yourself as the one used in this connection, but also have made clearly to appear why this action was necessary.
"Because of the fact that the Lord’s people are being, from this source, now subjected to a barrage of literature calculated to undermine and overthrow their faith, we, the Toronto company of Jehovah’s witnesses, at a joyous assembly on this the eighteenth day of April, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, unanimously adopt the following resolution, to wit:
"1) That we fully endorse the action of our president, Brother Rutherford, in thus removing from office one who so manifestly had, by his course of action, said, ‘The table of the Lord is contemptible,’ and who had ‘snuffed’ at what is spread on that table, by ‘offering polluted bread upon the altar.’
"2) That, as a means for our protection, we will meet this latest move of the enemy with
"(a) Increased activity and interest in the Lord’s service, especially in the new ‘strange work’ just beginning and also the studies in The Watchtower and other publications of the Society.
"(b) That we will destroy without reading any such literature received through the mail or otherwise.
"(c) That we will turn a deaf ear to any, either among us or outside, who manifests a desire to debate or argue respecting this course of action.
"3) That we acknowledge as the visible organization of Jehovah on earth the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, and recognize the Society as the channel or instrument through which Jehovah and Christ Jesus give instruction and meat in due season to the household of faith.
"4) Further, that we pledge our faith in and loyalty to the Society, and its servants, Brother Rutherford at Brooklyn, and also the branch servant, Brother Chapman at Toronto; that we are pleased and thankful for his appointment in charge of the Lord’s work in our midst. We wish to say that, the company following your instructions, working under the unit arrangement, and because of the zeal manifested by the branch servant, Brother Chapman, never before has the interest in and on behalf of the Lord’s work been so keenly aroused nor has there ever been such a manifestation of activity as now. We pledge our cooperation to the fullest extent with him in the work, and, together with you, pray that the Lord will smite His enemy to the dust and shine forth in Kingdom glory.
"5) That we once more express our united determination to do the will of Jehovah as expressed through his executive officer, Christ Jesus. That, in obedience to God’s commandments, having heard the call, ‘Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle,’ we will carry forth the fruits of the kingdom to our brethren, the great multitude, who must be led and fed by Christ Jesus before Armageddon and may be preserved at Armageddon in vindication of Jehovah’s name." (The Watchtower June 1937, page 175)
"At Winnipeg, the residence of some of the co-conspirators aforementioned, the company there of faithful, spiritual Israelites made and published a declaration, which was published in The Watchtower
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July 1, 1937, page 207, and which resolution, amongst other things, contained the following:
"We received from the Canadian branch, Toronto, this afternoon, information leading to the disfellowshiping of Walter F. Salter by the Toronto company. At the regular weekly service meeting of the Winnipeg [Canada] company of Jehovah’s witnesses, held this date, the motion of disfellowshiping Walter F. Salter by the Toronto company was also concurred in by the company here. The following resolution was also moved, seconded, and passed unanimously:
"(1) Seeing that the Lord’s people are being subjected to a barrage of literature calculated to undermine and overthrow the faith of some, the Winnipeg company of Jehovah’s witnesses hereby recommend to all of the Lord’s people, here and elsewhere, the following course as a means of protection and safety:
"(2) Increased activity and interest in the Lord’s work, especially in the ‘strange work in the field service now beginning, as also the studies in The Watchtower and other publications of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.
"(3) The destruction, without reading, of any such literature received through the mail or otherwise.
"(4) The turning of a deaf car to anyone among us manifesting a desire to debate or argue respecting this course of action.
"We take this opportunity to tell you that we are unitedly behind you as the one Jehovah has raised up to carry forward the Kingdom witness, as directed by Christ Jesus, Jehovah’s mighty King and Vindicator.
"We are in full harmony with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and the teachings which Jehovah is so bountifully providing us, through his visible channel, the columns of The Watchtower."
The modern-day faithful servants of Jehovah do no bodily injury to the willful wrongdoers, but avoid them and count them as dead, and this they do in obedience to God’s command, and they do not mourn for them. (Ezekiel 24:15-18) The Society, as the apostle admonished, acted in harmony with such admonition, ‘that the church’s body, soul and spirit [of the Lord] be preserved blameless in this day of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
- 11 years ago
There's a bunch of material on Salter in the May 5, 1937 Golden Age, pp. 498-507, which is online at:
- 11 years ago
Hey that is a pretty important rant by Woodworth in the Golden Age.
He is quite fixated on Salter's relationship with his "ladifren" stenographer.
Remind you of anyone?
"....the purchase of a fur coat for his ladifren with a portion of those funds..."
"Sometimes he spent the afternoons dictating personal letters to his ladifren stenographer."
