Visions of Glory

A History and a Memory of Jehovah’s Witnesses


Visions of Glory Index

(Note: These page numbers correspond with the printed book only,

and can only be of relative value in using this internet version of the book.)

Abel, 44, 208

Abortion, 86, 393

Abraham, 138, 160, 208

Absalom County (Mo.), 144

Abu Dhabi, 336

Acts of the Apostles 21:25, 98

Adam, 17, 33, 37, 38, 90, 114, 218-20, 229

Adamson, Mr. and Mrs., 55

Adler, Nathan, 251

Adventist sects, 42

Afars and Issas Territory, 336

Afghanistan, 336

Africa, Witnesses in, 307-20 See also specific countries

Afrikaans language, 314, 320

Agriculture as way of life, 249-50

Aid to Bible Understanding, 73, 77, 82, 95, 111,177, 2 29- 30, 245 Alaska, 336

Albrecht, D., 292

Alcoholism, 248

Aleppo (Syria), 341

Algeria, 336

Ali, Muhammad, 149

All Scripture Is Inspired by God and Beneficial,177-78, 218, 221, 231, 233 Allegheny (Pittsburgh, Pa.), 43, 45, 46, 53,59-60, 67

Allentownn (Pa.), 143

America (periodical), 188, 251-52

American Cancer Society, 123

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),185, 191, 196

American Committee of Africa, 310

American flag, see Flag salute

American Political Science Review, 13-14

American Samoa, 336

Amin, Idi, 321n

Amnesty International, 201, 343, on Malawi Witnesses, 308

Anarchism, 43, 51, 160-61, 164, 166, 228-229, Witnesses accused of, 334

Andhra Pradesh (India), 343

Andorra, 336

Angola, 336

Anguilla, 336

Antigua, 336

Aqueduct convention (1974), 80-81, 254-56,271-72

Aragon, Louis, 87

Arbus, Diane, 373,

Argentina, 22, 336

Arkansas Gazette, 191

Armageddon, 13, 14-15, 88, 227-30 all art to be destroyed at, 90 destruction of "wicked" at, 162 prophecies of time of, 35-38, 226,

276, 339 reason for, 17 Russell's vs. Rutherford's views of, 179 willingness of Witnesses to fight at, 199

Arnold, author's love for. 161-62, 349, 356,363, 364, 366-67, 369-73, 3-176, 389

Art, Witnesses' attitude toward, 89-90, 253

Arthur, William, 339


Asbury Park (N.J.), 70

Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 134

Astrology, 246, 251

Athanasius, Discourses Against the Arians, 223

Atkins, Bernard, 135-36,

Atkins, Charlotte, 136

Augustine, St., 25

Auschwitz concentration camp, 29, 303

Australia creativity tests in, 97;1943 High Court decision in, 281-82 Witnesses in, 127, 151-52, 315, 336

Austria, 123n, 281, 336 after Anschluss, 294, 297-99

Azonhiho, Martin Dohou, 321n

Azores, 336

Awake! (periodical) average printing, size of, 127 description of, 127-28, 129, 361 honest testimonies in, 140 illustration for, 106 writers for, 89

Babylon, 14, 32, 36, 177

Babyon the Great Has Fallen!, 32, 227, 397

Bahamas, 336

Ball, Rose, 61-62, 65-66, 68

Banda, H. K., 280, 307-9

Bangladesh, 336

Baptists, 31, 41-42 in U.S.S.R..332

Barak. 208

Barbados, 336

Barbour, N. H., 46-47, 51-52

Barmen Synod (1934), 292

Bart, Thomas, 214- 15

Barth, Karl, 288

Basie, Count, 345

Bavaria, Witnesses banned in, 284

Beard, (Charles A., 42, 397

Beard, Mary R., 42, 397

Beauvoir, Simone de., 72

Beecher, Henry Ward, 67

Belgian Congo-see Zaire

Belgium, 123n, 281, 336

Belize, 330

Bellamy, Carol, 130, 138

Belsen concentration camp, 301

Benedict, St., 89

Benin Dahomey), 320-21n, 336

Bequia, 336

Berlin (Germany), 286, 288, 300, 338

Bermuda, 336

Bertram, Cardinal Adolf, 289

Bethel (Brooklyn, N. Y.) author in, 78, 167, 231, 347-66 building s of, 70, 128, 130-40, 341 1917 dissidents at, 169-70 Service Department of, 155, 275 Szykitka at, 273-75 world control from, 338-39 See also Bethelites

Bethelites black, 255 clothing allowance for, 362 daily routine of, 145

Living quarters of, 145 marriage by, 75-78 World War II draft exemption of, 202

Bethlehem (PA), 142

Beth-Sarim (San Diego, Calif.), 138-39, 184

Bettelheim, Bruno, 306-7

Bible local customs in conflict with, 342, .New World Translation of, 25, 97, 181, 230-33, 395 other translations of, 181, 231 See also specific books of the Bible Bible

Bible House (Allegheny, Pa,). 53, 59, 67

Bible Students, 54, 59 new name for, 181-82 See also International Bible Students Association; Russellite Bible Students

Biddle, Francis, 191

Binsse, Harry Lorin, 185, 323-24

Birdland (N.Y.C.), 345

Black, Hugo, 190, 192

Black jazz musicians, 376-77

Black Witnesses, 214-15, 252, 254-62, 359 See also Africa

Blake, William. 344, 389

Blavatsky, Madame, 44, 115 Blood banks whether Witnesses may work in, 244

"Blood Transfusions- (skit), 100-6

Blood transfusions, 97-106, 125

Bogart, Louise, 386

Bohnet, J. A., 116-17

Bojanoxia concentration camp, 290

Bolivia, 336

Bombay (India), 340-41

Bonaire, 336

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 288-89

Bonn (Germany), 288

Bookus, Ron, 80-81

Boonville, (Mo) 172

Booth, Joseph, 315, 316

Bormann, Martin, 287, 290

Botswana, 336

Boucher, Aime, 325

Boyd, Bonnie, 147

Brace, Helen. 62

Brady, Mary, 85

Brandeis, Louis, 176, 195

Brazil, 127, 336

Breast-feeding, 86

Breedon, Judge, 60

Brigge, Mark Laurids, 213

British Empire Witnesses banned in parts of, 281, 322 See also Great Britain

British Journal of Psychiatry, 152

Brockton (Mass.), 13-14

Brooklyn (N.Y.) author's early life in, 14-33, 74-76, 79-80,

94-96, 197-98 Bethel headquarters in, see Bethel, Brooklyn Heights area in, 130, 133-40 Russell's move to, 67-70

