CAS and the Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh International Award Program (DOE) and the CAS Program were both influenced by the work of educational philosopher Kurt Hahn and are therefore similar in many ways.  At Seisen, the Award is a nice fit because it covers many of the same elements as CAS and the Seisen learner profile.

Seisen International School offers the DOE program to interested students from Grades 9 through 12. Students may complete the DOE award alongside their CAS portfolio. 

The Award is “a fun adventure and major challenge, three progressive Award levels (Bronze, Silver and Gold) and a wide range of activities offer endless possibilities to anyone aged 14 to 24. Millions of young people around the globe have already taken part in the world’s leading youth achievement award –pushing personal boundaries, gaining new skills and enhancing their CVs and university applications.”

 “What is a Duke of Edinburgh Award?”, Duke of Edinburgh International Award, accessed April 22, 2016,

CAS: Creativity

DOE: Skills

** Be careful though! Not all experiences that qualify for DOE Skills will also qualify for CAS Creativity. 

CAS: Activity

DOE: Physical Recreation

CAS: Service

DOE: Voluntary Service

In addition to the three activity areas above, DOE candidates must also undertake the Adventurous Journey.

Students reflect on their DOE activities using the Online Record Book, the same way that they reflect on their CAS experiences on Managebac.

You may count the activities you do for the Duke of Edinburgh as CAS experiences as long as they meet at least one of the CAS strands and a Learning Outcome.

Check out the DOE @ Seisen Site or contact Mr. William Skulmoski ( to learn more about the DOE program!