
Labour - get your wellies on! Jan 2021

Big Issue (North) Mar '20 Why don't we more to help Northern farmers?

Unite News Online says "we have an opportunity to set matters off in a new direction – even if we don’t Brexit. The book gives people a chance to join the debate and then make up their own mind as to what is best for most of us, the future of the country and for the earth. Then go out and fight for it.”
Big Issue article Why don't we just...feed ourselves better?
Labour Briefing
Unite News Online February One of the UK’s biggest berry farms is moving part of its operations to China because it claims it can’t find enough workers. However, Unite said the agricultural sector would be able to find domestic labour sources if workers were paid, treated and trained properly...and then quoted Bittersweet Brexit saying we should proper Living Wage to 300,000 permanent land workers.
Country Standard July 18 argues for a different form of agriculture from plantations and which pays people properly
Landworker article (Aut 2018 'Seven months' food supply warning'') (Page 1 & Page 2) makes mention of Clutterbuck saying there needs to be much more investment in UK Farming and that includes rebuilding our research station.
Rumble in the Ribble