Brooklyn Bridge, 67, 70, 76, 128, 385

Brooklyn College, 96

Brooklyn Eagle, 58-59, 66-67, 69-71, 168,329 sued by Russell, 116-22 Brooklyn Heights Association, 135

Brooklyn Tabernacle, 67, 115-16, 133

Brown, George, 309

Brown, Judge, 67

Bruchhausen, Walter, 148

Brunei, 336

Bruning, Heinrich, 286

Buchenwald concentration camp, 289, 290,301

Bulganin, Nikolai, 331

Bulgaria, 123, 281, 332

Bullboek (South Africa), 316-17

Bursche, Edmund, 290

Burma, 19, 281, 336

Burundi, 336

Byrnes, James F., 195

Calcutta (India), Mother Teresa in, 123, 341

Calvinism, 253

Cameroon, 321n, 336

Camus, Albert, 374-75, 385, 388

Canada, 123n, 127, 130, 151, 321-28, 336

Canary Islands, 336

Cancer, cures for, 85, 123

Cape Verde Republic, 336

CARE packages, 123n

Carriacou, 336

Carter, Sylvia, 135

Catholic Action (Germany), 292-93

Catholic Church author's leaving of, 27, 31- 33, 186, 361 author's return to, 391-93 celibacy in, 74 Nazis and, 187, 286-99 in Portuguese Africa,

310 in Quebec, 321-26 in Rhodesia, 318 Russell on, 48-49, 121, 224 as "666,"' 178 in South Africa, 320 in Spain, 335 Witnesses' absorbing

of, 335-36 Witnesses' antagonism toward, 186-88,199, 262, 283, 385-86, 301 Witnesses as victims of, 176, 185 in Zambia, 312

Catholic Church and Nazi Germany, The (Lewy), 287-88, 295

Cayman Islands, 336

Cedar Bar (N.Y.C.), 378

Central African Republic (Empire), 336

Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.), Witnesses called agents of, 321n Certainty, Witnesses' desperation for, 233-34

Ceylon (Sri Lanka), 281, 338


Chairman's Committee, 142

Charity by Witnesses, 123-26

Charney, Ann, 328

Chartres Cathedral, 90

Chase Manhattan Bank, 131

Chelm (Kulm) (Czechoslovakia), 291

Chicago Mission Friend, 66

Children blood transfusions to, 97-100 creativity of, 97 distribution of publications by, 13-14 at meetings, 264 Witnesses' attitude toward, 90-97

Children (Rutherford), 249

Chile, 332-33

Chilembwe, John, 316-17

China, 123n, 265, 328-29

Christ (Jesus) bride of, 31-32, 34 body of, 54, 223 death of, on stake, 37, 187, 222-23 divinity of, 221-24 head of, 73, 82 Jews and, 159-61 Memorial of death of, 51, 223, 342 sacrifice of, 220 said to have taken power in heaven in 1914, 17, 35-36, 164-66 second coming of, 42, 43, 46, 48, 225

Christian Century (periodical), 191-95

Christian Research Institute, 225

Christian Science, 225, 295

Christianity, symbols of, 342

Christmas, 37, 87, 113, 154-55, 181, 187,385

Church, Frank, 309

Cities, 249--50

Civil liberties in Canada, 321-28 in U. S...see Supreme Court

Clark, Tom, 204

Class Struggle, 25O Russell's belief in, 49-50

Cleveland (Ohio), convention in, 181

Cobb, DeWitt, 70

Collier, Justice, 56, 60

Columbia, 336

Colporteurs (Russellites), 52, 163, 192

Commonweal (periodical), 185, 323-24

Communists, 250, 283-84, 296, 329 Catholic Church and, 187,188, 202 South Vietnam taken by, 329-30 Witnesses accused of being, 334 Witnesses compared to, 303

Comoro Islands, 330

Concentration camps, see Nazis-Witnesses persecuted by

Congo (Brazzaville), 336 C

Congregations, see Kingdom Halls

(Connorsville (Ind.), 190

Conscription in Korean War, 206 in Vietnam War, 202, 206-12 in World War 1, 173 in World War 11, 99, 185, 198-206

Consolidated Edison Company (N.Y. C.),139-40

Constitutional rights, see, Supreme Court, U. S.

Continent, The (periodical), I15

Contraceptives, 86

Conventions, 107, 171, 262-63, 208-72 European, 268-69

1919 Pittsburgh, I

1931 Cleveland, 181

1935 Washington, 182

1939 Madison Square Garden, 147, 148

1941 St. Louis, 74

1950 Yankee Stadium, 181, 207-8, 269-70

1958 Yankee Stadium, 268, 269

1974 Aqueduct, 80-81, 254-56, 171-72

1974 Johannesburg, 320

1976 Crew, 335

Conway J. S., The Nazi Persecution of the Churches-, 282-84, 287-88 Cook Islands, 336

