CAS and the Seisen Mission & Vision

The Seisen Mission

Seisen, a Catholic International School, educates world citizens to become men and women for others and with others, in the spirit of Jesus Christ. Seisen’s mission is to provide a safe environment in order to empower each student, through shared responsibility, creativity, and human interdependence, to develop their unique talents and to become competent and compassionate players in our global society, capable of empowering others and of bringing hope and peace to our ever-changing world.


At Seisen, CAS plays an important role in our mission of developing internationally minded students dedicated to serving their communities. In order to achieve this, all experiences should be meaningful to the students and all learning and growth is demonstrated through their CAS portfolio. The Experiential Learning programme, which CAS forms a significant component of in Grades 11 and 12, allows students to develop employable skills in non-academic scenarios. By doing so they engage in areas of interest to prepare them for life after Seisen and lays a foundation of reflective practice and resiliency.

Creativity is mentioned directly in the vision and relates very closely to the CAS Strand of Creativity. The idea of Service is deeply embedded in our Mission and Vision. By carrying out this strand of CAS, students exemplify both the Seisen Mission and the IB Learner Profile.

We hope that CAS serves as a medium through which students can develop their unique talents and that they are both empowered and empowering others through their CAS journey.