Vernon Williams

There seems to be a predictive pattern that occurs with with the majority having doctinal issues with the Watch Tower Society:

They have a conscience issue over one or more Watch Tower doctrines.

They bring this to the attention of "loving Elders."

The Elders give them a choice: Submit to error as a pledge of loyalty to Jehovah or the Elders will "have no choice" but to disfellowship them for "apostasy."

They, due to conscience, do not submit to error.

The Elders proceed to butcher the individual's life, reputation, family relationships, friendships: it is quite an experience in this phase to say the least....

And, that is what happened to me: two Elders from the Monett Missouri Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, at the end of my driveway, on a Sunday afternoon, the end of December, 2002 gave me the same ultimatum: "Lie as a pledge of loyalty to the Governing Body" was the theme of a forty five minute conversation... was the unspoken, but, clearly understood theme.

My wife had already exited as she was convinced that protecting individuals (as the Watch Tower had done) that had molested children, from the exposure and punishment of Law was a gross violation of justice. And foremost, "the brothers" had not validated the victim’s trauma nor comforted the hurt.

So we, Terra and I, parted company with the Watch Tower on January 1, 2003 after decades of association and support of the Watch Tower, including twice placing the lives of our children on the line over the "blood issue."

"What to do next?" That question is the foundational element of this ministry. Proving the Watch Tower in error is very easy if one knows the Watch Tower doctrine, history, and their Bible perspective. The problem, especially after the Watch Tower "conditioning", is what steps to take after exiting.

Usually, most, if not all, of the friendship ties one has developed are severed. Family members that remain loyal to the Watch Tower are totally lost. The family members outside the Watch Tower have already, to a large degree, been alienated. Relatives outside the Watch Tower have, already, been alienated due to the Societies advice to avoid "wordlings." Every religious thought outside those approved by the Watch Tower is suspect. There is a feeling of "aloneness" that is almost, at times, indescribable. Unless one has experience all this, it is impossible to really understand the confusion, feelings of betrayal, the doubt, and anxiety that embodies this situation.

We do understand and have complete empathy.

This ministry is focused on the potentially wonderful and happy beginning all this can be for a new life. We say "potential" because the decision is up to you, and you alone. Your life, from this point forward is in your control. Your life can reach out in so many directions: into family, friendships, and community. There can be as many expressions as there are types of people! A life filled with relationships that are mutually beneficial and encouraging instead of being based on a common agreement to submit to the control of a particular group of men.

It means a time of healing, learning patience with self and others. A time of renewal and awakening. Refreshment and encouragement. All of this and more.

Our experience has been the same as many: the satisfaction we had as Jehovah’s Witnesses is a fraction, and a small one at that, compared to the Joy and Peace we now have in our walk in the wonderful life of eternal, unchanging Truth. If this was just our experience, it might be just a "fluke." However, there are many, many people (old, young, men, women, well off, poor, from every walk of life and background) that have experienced the same measure of "just wonderfulness" freed from the false doctrines and perceptions of the Governing Body.

Individuals that desire to bring themselves into the freedom of personal conscience apart from the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, face many options.

Up front, they all are negative.

We all wish things were different... they just are not. Sorry.

That is just part of the price to pay for submitting mind, heart, and conscience to a group of men that place your feelings and thoughts way down on the list. It does not matter what you think: submission to and agreement with their thoughts and emotions are what cause your Salvation. The "take" of the Governing Body is this: You should be thankful they use every form of intimidation and mind control to force you into submission. So, when you resist the Governing Body, they use the local Elders in the same way Saul used his soldiers against David. Saul perceived David's success and abilities as a threat even though David did not desire the position or power of Saul's throne. The Governing Body views you in the same way: you threaten their authority by disagreement. This is especially true if you are correct in your reasoning or conclusion!

You must understand this above everything else, your eternal salvation is not

based on truth if truth is defined as unchangeable concepts that are just as valid now as they were two thousand years ago. Within the Watch Tower arrangement, your salvation is based on agreeing with and supporting Governing Body interpretations and statements of belief whether these are factually true on not. It is agreement, not truthfulness that determine your position before the Judgment Seat of Christ. (I did not understand this until at the end of 2002 even though I had associated with the Watch Tower for forty years. Silly me...) (If you are a "study", see Note 1 at the bottom of this page.)

Also, the Governing Body holds your friends and family hostage. If you resist them, they will threaten, by way of disfellowshipment, to keep your family and friends from you. If you have business interests within the Congregation, that will also be jeopardized. The Governing Body can, if things are just right, hold everything you care about and love in their hands. They will use this leverage to control your actions and words.

This is the way of things.