Cooke, John, 310

Cooper, Lee R., 13In, 132, 254, 256-i8, 263

1 Corinthians, Book of 7:9, 77;7:25-35,55; 11:3, 73

Costa Rica, 336

Couch, George, 129-30

Coughlin, Father Charles, 147, 172

Court decisions Canada, 321-28 U. S., see Supreme Court

Covington, Hayden C., 13-14, 17. 149, 154,189, 191, 202, 205-6

Covington (Ky.), 143

Crete, 335

Crime, 251

Crosby, Dixie Lee, 88

Curacao, 330

Current Biography, 139

Cyprus, 337

Czechoslovakia, 123n, 332 Nazis in, 287, 291

Dachau concentration camp, 285, 290, 291,301

Dahomey, see Benin

Danbury Federal Penitentiary,198

Daniel, Book of, 21, 49, 160, 228, 3, 35;4:10-21, 233; 7:14, 35 12:4, 43- 44

Darwin, Charles, 42

David, King, 118, 138, 208

Davis, Charles, 21

Day, Dorothy, 286, 343, 378, 386

Death, Witnesses' reaction to, 345-47

Death of a Salesman (Miller), 362

DeCecca, Giovanni, 175

Delhi (India). 339

Denmark, 123n, 281, 336

Delp, Father Alfred, 290

Der Tag (Yiddish newspaper), 306

Deuteronomy, Book of, 13:6-10, 107-8

Devil, see Satan

Diary of author, 356-63, 367-72, 385

diGia, Ralph, on Witnesses in prison, 198-201

Discourses Against the Arians (Athanasius), 223

Disfellowshipping, 150-57, 354

Disney, Walt, 106

Divine Milieu, The (Teilhard), 218, 222, 229

Divine Plan of the Ages, The (Studies in the Scriptures), 227

Dominica, 337

Dominican Republic, 333-34, 337

Donne, John, 386

Door-to door solicitation, 14, 24-26, 178,180, 362-63

Dos Santos, Marcelinos, 310

Douglas, William 0., 190, 192, 193, 203

Draft, the, see Conscription

Dreams, 245-46 of the author, 351-52

Dress and grooming of Witnesses, 242, 243, 264, 362

Drug addiction, 248-49

Dubai, 337

Duplessis, Maurice, 321-22, 328

Durban (South Africa), 314-15

Dying We Live (Golhvitzer, Kuhn, and Schneider), 290

Earnest Bible Students, 287, 304

Earth's Annular System, The (Vail), 34

Easter, 37

East Germany, 332

Eaton, Keath, 308


definition of, 52

Ecclesiastes, Book of 1:2-3, 232 3:11, 230 23:1, 232


Eddy, Mary Baker, 115

Eddy, Nelson, 88

Education of children expelled from public schools, 192 Witnesses general attitude toward, 92-95,362 See also: Theocratic Ministry School Guidebook; Watchtower Bible Missionary School of Gilead

Egypt blood transfusions as originated in, 98 Great Pyramid of, 44, 45, 50, 51 Jews in, 160 Napoleon in, 49

Eisenhower, Ida Elizabeth Stover, 88

Elias, 44, 49

Elijah, 303, 357, 393

Ellis, William T., 115, 122

Ellison, C. Hilton, 148, 149 -

El Salvador, 337

Environment, destruction of, 145

England, see Great Britain

Erhard, Werner, 248

Est, 248

Estonia, 281

Ethiopia, 32In,337

Eucharist, 222-24

Eureka Drama, 163

Evangelical Confessional Church (Germany), and the Nazis, 286, 288-90, 295, 297

Eve, 15-17, 33, 38, 90, 114, 187, 218-20,229

Evil, 218-21, 360, 389

Explorers Club, 134

Ezekiel, 117, 171

Ezekiel, Book of, 170, 230 4:6 9 36

Factory Servant, 78

Faith on the March, see Macmillan, A. H.

Faroe Islands, 337

Fascism Catholic Church and, 22, 285 See also Nazis, Fashion, 243, 264 Feinberg, Wilfred, 212

Feminism, see Women's Movement

Festinger, Leon, 38

Fiji, 281, 337

Fincastle (Va.), 115

Finished Mystery, The (Studies in the Scriptures),170, 174-75

Finland, 123n, 127, 337

Fischman, Harlow, 137

Flag salute, 19-20, 96, 161, 188-90, 192,195-98 in Zaire, 32In

Flood, the, 33-35, 229

Flossenberg concentration camp, 288, 301

Ford, Judge, 67

Foxe, John, Book of Martyrs, 317

France, 123n, 127, 269, 281, 337

France Amendment, 174

Franco, Francisco, 335

Frank, Anne, 302

Frankfurt am Main (Gcrmany), 300

Frankfurter, Felix, 188, 190

Franz, Frederick W., 37-38, 126, 144, 362 Bible translation and, 231 biography of, 143 at l95O convention, 181, 269-70 testmony in Quebec by, 326-27

Freedom of Worship Act (Canada), 326

Free-will Baptists, 42

FRFLIMO (Front for the Liberation of Mozambique), 308-10

French Guiana, 337

French Revolution, 48-49

Freud, Sigmund, 95, 243, 245, 371, 382

Frick, Williehn, 300

Friedman, Leon, 185, 209, 212

From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained, 222-223,226,229

Fromm, Erich, 152, 358, 361

Fulbright, William, 381

Gabon, 337

Galen, Bishop Clemens von, 290

Gambia, 337

Gandhi, Mohandas K., I9, 200

Garden of Eden, see Adam Eve;

Gaylin, Willard, 206-7

Gentile Times, 35-36, 41, 47, 164, 166-67

Germany, Communists in, 283-84 Jews of, 100 See also East Germany ; Nazis; West Germany

Gerstenmaier, Eugen, 290

Get Christie Love! (TV series), 88

Ghana (Gold Coast), 127, 281, 337

Gibraltar, 337

Gideon, 208

Gilbert Islands, 337

Gilead missionary school, 70, 95, 130, 339

Gobitis case, 189-90, 192, 195

God author's final love for, 388-93 See also Jehovah

God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached, 47, 230

Gorgeous George, 88

Gestapo, see Nazis

Goebbels, Joseph, 291, 296

Goering, Hermann, 291-93

Gold Coast, see Ghana

Gollwitzer, Helmut, 290

Gorazd, Bishop, 291

Government, Witnesses' attitude toward, 177-78

Graves, Teresa, 88

Great Britain (England), 127, 130, 228 aid to, 123n, International Bible Students Association as corporation of, 67n, Witnesses in, 50, 151, 183, 281, 336 in World War 11, 22, 281

Great Depression, 75

Great Pyramid of Egypt, 44, 45, 50-51

Greece, 123n, 334-35, 337

Greenland, 337

Gregory, Thomas W., 176

Grenada, 337

Grenzdorf concentration camp, 291

Guadeloupe, 337

Guam, 337

Guardini, Romano, 222

Guatemala, 123, 337author in, 154, 340, 379, 380

Guinea, 337

Guinea-Bissau, 337

Guru Maharaj-ji, 145

Guyana, 337

Haiti, 337

Hamilton (Canada), 163

Hare Krishnas, 31

Harkin, Tom, 309

Harp of God, The, 223

Haraczaz, Michael, 2711

Harris, Richard, 352

Hartman, George, 131n

Hartman, Ray Robert, 202

Harvard University, 96

Hassan, Sophie, 69

Hauptmann, Bruno, 390

Hawaii, 337

Hay, Hope, 118

Heath, William J., 148

Heaven, Christ's taking power in, 17, 35-36, 164-166 number of places reserved in, 182, 226

