Biblepower to change

Biblepower to change

The power of the Word of God for those who read His message

The Word of God has the power to change our lives

Romans 12:1-2 [1]. Consistently, the Bible teaches that the influence of the word of God has the dynamic power to transform our lives: in the way we think, the way we act, our aims and goals in life, and our entire attitude towards the purpose of living. Such a change in us will prepare us for Christ’s coming and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. In this passage the apostle Paul taught that we should be willing to sacrifice the natural ways of the flesh so that our character will become moulded after the pattern of Jesus Christ. We must learn to become “holy” (a word which means “separate” and “cleansed”), and thus become “acceptable to God”. Rather than being “conformed” to the will of the flesh and the ways of the world about us, we should become “transformed” so that we learn to think in harmony with the mind of God. This is the only means by which such a state can be achieved: through the “renewing” of our mind — i.e., by following the wise counsel found in God’s word we learn to think and evaluate things differently. In short, we need a new mind; one which does not think according to the dictates of the flesh. It is the new mind which will enable us to “prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God”. If we would become true sons and daughters of God, this new approach to life is to be regarded as our “reasonable service.. .” (Gk. logikos, “logical, rational, reasoned, or reasonable.”) Philippians 2:5-9. The word of God, if we allow it free reign in our lives, must have the effect of developing within us a disposition in harmony with that of Christ (the Greek word rendered “mind” in v. 5 more correctly carries the idea of disposition, or attitude). These verses are teaching that the Lord Jesus Christ was obedient to his Father in all things, even to death. For him, this meant a life of sacrifice, always putting the will and purpose of his Father first in everything. But because he gave such unqualified obedience to God he has now been “highly exalted” and having attained to divine nature can die no more. This is the great blessing of God which is held out to all who will learn the truth, and endeavour to humbly follow Christ’s example (1 Peter 5:6-7, etc.).

Luke 17:26-33. In these words the Son of God foretold judgment to come upon an evil and godless world. He spoke of the days of Noah and the flood, an age of divine judgment when all but eight human beings were destroyed. He also made reference to the days of Lot, when the evil people of Sodom and Gomof^ah were annihilated. The Lord said:

“Remember Lot’s wife.^1 He did not say: “Remember Lot.” Why was this? Because Lot’s wife found it impossible to make a wholehearted commitment to God. She knew something of the truth, but she wanted the best of both worlds. She wanted to escape divine judgment, but she also wanted the things of Sodom. The result? She lost everything. Jesus reminded us of this incident so that we would not exhibit a double-minded attitude. Like Lot’s wife. On the other hand, if we are prepared to turn away from the godless ways of an evil world and turn to God in faith — armed with a true understanding of His word — we can live in hope of eternal life.

Titus 2:11-14. These verses show that God will exercise “grace” (a word which means “favour”) towards those who serve Him faithfully. He will give them “salvation”. God is prepared to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. We are called upon to turn away from all ungodliness, and live according to the principles of righteousness as set forth in God’s word. At the same time, we are to look earnestly for Christ’s coming, knowing that our hope of salvation is dependent upon his return to earth. In giving his life for us, Christ’s objective was to “purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” Even though the world may think us somewhat “peculiar”, it is vital to please God rather than man. God can grant us forgiveness for our sins, eternal redemption and a life which will never end. The “world” can offer us nothing but the darkness of eternal death. 1 Peter 1:13-16. We have “hope” for the future, only if we strive to follow Christ. We will cast off our old way of life, if we are influenced by the truth of God’s word. We will recognise the flesh for what it is, and we will become transformed in our thinking. As “obedient children” we will listen attentively to the voice of God that we might become “holy” — a word which implies separation from that which is evil, to be made “clean” in the eyes of God. No matter how many trials and problems we may face in life, Christ will bring with him, when he comes, the “grace” of God, which will result in an eternal reward for those who have faithfully served him.

1 John 2:15-17. “Love not the world” because “the world” does

not honour God or represent His ways. The “world” (Gk.,

Cosmos, “the order or arrangement of things” — i.e., the

philosophies and systems of men) serves only the dictates

of the flesh. By giving reign to the flesh, God is dishonoured in three basic ways:

The lust of the flesh

The lust of the eyes

The pride of life

(c.p. Eve’s fall, through these three weaknesses: Gen. 3:6; cp. the way in which Christ was tempted in the same three ways — but overcame: Matt. 4:3-10).