So, you know the Governing Body is incorrect enough on certain doctrines that those doctrines are no longer a "Truth." You know you are lying when you call them a "Truth" and your conscience is aching. What to do?


  • Option 1: Lie. just keep on falsifying the truth. There are a ton of Witnesses that do that. They just pretend that everything is okay and Jehovah will accept their lies as a pledge of loyalty to Him. This is one reason that those who study this situation call it "Orwellian." Do some research on the word "double-think." (Note: Again, if you are a "study" see Note 2 at base of page.)
  • Option 2: Ignore. Just don't discuss those aspects of the Jehovah’s Witness theology: Best Wishes. All Watch Tower doctrine is intricately tied together. This will work as long as you never go in field service or have Bible Studies. That will bring you into the limelight of low or no service hours. This will lead to discussions with the Elders on why you are not preaching. The Inquisition begins...

  • Option 3: Halt. Stop attending meetings and field service and just shut up when the Elders come over. This will work, however, the Elders will visit, and question. The key is to say nothing. Nothing. Weather, price of cows on the hoof... anything but your concerns. You will not be disfellowshipped and still have your family.
  • Option 4: Drift away slowly. Use work, sickness, your grandmother's sore knee. Just slowly stop associating with the Congregation. The Elders will view you as "spiritually weak" and will try to help. Do not say anything. Use your phone ID and do not answer when the Elders call.
  • (Note: be prepared to have your relationships: family and friends go a little "sour" as they will view you as, slightly, "worldly." Then, as those Jehovah’s Witness relationships go down hill, you do not have other non-Jehovah’s Witness relationships to fill the void. You end up alone in many cases. The Governing Body know this and will play upon this fact dramatically. This is the area we hope to assist you in. All of this is a normal exiting experience.)
  • Option 5: Move. This can be the best. You can, if you can hide your new life well enough, hold on to family and be free of the Watch Tower. However, this does not work every time. How will you cover over new associations religiously or personally to your old friends or family? Will your conscience bother you in regard to the hypocrisy and double life you are leading? You will have to answer that.
  • Option 6: Honesty. Tell the truth, hold a clean conscience, and take the beating. That is what we did. Trust me, it is not for everyone. We believed in Jesus enough to know we would be "lost" for a while, however, we knew we would be "found" by Jehovah's Chief Sheppard and we were. The Witnesses here in Monett, Missouri now treat us like walking corpses. We expected that. I always wave and say, "Hi," and get a blank, scowling stare or an embarrass smile.

Our lives have improved so much since leaving the Witnesses it is unbelievable. We have so many kind and generous people in our lives now, and such blessings spiritually and emotionally. The cost of leaving the Society is nothing in comparison to our gain. This situation is not ours alone, as we know many that have had the same result.

No matter which option you pursue, there will be "cost and trial." This phase of life is the focus of this ministry. Easing this discomfort by encouragement and, if possible, advice or shared experiences, is our goal. We say "will" because freedom has a cost sticker of some sort and we want to reduce that cost by just being here for you. We have such empathy, you have no idea how much.

Another important fact is this: you are going to need a time of rest and recovery. You are, now, perhaps, totally exhausted and you feel so beat up. It takes time to recoup. You should not feel guilty about this. We believe you need to "be okay" with just relaxing for a bit. Just let go and allow yourself the needed time to let your resources rebuild. If you have email, you can begin to exchange thoughts and experiences with others, a little at a time.

Start doing some research, not in a frenzy as if you are going to prove it all out at once, but just in an easy, relaxed manner. You do not know it now, but you are in a time of realignment and it is not necessary to hurry the process. If you are like the many we know and our family, everything will work out.

After a period of rest and observation there is a wonderful theme in the lives of many, many ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses: "Progress in Community." We encourage, as your energies build, to reach out to others. This may be a little difficult as you are still untangling from a lot of the Watch Tower errors and false perceptions. However, reaching out, expanding your circle of new friends and associates produces a feeling of belonging and sharing that is so needed for a full life.

Integration is so important in a post exiting experience. Serving others in Love and being able to display the generous spirit you have is one important key to finding the "real life" outside the Watch Tower control. Replacing surface friendships with lasting, committed ones is not only possible, it just can not be stopped from happening as you reach out to serve and assist others in a myriad of ways. You, due to your unique perspective, can enliven others to a fresh perspective. Your zeal for telling others the Hope within you will produce a reviving dynamic in your own life and theirs. There is no limit to the assistance you can bring into the lives of others by your personal efforts or in concert with others. The rewards of joy and contentment are yours to be had in fellowshipping with others that have similar interests, even if you do not agree with them on every religious or social idea.

All of this potential is exactly what the Governing Body does not want you to see or understand.