Heffernan (attorney), 21

Hell's Angels, 386

Henderson, Sir Neville, 285

Hennings, Ernest C., 168

Henschel, Milton G., 17

Heraklion (Crete), 335

Herald of Morning, The (periodical), 46, 52

Hershey, Lewis B., 202

Heydrich, Reinhard, 290, 295

Higher criticism, 42, 93, 246

Himmler, Heinrich, 282-83, 287, 293, 295, 303-6

Hitler, Adolf, 16, 22, 112, 187, 200, 282,283, 286, 300, 301

Catholic Church and, 287-88, 290, 291,295-96 See also Nazis

Hitler Speaks (Rauschning), 295-96

Hitler Youth, 293, 294

Hitler's Table Talk, 287, 295-96

Hoekema, Anthony A., 35, 92, 395

Holliday, Billie, 376

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 195

Holy Scriptures, see Bible

Homosexuality, 79-80, 86

Honduras, 337

Honesty of Witnesses, 140, 244, 253

Hong Kong, 337

Houser, George, 310

Howe, Harland B., 175

Howlett, Helen, 148

Howlett, Malcolm A., 148

Huddleston, Father Trevor, 314

Hungary, 123n, 281, 332

Hutten, Kurt, 35

Hymns Welsh, 381-82 of Witnesses, 264

"I Did Not Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier,"26

Iceland, 337


Ickes, Harold, 191

In Solitary Witness. The Life and Death of Franz Jagerstatter (Zahn), 298-99

In the Service of Their Country: War Resisters in Prison (Gaylin), 206-7 Independent African (book), 316

India, 22, 123-24, 337, 339-41, 343 author in, 154, 340-41, 378-80 women in, 342

Indonesia, 337

Informed Heart, The (Bettelheim), 306-7

Innocent VIII (pope), 98

International Bible Students' Association, 67-68n, 141 in Germany, 285-86, 300-1 in World War 1, 173-74

Iran, 337

Iraq, 337

Ireland, 127, 265, 281, 337

Irkutsk (U. S. S. R.), 331

Isaiah, Book of 8:18, 269 32:2, 384 43:1, 10, 181

Isle of Man, 281

Israel (ancient), 73, 159-61, 249 enslavement of, 35

Israel (modern), 337

Israelites of South Africa, 317

Isaac, 138, 160

Italy, 28-30, 123n, 281, 324, 336, 337, 340

Ivory Coast, 337

Jacks, Bo, 80-81

Jackson, Robert H., 195

Jacob, 160

Jagerstatter, Franz, 297-99

Jamaica, 337

James, William, 92, 280, 386

Jankowski, Robert, 140, 143

Japan, 127, 281, 329, 332, 337

Jehovah, 213-18, 345 compassion of, 87-88 mercilessness of, 357 name of, 72, 231 primary purpose of, 17 rebellion against, 113-14 vengeance of, 262

Jehovah's witnesses, first use of term, 181-82

Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, 26, 44,47-49, 53, 57, 67, 95, 140, 141, 167-69,175-76, 179, 280-81, 283, 285, 286,322, 325-28, 330-32, 395

Jephthah, 33, 208

Jeremiah, 99

Jerusalem, destruction of, 36, 276

Jesuits, 25, 187, 188 Nazis and, 290, 294

Jesus, see Christ

Jews helped by Witnesses, 306 Nazi persecution of, 21-22, 282, 302-3 Orthodox vs. Non-orthodox, 160 Witnesses' antipathy toward, 125, 159-61,199, 283 Witnesses accused of being agents of, 334-Witnesses preaching among, 21

Job, 218-19, 231

Johannesburg (South Africa), 315

John, St., Gospel of-, 1:1, 381

Jonah, 358

Jones. Hugh, 133

Jordan, 337

Joseph, 18

Journal of Personality, 97

Judas, 229

Jung, Carl, 152, 245

Kamwana, Elliott, 315-10

Karamanlis, Constantine, 331

Katanga, 318

Kaunda, Kenneth, 312-13

Keane, Walter, 89

KeIby, Charles H., 118-20

KeIlock,Justice, 327

Kempner, B. M., 291

Kennebunk (Me.), 190

Kennedy, Father Robert, 224

Kersten, Felix, 304-5

Kenya, 318, 321n, 337

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 259, 380

Kingdom Farm, 95, 147

Kingdom Halls funds of, 132-33; meetings at, 179, 263-64 wedding ceremonies in, 81

Kingdom Is at Hand, The, 277

Kingdom Ministry (newsletter), 132, 246, 265,396

Kingdom of- God, 46, 84, 109, 122

Kings Park Asylum (N.Y.), 69

Kipling, Rudyard, 74

Kitawala (Kitower) sect, 318-19

Klamath Falls (Ore.), 191

Kline, Franz, 378

Knorr, Audrey Mock, 142

Knorr, Nathan H. administration of, 141, 172, 273-74 on author's loved friend, 349 author's resignation and, 304-66 Bible translation and, 231 description of, 135, 142, 145, 158, 338-39,362 hostility toward Jews of-, 159 marriage of, 77, 142 personality of, 58-59 Saigon visit by, 329 Koozman and Hartman (attorneys), 130-31

Korea, 43, 332. 337

Korean War, 206

Ku Klux Klan, 187-88

Kulisz, Karol, 290

Kung, Hans, 388

Kulm (Chelm) (Czechoslavakia), 291

Kuwait. 337

Labor unions, 139, 271

Labrenz, Cheryl, 97-98

Lakewood (N, J.), 96

Lanternari, Vittorio, 40, 318-19

Larson, Max, 135

Latham, Chief Justice, 281-82

Latin America Catholic Church in, 280 Witnesses in, 224, 332-34 See also specific countries

League of Nations, 166, 179

Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 70

Lebanon, 337

Leone, Mark P., see: Religious Movements in Contemporary America Leptis Magna (Libya), 380