The world as we know it today “is passing away” (v. 17, lit. Gk.) because it is directed by the flesh and is therefore basically evil. The kosmos (the religious, political, military and social systems of men) will be swept away by Christ at his coming. During the kingdom age the human race will be educated according to divine •light”. Meanwhile, those who do the “will of God” now (v.17) will live for ever. Luke 8:10-15. These challenging words from the Lord provide an apt conclusion for this section of our studies. Only a certain class of person can ever hope to understand the truth because the majority will not be willing to subvert their own will to the guidance of God. Even so, those who do learn the truth must exercise great care in continuing to submit their lives to the loving direction of their Heavenly Father. After accepting the truth some will still permit the things of the world to predominate in their lives. Such worldly or fleshly influences may choke” the word of God, leaving the individual spiritually destitute. Tragically, they may not realise their true state (cp. Rev.3:17. The ground for Christ’s rebuke of this Ecclesia was their ignorance: they had permitted their materialistic gains and ambitions to “choke” the influence of the word of God out of their lives). Conversely, those who continue to humbly walk before God, conforming their lives to the will of Yahweh, will manifest those qualities of character in which God delights. Continuing in this way “with patience” they will bring forth fruit” to the glory of the Father. This faithful class of humanity, though they may be few in number, have a glorious hope: to become complete manifestations of what the Father now is: mentally, morally and physically — and ultimately living for ever in the glory of divine nature. The struggle against the forces of evil is well worth while, not only because of the promised reward, but most especially because we are striving to bring honour to the Mighty God who has created us and given us life, that we might glorify Him.

“God be thanked that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you . . . For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us . . .” (Romans 6:17; 8:18).




[1] “Therefore, brothers, I implore you by the compassion of The God to present [before Him] your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to The God [as] your logical formal worship. Also, do not be conformed to this period of time, but rather, be transformed, by the renewing of your mind, proving to yourselves the good, acceptable and perfect will of The God.” (Ro 12:1-2 MHM)

Of interest:

  1. Backbone-book

  2. Collection of books or the Holy-Scriptures

  3. Hidden books

  4. A collection of holy writings to show God and His works

  5. One not without the other

  6. Are there certain books essential to come to faith

  7. Reliability of message appears from honesty writers

  8. Sharing thoughts and philosophical writings

  9. Are you looking for answers and Are you looking for God

  10. People Seeking for God 1 Looking for answers

  11. People Seeking for God 3 Laws and directions

  12. Inspired Word

  13. A question to be posed

  14. Looking for Answers

  15. Background to look at things

  16. Why believing the Bible

  17. Unsure about relevance Bible

  18. Coming to understanding from sayings written long ago

  19. Words to inspire and to give wisdom

  20. Who Wrote the Bible?

  21. The Bible: God’s Word or pious myth?

  22. Scripture Word from God

  23. Bible, God’s Word to edify (ERV)

  24. The Word of God in print

  25. Why think that (4) … God would reveal himself in words

  26. Why think that (5) … the Bible is the word of God

  27. How to look for and how to handle the Truth

  28. Determined To Stick With Truth.

  29. Bible and us

  30. Showing by the scriptures that …

  31. the Bible – God’s guide for life #1 Introduction

  32. the Bible – God’s guide for life #2 Needs in life

  33. the Bible – God’s guide for life #3 Fast food or staple diet

  34. the Bible – God’s guide for life #4 Not to get the best from our diet– or from ourselves

  35. the Bible – God’s guide for life #5 What is God like

  36. the Bible – God’s guide for life #6 Case example – King Josiah #1

  37. the Bible – God’s guide for life #7 Case example – King Josiah #2 Lessons from Josiah’s experience