"At the hearing, the ladifren stenographer was so seated in the room that, as she read the letters, there was no way in which Salter could give her the wink."
"Before being dismissed he did not engage in the service work to any extent, except when out with his ladifren at week ends."
"His own good wife, not his ladifren, said that if she were to listen to him she would not be in the truth any time at all."
It is pretty clear what he is insinuating. And while Woodworth is being so critical after the fact, it is clear that (as far as Woodworth was concerned) Salter had his relationship with his "ladifren" for quite some time and kept his lofty position....only after Salter "turned apostate" did his inappropriate relationship suddenly become a matter for villification. For me, the suggestion that Salter had a mistress of sorts only raises the question of how common this was with the top officials, particularly those with female secretaries and stenographers. I keep wondering if the "evil slave" had any of its own innuendo about Rutherford and his "ladifrens".
- 11 years ago
Here's the letter from Thomas J. Sullivan (long-time member of the WTS Board of Directors, and also of the GB). Unlike the articles above, I've added some bolds:
A Personal Statement Regarding Salter*
* At the last minute, just before going to press, a copy of this letter of T. J. Sullivan to Judge Rutherford was shown to the editor by its author. Its use was begged for this issue. All lovers of truth and justice will enjoy it.
April 16, 1937
I have just received a copy of Salter's latest tirade, which, for pure hypocrisy and deceit, has no equal. It is a series of deliberate perversion and misapplication of facts which brands it, without a question of doubt, as of the Devil, and his sole intention is to poison the brethren and lead them astray.
I have known this man for the past twenty or more years. We were "elders" together in the hectic days of 1917 and 1918. I have seen the man in his native "heather" with all his bombastic arrogance and conceit manifested from one end of Canada to the other. I have seen him here at Brooklyn, suave, deceitful and an entirely different man from outward appearance. I do not believe the man was ever in the truth, but was and is one of the biggest hypocrites I know.
During the number of years that he has represented the Society I have never known him at any time to give a talk on The Watchtower or any of the Society's publications, but he has always endeavored to use some Tower article or book to substantiate some rattle-brain scheme or theory of his own, an exact reproduction of the ministers who take a text of the Bible as a basis for their devilish theories. I am glad that the Lord has now torn the mask off and revealed the man for what he really is.
In the entire mass of junk that he is sending out there is but one accurate statement, and that is, that he was not capable of answering the party who is reported to have given him the material on our Lord's return and the resurrection of the saints. The man was at no time capable of giving an answer for the hope that was within him because he has really never seen the Lord's organization nor properly discerned the body of Christ.
His covering letter sending out this trash to the brethren is devilish in the extreme. He encloses it in one of the regular Watch Tower envelopes with the return address of 117 Adams Street, which was calculated, of course, to deceive the brethren and lead them to believe that the material was forwarded from the Society's headquarters. By referring to himself as "Salter" and you as "Brother Rutherford" he intended to further his satanic scheme by creating the impression that this was submitted to the brethren for their consideration by the Society, and in order to further develop the deception he then created the impression that these were organization instructions which were not discretionary but entirely mandatory.
All of this reveals the man in his true position as one governed by deceit, hypocrisy, and as a willing tool of the adversary. The implication of his own action is that he is doing this to further the interests of the Lord's work. This would also imply, then, that the Lord was the author of this hypocritical and devilish procedure and would approve such a course of action. His god undoubtedly would, but Jehovah would not.
Salter "raises holy hands in horror" at the pictures and statements appearing in The Golden Age against the Hierarchy and the various other elements of the Devil's organization, but at the same time he is willing to defame and degrade the name of Jehovah God by implying that the course that he is following is approved before the Lord.
Regarding this tirade against you personally: I have never at any time seen such a manipulation, misapplication and perversion of simple facts with such devilish intent. His reference to your homes or offices at Columbia Heights, Staten Island, California, and in other places, as palatial residences with luxurious furnishings, etc., is a deliberate falsehood, and he knows it to be so. He knows that the furnishings of all three places are practical, business-office furniture intended for the furtherance of the Lord's work. In fact, it has often occurred to me, when I had occasion to be in your office for any length of time in the Lord's business, that it could be much more comfortable without taking away in the least from the efficiency of the Lord's work.