Lesbianism, see Homosexuality

Lesotho, 314, 331

Lesotho language, 320

Let God Be True, 72, 92, 159, 181, 218, 220,223, 229

Leviticus, Book of, 17:10, 97

Lewy, Guenter, The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany, 287-88, 295 Liberia, 337

Libya, 337 author in, 379, 380

Liechtenstein, 337

Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God,37, 395

Lindberg, Scott, 317

Litchfield (Ill.), 190

Little Rock (Ark.), 191

Litvinov, Pavell, 330

Livingstonia Mission (Lake Nyasa), 315

Lochner, J., The Goebbels Diaries, 296

Logan, Willis, 310-11

London (England) Bethel headquarters in, 2811938 parade in, 183 Love,382

Love and Will (May), 306

Loyalty (Rutherford), 189

Lucifer, see Satan

Ludendorff, Erich, 300

Luke, Book of, 21:24, 35

Luxembourg, 337Nazis in, 295

Macao, 337

McCord, Michael Witt, 209-12

MacDonald, Janet, 323

MacDowell Colony, 390

MacFarlane, Judge, 69

McGinnis, H. C., 188

Machel, Samora, 309

MacLeish, Archibald, 356

MacMillan, A. H. (Hugh) arrest of, 174 Faith on the March, 45, 51, 53, 99, 131-32,141, 163-65, 168-72, 180, 204, 221,246, 395

McSorley's (N.Y.C. bar), 378

Madagascar, 337

Madeira, 337

Magdeburg (Germany), 284

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 39

Malachi, Book of, 3:2, 232

Malawi, 280, 307-9, 315-18, 337, 343

Malaya (Malaysia), 281, 337

Mali, 337

Malvina Islands, 337

Manitoba (Canada), 151

Manus Islands, 337

Mao Tse-tung, 329

Marin, Walter, 225

Marriage "New Wedding" ceremonies for, 81 to nonbelievers, 111- 14, 183 Rutherford on, 74 Russell and, 54-55, 64, 73-74 Witnesses' general attitude toward, 76-77,107

Martin, R. J., 174

Marshall Islands, 337

Martinique, 337

Marx, Karl, 284

Marxism, 383

Maslanka, David, 94

Masturbation, 15, 78, 238, 370

Matthew, Book of, 21 24:45-47, 171, 28:20, 233

Mauritania, 337

Mauritius, 337

Mauthausen concentration camp, 290, 301

May, Rollo, Love and Will, 306

Media Industry Newsletter, 127

Mellon, Andrew W., 45

Memorial of Christ's death, 51, 223, 342

Mennonites, 283

Menstruation, 14, 15

Mental health, 126, 152, 248

Mexico, 311, 337

Mgijima, Enoch, 317

Michelangelo Buonarroti, 90

Millenial Dawn, 172

Miller, Arthur, 370 Death of a Salesman, 362

Miller, Isaac N., 67

Miller, William, 42

Mintons (N.Y.C. jazz club), 376

Miracle wheat, 115-20, 146

Miriam (Moses' sister),57

Mirsky, Chester, 209-10

Mob violence, 190-91

Molly Maguires, 43, 46

Molohan, Jerry, 131n, 134, 138

Montreal (Canada), 322, 323

Montreal Canadian Register, 323 - 24

Montreal Herald, 328

Montserrat, 337

Moorestown (N.J.), 154

More (periodical), 128-29

Mormons, 225

Morocco, 321n, 337

Moses, 118, 138, 208

Moss, Beverly, 140

Mother Teresa, 123, 341

Moyle, Olin R., 146-48, 154, 158

Mozambique, 308-11

Ms. magazine, 328

Muller, Hans, 289

Mundelein, Cardinal George, 286

Murphy, Frank, 14, 190, 192, 203

Music, 243

Muslims in the U.S.S.R., 332

Mussolini, Benito, 324

Napoleon Bonaparte, 48-49

Napoleonic Code in Quebec, 328

National Cyclopedia of American Biography, 127

National Council of Churches, Africa and,310, 343

Native Church Commission (South Africa),317

Nazis, 269 Catholic Church and, 187, 286-99 dreams of, 246

Protestants and, 280, 288-90, 292, 295,297 Witnesses accused of collaboration with, 330 Witnesses persecuted by, 282-307 Nebuchadnezzar, 33, 35, 276

Nepal, 337

Nephilim, 37

Netherlands, 123n, 281, 337

Netherlands East Indies, 281

Nevis, 337

New Britain, 337

New Caledonia, 337New Creation, The (Studies in the Scriptures), 51,73-74,227,255

Newfoundland, 337

New Guinea, 337

New Hebrides, 337

New Ireland, 337

New Order, 23, 86, 107, 269

New Orleans (La.), 153

New System, 23, 107

New Wedding ceremonies, 81

New World, 22-23, 36, 82, 84, 90, 97, 107,128

New World Society, 155

New World Translation of the Bible, 25, 97, 181,230-33, 395

New York City Board of Tax Commissioners, 57, 70-71,133-135,140 conventions in, 147, 148, 181, 254-56,268-72 See also Brooklyn

