Domain Four: Technical Skills

Mastering technical skills for domain four means brushing up on your data practices! Educators must understand how to use qualitative and quantitative data to assess students' understanding of individual skills, look for gaps in knowledge, and even understand their aspirations and interest.

By using qualitative and quantitative data, teachers should be able to:

  • implement pre-assessments of students' prior knowledge

  • employ ways for effective evaluation (completed by teacher and students)

  • assess whether students are ready for course content and the method of delivery chosen (Powell et al., 2014)

Planning, organization, and flexibility are essential in Blended Learning. Teachers must work to manage both the asynchronous and synchronous components of the Blended Learning approach, understand and implement effective classroom management techniques, and be tech-savvy when dealing with technological problems.

Educators must demonstrate skill in the evaluation and use of effective instructional materials and tools. Resources chosen for students must be engaging and used to help students in their academic achievement and development of academic skills.

Teachers can do this by:

  • engaging students in the process of vetting the instructional tools (give them choice!)

  • selecting and utilizing a variety of developmentally appropriate online tools for communication, productivity, collaboration, analysis, presentation, research, and online content delivery

  • utilizing an array of technologies, techniques, and methodologies (Powell et al., 2014)

Now that you have learned about Domain Four, complete the chart on your reflection sheet based on your understanding.

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