The options above are not all there is, however, these stood out to us. We have been as honest as possible in the cost. And, in the potential benefits. The control is now in your hands.

For those studying with the Jehovah’s Witness:

Note 1:

The Jehovah’s Witness have an odd definition for "truth." To them, a "truth" is the interpretations and explanation of Scripture as put forth by the leadership. In actual practice, this "truth" is held in the same level of authority as Scripture because without this "truth" the Scripture is not understandable. There are three phrases you must understand:

  1. Former Understanding;
  2. Present Truth and;
  3. New Light.

These form the totality of "truth." It is confusing. With this situation, we are talking about the Watch Tower explanation of the same topic. The best explanation I can give is as follows:

Remember in school, you would "conjugate" verbs: I ran, I run, I will run. This covers the past, present, and future of the activities of "running." The Jehovah’s Witnesses do the same thing with "truth." Truth for them has a "tense." Past truth (former understanding,) the truth we have at this moment (present truth,) and the truth we will have later (new light). And, again, we are talking about an entirely different explanation of the same subject.

If you were not a Jehovah’s Witness you would simply say: "We were very wrong (or lying) in what we said earlier, we may or may not be correct (lying) now but, for the time being we will claim to be correct (truthful), and, based on our history, we will be absolutely right the next time." Since the Witnesses claim their "truth" statements are "the Teaching of Jehovah," they can not be this honest as it means Jehovah himself taught error.

If this all sounds a bit "tweaked" it is because you do not (to quote the Watch Tower) understand the "theocratic language.” Most people that study "high mind control groups" would say you have not been "conditioned." Also, this concept we just discussed is easy to understand, compared to a host of other Watch Tower teachings.

Note 2:

The Watch Tower has had, from the beginning, associates that knew the leadership was way off the mark with their explanations. The Presidents and now, the Governing Body, had to come up with a way to hold these people in check whereby they would not express a correct and, therefore contradictory, explanation to the Society statements. Here is the phrase they came up with: "One does not want to rush ahead of the Organization." What "rushing ahead" means is, in most cases, simply telling the truth. Again, because it does not matter if the Society is correct or not: it only matters that you agree with them. This "rushing ahead" mind and conscience controlling device (which allows lying as acceptable to God) is absolutely brilliant and is just one example of the Watch Tower's ability to produce complete control of a person's actions, thoughts, and emotions.

The organization of Jehovah's Witnesses presents a unique challenge to those investigating the history and teaching of this unusual group. The reason, we believe, are two-fold.

First, the history of Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW), as presented in their literature, is very distorted from the actual, factual record that is available to the objective researcher. The JW studying with you is denied access to this same information due to several factors:

  • First, the literature is simply not available in print. Collecting Watch Tower memorabilia is a hobby for many.
  • Second, the Witnesses are banned from researching sites such as this one as we are considered "apostate" within the Watch Tower’s based definition of that word.
  • Lastly, the JW will not investigate information given to them by you as, again, anything in opposition to the Watch Tower’s statements, no matter how reliable the source or definable the historicity of it, is considered "apostate." The JW you are studying with has submitted mind, heart, and conscience to the Watch Tower Governing Body and is incapable of rational, objective discussions.

Secondly, the JW studying with you is talking about "peripheral" issues designed to, slowly and systematically, lead you into the "core" of the Watch Tower’s teaching. As a Christian, I, immediately, take a person to the core of my Faith: "the opportunity of reconciliation to the Father through the Person of Jesus Christ." From this foundation I build outward. The JW you are interacting with does the opposite. Using the programmed study materials of the Watch Tower, they "book-end" the New Testament with Watch tower interpretations of the Old Testament and Revelation. From this perspective they introduce you to their interpretation of the words of Jesus and His Apostils. The result is an entirely different "Good News."

The Watch Tower’s entire theological structure is based on two numbers: 607 (BC) and 144,000. Upon these two numbers (the first an error, the second arbitrary, unprovable) the Governing Body claims complete authority over several million people. The goal of the study program you are involved in is to produce the same docile state the JW is in: your complete submission of mind, heart, and conscience.

Considering the import of that fact, we encourage you to a full investigation of the Watch Tower. Anything we can do, within the scope of our resources and abilities, to assist you in this work we will do. As your Christian neighbors, whatever time this takes from our lives is a worthy price to pay for helping you to avoid the trauma and loss that we have experienced in our interaction with the Watch Tower. Be assured of our love and concern.

Yours in Christ,

Vernon and Terra Williams

You do not know it, but there is a host of people interested in your welfare and happiness... really!

We love you and have every hope your future will be bright.

Source: Jehovah's Witnesses Midwestern Ministries, 2006.