  38. Appointed to be read

  39. Bible basic intro

  40. Absolute Basics to Reading the Bible

  41. Bible Word from God

  42. Bible Word of God, inspired and infallible

  43. Finding and Understanding Words and Meanings

  44. Pure Words and Testimonies full of Breath of the Most High

  45. Bible in the first place #1/3

  46. Bible in the first place #2/3

  47. Bible in the first place #3/3

  48. Loving the Word

  49. Fixing our attention

  50. Bible, helmet of health, salvation and sword of the spirit

  51. Human and Biblical teachings

  52. An uncovering book to explore

  53. Necessity of a revelation of creation 1 Works of God and works of man

  54. Necessity of a revelation of creation 4 Getting understanding by Word of God 2

  55. Necessity of a revelation of creation 6 Getting understanding by Word of God 4

  56. Necessity of a revelation of creation 7 Getting understanding by Word of God 5

  57. Necessity of a revelation of creation 9 Searching the Scriptures

  58. Necessity of a revelation of creation 12 Words assembled for wisdom and instruction

  59. Necessity of a revelation of creation 13 Getting wisdom

  60. Wisdom not hard to find nor hiding in remote places

  61. An anarchistic reading of the Bible—(1) Approaching the Bible

  62. When reading your Bible be aware of changing language

  63. Jesus spoke Hebrew and Aramaic

  64. Revival of Jesus’ language at Oxford

  65. Missional hermeneutics 1/5

  66. Missional hermeneutics 2/5

  67. Missional hermeneutics 3/5

  68. Missional hermeneutics 4/5

  69. Missional hermeneutics 5/5

  70. Bric-a-brac of the Bible

  71. Book of books and great masterpiece

  72. Unread bestseller

  73. The Bible is a today book

  74. Bible a guide - Bijbel als gids

  75. Bible in a nutshell

  76. Bible like puddle of water

  77. Of the many books Only the Bible can transform

  78. Possibility to live

  79. Genuine message of salvation

  80. Power in the life of certain

  81. Bible power to change

  82. Written down in God's Name for righteousness

  83. Challenging claim

  84. Challenging claim 1 Whose word

  85. Challenging claim 2 Inspired by God 1 Simple words

  86. Challenging claim 3 Inspired by God 2 Inerrant Word of God

  87. Challenging claim 4 Inspired by God 3 Self-consistent Word of God

  88. Miracles of revelation and of providence 2 Providence

  89. Scripture words written for our learning, given by inspiration of God for edification

  90. Bible, sword of the Spirit to come into the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man

  91. The Bible a Book of books

  92. Written by inspiration of God for our admonition, to whom it shall be imputed if they believe

  93. Full authority belongs to God

  94. Authority of the Bible

  95. The radiance of God's glory and the counsellor

  96. Is God hiding His face when He is seemingly silent

  97. God's promises

  98. Divine Plan and an Imperfect creation

  99. An unbridgeable gap

  100. Childish or reasonable ways

  101. Fear of God reason to return to Holy Scriptures

  102. By temptations, by signs, and by wonders we can see the Works of God

  103. Written to whom it is about to be reckoned

  104. Bible, best Book of books to get to know the truth

  105. Reading of contrasts

  106. Plain necessary food of the gospel

  107. Scripture alone Sola Scriptora

  108. In case you find contradiction between Old and New Testament

  109. Genre – Playing by the Rules

  110. The Need to Understand Genre

  111. The Metaphorical language of the Bible

  112. Colour-blindness and road code

  113. God's design in the creation of the world

  114. God's instruction about joy and suffering

  115. God giving signs and producing wonders

  116. God His reward

  117. Incomplete without the mind of God

  118. Written down in God's Name

  119. A way to look for Christ, the Bible, Word of God

  120. Looking for blessed hope

  121. Working of the hope

  122. Words to bring into a good relationship

  123. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #4 Words in Scripture

  124. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #5 To meditate and Transform

  125. Trusting, Faith, calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #3 Voice of God #6 Words to feed and communicate

  126. Written down for God to bring us up to a virtuous life

  127. Written for our instruction, that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope

  128. Scripture words written for our learning, given by inspiration of God for edification

  129. Testimonies to observe, inspired by God

  130. Who Gets to Say What the Bible Says?

  131. I can’t believe that … (4) God’s word would be so violent

  132. God’s will is that all sorts of men should be saved

  133. Creator and Blogger God 10 A Blog of a Book 4 Listening to the Blogger

  134. Creator and Blogger God 12 Old and New Blog 2 Blog for every day

  135. Interpreting the Scriptures (Part 5)

  136. Learn to read the Bible effectively

  137. Materialism, would be life, and aspirations

  138. Food as a Therapeutic Aid

  139. Bible containing scientific information

  140. When you don't know what to do and hate yourself

  141. Bible for you and for life

  142. The Way To Life

  143. Chief means by which men are built up

  144. Engagement in an actual two-way conversation with your deities

  145. To find ways of Godly understanding

  146. Believing what Jesus says

  147. Do Christians need to read the Old Testament

  148. The importance of Reading the Scriptures

  149. Why can’t Bible scholars agree on how to interpret the Bible?

  150. Out of Context: How to Avoid Misinterpreting the Bible

  151. Archaeology and the BibleStatutes given unto us

  152. Summerholiday season time to read the Bible

  153. A feast for the Word of God

  154. Bible ownership and Bible knowledge slumped

  155. TV literary adaptation of The Bible

  156. Hebrew, Aramaic and Bibletranslation

  157. Some Restored Name Versions

  158. Celebrating the Bible in English

  159. What English Bible do you use?

  160. Murdock or Murdoch Bible

  161. 2001 Translation an American English Bible

  162. The NIV and the Name of God

  163. Use of /Gebruik van Jehovah or/of Yahweh in Bible Translations/Bijbel vertalingen

  164. יהוה , YHWH and Love: Four-letter words

  165. The Bible and names in it

  166. Comparisson Bible Books in English, Dutch and French

  167. Bible Translating and Concordance Making

  168. Accuracy, Word-for-Word Translation Preferred by most Bible Readers

  169. iPod & Android Bibles

  170. Cell phone vs. Bible

  171. Bible Companion now also available on Blackberry phones

  172. The Most Reliable English Bible

  173. NWT and what other scholars have to say to its critics

  174. King James Bible Coming into being

  175. Dedication and Preaching Effort 400 years after the first King James Version

  176. Codex Sinaiticus available for perusal on the Web

  177. Working on the Bible being like re-wiring an old house

  178. A Bible Falling Apart Belongs to Someone who isn't

  179. Feed Your Faith Daily

  180. Devotees and spotters

  181. Discipleship way of life on the narrow way to everlasting life

  182. Bringing Good News into the world

  183. Bible exhibition

  184. Souls and Religions with Nirvana and light

  185. Breathing to teach

  186. Teaching Holy Scriptures in Schools

  187. How to Choose a Bible for Preaching