Food Prices
Do not forget Daily Express Sept 2018 ‘Shoppers to enjoy Brexit price cuts as farming rethink brings cheap food’ Professor Patrick Minford, chairman of Economists For Free Trade, said: “Brexit will reduce CPI by eight per cent in the long term as food and manufactured prices come down as we introduce free trade with the world outside the EU.
August 22
Inflation highest in foods "Food and non-alcoholic drink inflation jumped to 12.7% in July compared to July 2021, up from 9.8% in June. July marks a full year of price rises for food and non-alcoholic drink, and the second highest inflation rate since records started in 1989, just below August’s 2008 rate of 13.2%.
It is the basics going up fastest..
Food prices rising at fastest rate Fastest rate in 42 years. Prices for food and non-alcoholic beverages rose 14.6% over the year to September 2022, increasing again for the 14th consecutive month.