New York Daily News 135

New York Media Women, 89

New York Post, 134

New York Racing Association, 271

New York Review of Books, The, 30

New York Times, The, 123, 129-30, 139, 184,190, 324

New York Tribune, 175

New Zealand, 151, 281, 315, 337

Newburgh (N. Y.), 129

Nicaragua, 337

Nicene Creed, Nazis' use of, 297

Niemoller, Martin, 288-89

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 360, 370

Niger, 337

Nigeria, 127, 281, 321n, 337

Nieu, 337

Noah, 34, 87, 97

Northern Rhodesia-see Zambia

North Solomons, 337

Norway, 123n, 127, 281, 337

Novaya Zemlya (U.S.S.R.), 331

Nuremberg (Germany), 269

Nyasaland, see Malawi

Nyirenda, Tom, 317-18

Occultism, 246-47

Okinawa, 337

Old Believers, (U.S. S. R.), 332

Onan, 357

One Clark Street Tenants Association, 137

Only the Dead Know Brooklyn (Wolfe), 70

Ontario, Freedom of Worship Act in, 326

Open Forum, The (Wirin), 196

Optometrist, author's trip to, 305

Oranienburg concentration camp, 290

Orlady, Justice, 56-59, 62-06

Ottawa (Canada), 325

Ottawa Evening Citizen, 327,

Ouija board, 72

Outsiders, 374, 370

pacifists, Witnesses do not call selves, 176 208

Pakistan, 337

Palau, 337

Palestine, 22 return of Jews to, 159-61 Panama, 337

Papadopoulos, George, 334-35

Papua, 337

Paradise Restored to Mankind by Theocracy,229-30

Paraguay, 337

Paris (France), 269, 329

Parker, Charlie, 376

Pastoral Bible Institute, 149

Paton, Alan, 314

Pattison, E. Marshall, 97, 115, 252

Paul, St., 55, 73, 77, 110, 208, 390

Paulos, G., 148-49

Peck, Jim, on Witnesses in prison, 198-201

People's Pulpit (Russell), 58

People's Pulpit Association, 67n, 68n, 133

Personal Qualifications Report, 144

Personnel Committee, 142

Peru, 337

Pesce, Mike, 136

1 Peter (Epistle), 1:7, 111

Pfeffer, Leo, 173

Philippines, 123n, 127, 281, 337

Phillips, Llewelyn, 312

Phoenix (newspaper), 139

Photo-Drama Creation," 163

"Pioneer," 162

Pittsburgh (Pa.),

Watch Tower corporation in, see Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Witnesses in, 43-46, 52, 67-70, 119-20,

128, 142n

Pittsburgh Bible Class, 46

Pius XII (pope), and Nazis, 286-87, 296, 301

Plays, 108-11, 266 "Blood Transfusion," 100-6

Plymouth Church (Brooklyn), 67

Pohl, Oswald, 303-5

Poland, 123n, 281, 332 Nazis in, 287, 290-91, 295

Pollock, Jackson, 378

Polygamy, 318

Polytechnic Institute, 116


Porter, Philip A., 308-9

Porter, Stephen, 59-65

Portugal, 338 Mozambique and, 309-11

Poverty, 247-50

Pravda (newspaper), 330

Presbyterian Church, 27, 33, 42, 44

Prince, Sarah, 13-14

Prison, Witnesses in, 99, 175-76, 185, 198-201,206-12

Protestantism, 42, 163 "Miracle Wheat" case and, 121-22

Nazis and, 286, 288-90, 292, 295, 297 Russell on, 224

Psalms, 38 23:1, 232 `99:1, 232

Publishing Committee, 142

Puerto Rico, 338

Quakers, 41, 198

Quebec (Canada), 321-28

Quinlan, Karen Anne, 98n

Race, see Black Witnesses

Rand, Ayn, 216, 249

Rape, 15-16, 86-87, 308

Ravensbruck concentration camp, 301, 330

Rauschning, Hermann, Hitler Speaks, 295-96

Report of Activities of the Jehovah's Witnesses Worldwide (1976), 336-39 Restitution, 47, 49

Resurrection of the dead, 118, 220-21, 229-230

Religion of the Oppressed (Lanternari), 40

Religious Movements in Contemporary America (Zaretsky and Leone), 82, 97, 132, 173,190, 251, 254, 256-58, 396

Retsoff, Vera, 213-14, 234-41

Reunion, 338

Revelation, Book of, 21, 170, 230; 8, 179 11:2, 7, 176;12:6, 35;12:14, 35 Reverend Ike, 145, 225

Rhodesia (formerly Southern Rhodesia), 250,308, 315, 317-19, 321n, 338

Rhokana Corporation, 312

Riecken, Henry W., 38

Rise of American Civilization, The (Beard and Beard), 42, 397

Ritchie, A. 1., 168

Rockville (Md.), 190

Rodrigues, 338

Roebling, John, 70

Roman Catholic Church, see Catholic Church

Romans, Epistle to the 13, 297,13:1, 177-78

Rome (Italy), 339, 340, 379

Roncarelli, Frank, 323-24, 328

Ross, J. J., 71, 163

Rumania, 123n, 281, 332

Rural New Yorker (periodical), 116

Russell, Stan, 353, 356 -

Russell, Charles Taze ("Pastor"), 41-71, 133,143, 146, 163, 173, 180, 186, 276 Africa and, 315, 316 on anarchy, 160-61, 164, 228-29 attitude toward Jews of, 159-61 on Catholic sacraments, 224, 227 on children, 90-91 on cities, 249-50 on classes of "spiritual-begotten" people,227 court transcripts of, 53-54, 57, 58 death of, 70, 163, 169 divorce case of, 56-71 on Germany, 307 on God, 216 later downplaying of, 171 "miracle wheat" and, 115-18 power of, 168-70 prayer meetings with, 179 as president of three societies, 68n prophecies of, 164-67 on races, 255 sexism of, 73-74, 81 on solicitation, 115 world tours of, 127, 329

Russell, Maria Frances Ackley, 52-74, 81,119, 140 in Russell's will, 168 Russellite Bible Students, 52, 55, 58, 164,168

Russia, Jews in, 160 Witnesses in, 330-32

Russian Orthodox Church, 331-32

Rutherford, J. F. ("Judge"), 118, 138-39,143, 158 administrative policies of, 141, 179-80 on Catholic Church, 187 death of, 184 description of, 172-73 election of, as second president, 168-69,173 Hitler on, 286 imprisonment of, 173-76, 184 "Judge" title of, 172 Moyle scandal and, 146-48 prophecies of, 178, 180 on Russell, 49, 171 on women, 74

Rutherford, Malcolm, 172

Rutherford, Mary, 172

Rutledge, Wiley, 14, 203

Rwanda, 338

Sachsenhausen concentration camp, 291, 301

Saigon (Vietnam), 329 St. Helena, 338

St. Kitts, 338

Saint Louis (Mo.), convention in, 74

St. Lucia, 338

St. Martin, 338

St. Pierre and Miquelon, 338

St. Radegund (Austria), 297

St. Vincent, 338

Saipan, 338

Salinger, J. D., 95, 374-75

Salisbury (Rhodesia), 308

Salvation Army, Nazis and, 295

Sampson, 208

Samuel, 208

San Diego (Calif.), Witnesses' residence in,138-39, 184

San Marino, 338

Satan (the Devil)bound,122 celibacy and, 74 Chartres and, 90 and fall of Adam and Eve, 218-20 in heaven and earth, 135, 164-65 influence of, 62-63, 161, 246-47, 250 Jehovah and, 17, 56 Jews and, 161 philosophy and, 359 religion of, 36 uses of, 48, 49, 53, 56

