Love of God

The Love of God

Today the most widely held view is that "God is love". Does not the Apostle John say so in his epistle (1 John 4:1 6), and in his gospel? "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son" that men and women should live and not die (John 3:1 6). God is all kindness, it is said, and He would not condemn or reject anyone. The result of this thinking is an emotional view of God, formed from human desires. C.S. Lewis once described this as the view of God as "a kindly grandfather", anxious only to keep His children happy by gratifying their every wish.

But this is a gross perversion of the love of God revealed in the Bible. No human father, earnestly desiring his children's welfare, believes this result can be achieved by gratifying their every wish. Now God is the Supreme Father, who created the human race that they might reflect His own character of truth, mercy and holiness. So

"God created man in his own image" (Genesis 1:27)

and gave men and women remarkable powers of reason, understanding, conscience and will -- all denied in the same degree to the animals -- so that they might use them to understand Him and develop characters fit for the eternal destiny He desired for them.

This attitude towards erring mankind, showing that He is

"not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9),

"who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4),

is shown in His dealings with the nation of Israel, described in Scripture as His "son", and also as His "wife". Understanding these human relationships, and knowing that essentially their success lies in mutual dependence and selflessness, helps to explain the qualities of patience and compassion God exhibits to His individual children.

When Jesus was describing to his followers God's never-failing interest in His children's welfare, he told the story of the prodigal son. The Father's pain when his son demands his portion and his rights echoes God's own hurt when men and women wish to strike out on their own, heedless of His ways and His loving care. In the parable, the father's constant watchfulness mirrors God's, who ever waits to receive repentant sinners who can be covered by the clothing for sin provided through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Nor is this description of God found only in the New Testament or in the teaching of the Lord. The prophet Hosea's personal experiences with a faithless wife were no different from the treatment God Himself received from the wayward nation of Israel. Just as Hosea took back his wife, so God always stretched out His arms to receive Israel again. In doing so, however, He did not show any approval of what His people had done: the experiences they endured because of their faithlessness were intended to teach them about the kind of lives His children should be living.

So there emerges the great principle that it is not the personal desires of men and women which have first place in God's purpose for them, but their ultimate good. The attitude of God is indeed of mercy, kindness, grace and forgiveness towards His children, as the New Testament so abundantly declares; but it is all within the framework of their ultimate welfare in His purpose.

Additional reading

  1. From waste and void coming into being by God’s Word

  2. Main verses in the Bible telling us Who God is #3 The Set apart or holy One faithful and righteous God

  3. Main verses in the Bible telling us Who God is #5 The Great Infinite, Truthful, Gracious, Merciful and Compassionate God

  4. Main verses in the Bible telling us Who God is #6 The Unique One abundant in Loving-kindness

  5. Main verses in the Bible telling us Who God is #8 Some more attributes of God

  6. Challenging claim 2 Inspired by God 1 Simple words

  7. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #13 Prayer #11 Name to be set apart

  8. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #15 Exposition before the Creator

  9. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #18 Fulfilment

  10. Omniscient God opposite a not knowing Jesus

  11. Not about personal salvation but about a bigger Plan

  12. Counterfeit Gospels

  13. Being thankful for the Word spoken to us by God

  14. Today’s thought “That my name might be proclaimed” (January 31)

  15. Today’s thought “Thoughts by Psalm 78” (February 14)

  16. Today’s thought “Blessed people …” (July 27)

  17. Give thanks to יהוה! For He is good, For His kindness is everlasting

  18. Yom Hey, Eve of Passover and liberation of many people

  19. To wake up each morning knowing that the Creator of the universe loves you

  20. God’s wisdom for the believer brings peace

  21. A heart full of love is a fundamental requirement

  22. Today’s thought “Having enemies ashamed and greatly dismayed” (January 03)

  23. Dark times, dry places, panting hearts, thirsting, being cast down and patience

  24. Today’s thought “Period of uncleanness and offerings” (March 1)

  25. According to Your mercy remember me

  26. January 27, 417, Pope Innocent I condemning Pelagius about Faith and Works

  27. Natural inclinations and Praying and asking

  28. Nazarene Commentary Luke 1:46-56 – Mary Magnifies God

  29. Nazarene Commentary Luke 2:39-40 – The Young Child Grows

  30. In the death of Christ, the son of God, is glorification

  31. Death and Resurrection of Christ

  32. We are redeemed; we are “bought with a price”

  33. Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26

  34. Faith coming by hearing and sent preacher gift from God

  35. When having found faith through the study of the Bible we do need to do works of faith

  36. The Hater of Jesus and Jesus’ followers having become a speaker for him

  37. Failing Man to make free choice

  38. Ability (part 4) Thought about the ability to have ability

  39. God’s wrath and sanctification

  40. Charis Shalom

  41. The way of salvation

  42. Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound

  43. Looking for a spiritual new life

  44. Salvation, Baptism and Re-baptism

  45. Matthew 12:33-37 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Judgment Day

  46. Roads leading to God