However, the fact that impresses me is that he deliberately lies and misrepresents conditions he knows of in order to interfere with the Lord's work. He knows that it is a physical impossibility to settle down and do the studying and research work necessary for the purpose of preparing the Watchtower and book material and other necessary Kingdom service at the office at 124 Columbia Heights, because of the innumerable interruptions of all sorts that occur there from the telephone, the various brethren calling up about this, that and the other thing. He also knows of your physical condition making it impossible for you to live in the eastern part of the United States during the winter months and look after the direction of the Lord's work and prepare the necessary material that should be prepared; that Staten Island affords an opportunity for you to get away and do this research work and prepare the material that is necessary to be prepared, and quiet, for proper thought and consideration to be given to it without the many interruptions; and that California enables you to work throughout the winter without the physical handicaps that you would have in the east. And, above all this, the manifest blessing of the Lord upon the tremendous amount of work that has been turned out under this arrangement is of itself sufficient answer to the foul charges made by this man. The Lord himself has blessed it and manifested His approval on the setup as it exists, and if Salter were not blinded to all honesty, justice and common decency, he would include these known facts in his letter, that the brethren might get a more accurate picture of the true situation.
His reference to your cars at Brooklyn and San Diego is similarly misleading. In the first place, he knows that these cars were not purchased by yourself or with the Society's resources, but were a present to you. In the second place, he does not tell the friends that this car is used in Brooklyn in the service when you are away.
His reference to the Society's resources is devilish in itself, because it is such a deliberate misrepresentation of facts that he is familiar with. The man knows he is lying and creates a false impression when he presents it the way he does. He refers to the fact that there is a difference between the cost of production of the literature and the amount at which the companies receive the literature, but he does not say that well over fifty percent of the literature placed is placed by pioneers at less than cost of production. He does not say that a very large percentage of this literature is shipped to foreign countries at even less than cost of production. He does not remind the friends of the thousands upon thousands of dollars that are spent every year on broadcasts and for the recorded programs on the different stations throughout the world. Nor does he call attention to the thousands more that are given to pioneers in convention allowances and other provisions each year, nor the thousands that are sent throughout the earth to foreign lands to extend the Kingdom work in these places which are not self-sustaining. His letter implies that the difference in these amounts is something that you personally receive and use for your own pleasure, despite the fact that he knows that all monies received by the Society are received by the treasurer, banked by the treasurer, and that you could not, even if you wanted to, draw a personal check upon them.
If Salter were really halfway honest and wanted to give the brethren an accurate picture he would give them these facts; but that would not suit his purposes or the purposes of his father, and, as a willing tool, he confines his remarks to the limitations placed upon him to advance the interests of his Satanic majesty.
I am surely thankful to the Lord that during the past twelve years I have been enabled to be in a position to know the true facts regarding these situations, although even without that knowledge there would be no justification for accepting Salter's vilification of yourself.
The Lord's blessing upon the Kingdom service throughout the earth during the past twenty-odd years that you have served as president of the organization is the greatest proof, of course, of His favor and blessing, but this willful and deliberate misrepresentation of facts with such devilish ingenuity, which I know to be false, established beyond any shadow of doubt in my mind that the other things he brings up in his letter, which I do not happen to be familiar with, are just as false and misleading and instigated by the Devil for the purpose of opposing the Lord and the advancement of His organization.
Relative to his "crackpot" theories on our Lord's return and the resurrection of the saints, and Armageddon: These are not worthy of receiving any consideration. Anyone who has read The Watchtower during the past fifteen or more years will readily see that his play on words to set aside the mass of Scriptural evidence is worse than childish and is nothing but the babbling of one who, if he ever had any truth in him, has now turned into darkness.
The mass of evidence appearing in the parables of the "Pounds", "Talents," "Wise and Foolish Virgins," "Sheep and Goats," Lord's Coming to His Temple, in "Birth of The Nation", revealing the two organizations, and, in fact, all the Kingdom literature, up to and including the "Joseph" articles and "Song of the Harlot", so definitely repudiates the position taken by Salter and his associates that anyone with the mind of the Lord will have no trouble in discerning the truth on this matter. But the colossal audacity of the man is manifest in expecting you to set aside the columns of The Watchtower, which the Lord is using to bring forth such vital truth as contained in the "Joseph" articles, "Malachi," "Song of the Harlot," and devote its pages to the discussion of his theories on Armageddon and the Lord's return. I and all the rest of the Lord's people truly thank the Lord that you have the vision, courage and uncompromising devotion to the Lord that will not consider such a compromise under any circumstances.
I feel better that I have gotten this off my chest, and I want you to know that I am convinced that the Lord's people throughout the earth appreciate your loyalty and devotion to Him and His cause and that such inconsistent vilification and misrepresentation as Salter and his associates distribute only more clearly manifest your true integrity and devotion to the Lord and His cause.
May Jehovah continue to preserve and direct you in the vindication of His name and to the comfort and aid of His people in this great battle that we are privileged to be in.
Your brother and fellow servant,