Saturday Evening Post, The, 190-91

Saudi Arabia, 338

Sayers, Dorothy, 222

Schachter, Stanley, 38

Schneider, Paul, 289

School Servant, 266

Schroer, Max, 305

Scotland, 127

Search, The (trade newspaper), 139

Second Sex, The (Beauvoir), 72

Segregation, Witnesses' attitude toward, 26 1,359

Selective Service, see Conscription

Senegal, 338

Service Committee, 142

Service Department (Bethel), 155, 275 Index

Service Meeting, 264-66

Seventh-day Adventists, 335

Seventh-Day Baptists, 41

Sex author's experiences with 79-80, 369, 375-378, 381, 387 Witnesses' attitudes toward, 15, 78-81,201,266,357 See also Marriage; Women Seychelles Islands, 315, 339

Shanghai (China), 329

Sharpville (South Africa), 314

Shattuck, Edward S., 202

Shiva, worship of, 154, 379

Sierra Leone, 338

Simmons, Betty, 13-14

Sinclair, Upton, 177

Singapore, 338 Sisters of Charity, 121

Sistine Chapel, 78

Sisyphus, 384-8S

Skits, see Plays

Smith, Booker, 214

Smith, Joseph, 115

Smith, Mary Lou, 14

Smoking, disfellowshipping for, 150

Social gospel, 262

Socialism, 160, 161

Soldau (Dzialdovo) (East Prussia), 291

Solomon, Gus J., 209

Solomon, King, 118, 141

Solomon Islands, 338

Song of Solomon, 16, 170, 2:12-13, 232

South Africa, 22, 127, 280-81, 313-20, 338

Southern Rhodesia, see Rhodesia

South Lansing (N.Y.), 95, 129, 130

South-West Africa, 338

Soviet Union, see Russia

Spain, 201, 281, 335, 338

Speech training, 264, 267

Spencer, John, 152

Spillane, Mickey, 88

Spiritualism, 94, 246-47

Springfield (Ill.), 191

Squibb pharmaceutical plant, Witnesses' acquisition of, 128

Sri Lanka (Ceylon), 281, 338

Stone, Harlan Fiske, 190, 192

Stoner, K. B., 116

Stuttgart (Germany), 288

Studies in the Scriptures, see: Divine Plan of the Ages, The; Finished Mystery, The; New Creation, The; Thy Kingdom Come; Time Is at Hand, The

Stutthof concentration camp, 291


Suicide, 244-45

Suiter, Grant, 183

Supreme Court, U.S., 149, 172, 18S-86 blood-transfusion cases before, 98n draft cases before, 202-12 flag-salute cases before, 19-20, 188-90,

192,195-98 literature and licensing cases before, 13-14,192-97

Surinam, 338

Swaziland, 338

Sweden, 123n, 127, 338

Switzerland, 123n, 127, 281, 301, 329, 338 Zurich bank account, 174-75

Syria, 338, 341

Szykitka, Peggy, 275

Szykitka, Walter, 96, 166, 263, 272-79

Tahiti, 338

Taiwan, 338

Tanzania, 338

Teaching Committee, 142

Tax exemption, 130, 133-34

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 218, 222, 224,247, 251, 253, 344, 387, 390 Temptation of Religion (Davis), 21

Teresa, Mother, 123, 341 Teresa, St., 390

Terminology of the Witnesses, 23-24 Teschen (Silesia), 290

Thailand, 338

Thanksgiving (holiday), 342

Theocratic Ministry School Guidebook, 221, 264-265,266-68

This Good News of the Kingdom, 218-20

Thorn, Brother, 167-68

Three Worlds, and the Harvest of This World (Barbour and Russell), 47 Thy Kingdom Come (Studies in the Scriptures),41, 43, 48-49, 159, 224 Time Is at Hand, The (Russell), 47

Time of the End, 43, 48

Tobago, 338 Togo, 321n, 338

Tokelau Islands, 338

Toledo Blade, 66

Tomsk (U.S.S.R.), 331 412

Tonga, 338

Toronto Globe and Mail, 327

Torrance Test, 97

Tower Publishing Company, 53

Towers Hotel (Brooklyn Heights), 138

Transvaal, 314

Trinidad, 338

Trinity, 36, 222-23,Nazi view of, 294-95

Tripoli (Libva), 379

Trujillo Molina, Rafael, 333

Truk, 338

Truth, The, 20, 83-84, 87, 106, 124, 155,156

Truth Shall Make You Free, The, 27, 33-36,

Truth That Leads to Everlasting Life, The, 127,130, 132

Tsongas, Paul, 309

Tunisia, 338, author in, 380

Turks and Caicos Islands, 338

Turn of the Screw, The (James) 92

Tuvalu Islands, 338

Two-Seed-in-the-Spirit Predestinarian Baptists, 42

Typographers Union, 75

Tyschuk, Father Arkadei, 331-32

Uganda, 318-19, 321n, 338

Ughetta, Henry L., 148, 149

United Cemeteries Corporation, 116,119-20

United Nations, 17, 227-281, 331, 346

United States, number of Witnesses in, 338

United States Department of Agriculture,116, 118

United States Department of Postal Inspection, 110

United States Investment Co., Ltd., 68, 119-120

United States Supreme Court, see Supreme Court

Upper Volta, 338

Uruguay, 338

Vaccination, 99

Vail, Isaac, 34

Vampira (film), 88-89

Van Amburgh, William E., 118-20, 133, 174

Van Shriver, Fountain, 254

Varieties of Religious Experience (James), 280,386

Venezuela, 338

Vietnam, 329-30

Vietnam War, 201, 202

Virgin Islands, 338

Vladimir (U.S.S.R.), 331

Vorkuta penal camp (U.S.S.R.), 331

War Resisters League, 198

Warangal (India), 154, 179

Ward, Henry G., 176

Washington (D.C.), convention in, 182

Washington, (N.J.), 129

Washington Post, The, 66, 330-31

Watchtower, The (periodical; previously The Watch Tower and Zion's Watch Tower) average printing, size of, 127 contributions notice in, 131 first-issue printing of, 52 honesty testimonies in, 140 illustrators for, 106 in Mozambique, 309-10, 1914 Annual Report in, 115 smuggled into Dominican Republic, 334 in South Africa, 314, 315 study of, at meetings, 179, 263-64 writers for, 89

