Life of Discipleship

Life of Discipleship

Whose apprentice to become

When we want to become a disciple of some one, we should first of all choose a teacher and know enough about him to follow him.

The best discipleship we can find in this world is becoming a follower of the Nazarene rebbe or master teacher Jeshua or Jesus Christ.

Becoming a true follower of Christ

Believing the Gospel as the Bible presents it, brings about a marked change in outlook. The true follower of Christ has a new dimension in his life: the will of God is sovereign and Christ is his King. The Kingdom which Christ will establish at his Second Coming is the one to which he belongs. Following the apostolic command: "Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake" (1 Peter 2:13), he will obey all the commandments of authority, unless they conflict with the law of God.

Then he follows the apostle Peter's saying: "We ought to obey God rather than men" (Acts 5:29). When his nation goes to war, the sincere believer who accepts New Testament teaching cannot fight for a human government, nor set out to destroy his fellow man.

Christadelphians have a long record of refusing to join armed forces, and many governments have recognized the sincerity of their convictions.