CAS with EL

From 2023, all Grade 11 students are requied to take/lead an EL activity, which can be counted towards CAS. The activity will be once a week on Friday Period 6.

What is EL?

In Seisen, EL stands for Experiential Learning, which runs every Friday period 6.

Experiential learning is a dynamic and hands-on educational approach that emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge and skills through direct, immersive experiences, that are outside of the traditional school curriculum. Experiential learning encourages active engagement, problem-solving, critical thinking, and reflection. 

Some important links for this year

EL offering slides 2023-2024

EL timeline for 2023-2024

EL name list and location for 2023-2024

Roles and Responsibilities 

EL Participants:

EL leaders:

EL supervisors:

Ms.X & Ms.A

Documents for EL student leaders

Lesson plan templete

Teamwork template

EL tracking sheet