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc. (later Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.) bombing of, 134 Charter of, 141 committees of, 142 congregations of, see Kingdom Halls, Conventions of, see Conventions, defectors from, 87-88 disfellowshipping by, 150-57, 354 dependency on, 112 dissident directors of, 169-70 factories of, 128, 129 finances of, 68-69, 71, 130-33, 178-79,339 founding of, 43 governing structure of, 141-44, 163-64 headquarters of, see Bethel; Bethelites incorporation of, 67-68n, 130, 142 as Jehovah's channel, 91, 171 Legal Department of, 149 "Magazine work" of, 183, number of members of, 23, 52, 127, 338,339 no paid persons in, 144, 145 number of magazines distributed by, 52 presidents of, see Franz, Frederick W.; Knorr, Nathan H.; Russell, Charles Taze; Rutherford, J. F, printing operations of, 78, 126-29, 179 publications of, 26-27, 67-68n, 395-96; see also specific publications; publications smuggled by, 301, 334 radio station of, 179, 184 solicitations by, 115, 118, 141 Tabernacle of, 67, 115-16, 13 3 tax exemption of, 130, 133-34 turnover in, 268, 272 working farms of, 95, 129-30

Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (Watch Tower Society), 52-54, 56, 67-68n, 133, 143, 163 structure of, 141, 142n, 168 Watchtower Bible Missionary School of Gilead, 70, 95, 130, 339 Watchtower Farm (Newburgh, N.Y.), 129-130

Watchtower Mission (South Africa), 515-16

Watch Tower Society, see Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

Waterman, Sterry R., 212

Wauer, Paul, 305

WBBR (radio station), 179, 184

Weil, Simone, 320, 347-48

Western Samoa, 338

West Germany, 214 aid to, 123n convention in, 269 number of members in, 127, 337

West View (Philadelphia, Pa.), 131n

Wheat, miracle, 115-20, 146

When Prophecy Fails (Festinger, Riecken, and Schachter), 38

Whiting, Tom, 353-54, 356

Whitman, Walt, Leaves of Grass, 70

Who Are Jehovah's Witnesses? (Henschel), 17

Wilfred of Whitby, St., 89

Wilhelm, Anthony, 389

Williams, Joe, 345

Williams, Tennessee, 370

Wirin, A. L., 196

Wittig, Karl R., 300-1

Wolfe, Thomas, 70

Women appeal of Witnesses to, 28 Beards on historical changes in lives of,41-42 at Bethel, 347, 352, 353 in India, 342 psychology of, in Witnesses, 87 in Quebec, 328 Russell and, 55-56 as Temptation, 32 in

Theocratic Ministry School, 266 Witnesses' attitude toward, 72-88, 107,

162, 383, See also Marriage; Women's Movement; Women's rights Women's Movement, 80, 89, 383 Catholic Church and, 392-93

Women's rights, Russell on, 58, 64

Woodhull, Victoria, 46, 47

Woodrow (Staten Island, N.Y.), 179, 184

Woodworth, C. J., 147

Work, Witnesses' attitude toward, 252-54

World War 1, 35, 163, 164, 166, 171, 173-77

World War 11, 19-23, 123n, 177, international persecution of Witnesses

during, 280-307, 312, 319, 332 mob violence in, 190-91 Russians baptized during, 330 Witnesses' advice to government during, 270 Worldly success, Witnesses' attitude toward,88-89

Writing Committee, 142

Yap, 338

Yugoslavia, 281, 332

Zahn, Gordon, In Solitary Witness, 298-99

Zaire (formerly Belgian Congo), 315, 318, 3 38

Zambia (formerly Northern Rhodesia), 281,308, 312-13, 315, 317-18, 338

Zaretsky, Irving I., see: Religious Movements in Contemporary America Zion, Sydney, 190

Zion's Watch Tower, see: Watchtower, The

Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence, 52

Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society, 52-55

Zulu language, 314, 320


I Personal Beginnings: 1944

11 Organizational Beginnings: (1873-1912) Charles Taze Russell

III Waiting for the World to Die

IV Accumulating Wealth While the World Refuses to Die

V God Can't Kill Arnold

VI In Transition

VII Catholics, Mob Violence, Civil Liberties, and the Draft

VIII The Lure of Certainty

IX The Heroic Opportunity and Adventure: Jehovah's Witnesses Overseas

X Leaving: 1955

Abbreviated Codes for Sources Frequently Cited and Additional Sources



This is copyrighted material used by permission of Barbara G. Harrison.

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Without the support and generosity of friends and colleagues, and without the gift of time and space provided by the MacDowell Colony, I could not have written this book.

For trusting me enough to share intimate details of their lives, I thank David Maslanka, Walter Szykitka--and others who are unnamed, but not unloved. My debt to them is very great.

For the invaluable information and advice they gave so freely, I thank Bernard and Charlotte Atkins, Leon Friedman, Ralph deGia, Father Robert Kennedy, Jim Peck.

For their creative research and editorial assistance, I thank Tonia Foster and Paul Kelly-and the librarians at the Brooklyn Public Library, who eased their task.

For their perceptive insights and criticism, which helped me to understand not only my subject, but myself and my past, I thank Sheila Lehman, Tom Wilson, Sol Yurick, L. L. Zeiger, and David Zeiger.

No words can express my gratitude to the members of my family who always listened, even when their patience was sorely tried, and who were emotional bulkwarks when I was sorely tried: Carol Grizzuti, Dominick Grizzuti, Richard Grizzuti; and my children (who managed, with grace, to live with my obsessions), Anna and Joshua Harrison.

For Father Michael Crimmins, Alice Hagen, and Rose Moss, who gave me a very special kind of encouragement at a very crucial time, I have love and regard.

And finally, I thank and esteem my editor, Alice E. Mayhew, for her good counsel and her good work.

(Throughout this book, I have changed names and identities to protect the privacy of those concerned.)

This book is for Arnold Horowitz.

Barbara Grizzuti