Domain Three: Adaptive Skills

Domain three focuses on the adaptive skills that we as teachers need to acquire to master this transformational way of teaching.

In competency one, reflection, the focus is for educators to take the time to figure out what is working and what is not working. This can mean taking a deeper look into student-level data, technology applications, teaching strategies, and even supervisor feedback.

Canva [Digital Image]. (2022).

Making reflection a part of your planning process can allow you to anticipate challenges and problems that may arise in the online classroom. There are many ways to reflect on your practices and on your lessons. One reflective tool that is growing in popularity is videotaped lessons!

Click on the image to the right and read the linked article for more ideas on how to become a reflective practitioner.

Renard, L. [Digital Image]. (2019).

How to become a reflective teacher - The complete guide for reflection in teaching

Technology, technology, and more technology! It is forever changing and improving and so is education. Educators must continue to improve on teaching practices and use technology in appropriate and innovative ways--get creative!

When you focus on communication within the blended learning classroom, you allow students to engage in connected learning, and learners are provided sources of information that go beyond you, as the teacher, and beyond what can be taught from a textbook.

Now that you have learned about Domain Three, complete the chart on your reflection sheet based on your understanding.

Click the NEXT button to learn more about Domain Four: Technical Skills.

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