

What do you want to do?

Do you want to take up the challenge

The kingdom of God is coming, whatever you think of it. It is the declared aim of the Almighty. All the good news in the Bible is written for us to strengthen our present life in obedience to God. However, there is no coercion behind this, but God has given us free will, so that we can choose which way we want to go in life.

Herein lies the challenge of Christ to each and every one of us. Do we really want the salvation for which he died on the cross? Do we want to belong to the church of his followers and let our lives be prepared for the future?

Do we want, that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven? Do we consciously pray the Our Father and do we know what we are saying when we ask "Your kingdom come!"? Do we want to become citizens of the Kingdom of God that will be established at the return of Jesus? Are we ready to take the steps that will make these things a reality for us?

If you can answer "yes" to this question and you really mean business, then the gospel gives you the good news. Pick up your Bible and read for yourself what God has in store for you.