Peace of Mind

Peace of Mind

Believing the Gospel as the Bible presents it

Believing the Gospel as the Bible presents it, brings about a marked change in outlook.

The true follower of Christ knows how there is only One True Sovereign God Who has given His only begotten beloved son to the world.

The deeds of that sent one from God have brought something incredible precious to mankind, namely the Grace of salvation. By the ransom offering of Jesus we are bought free and are not any more slaves of this world and of sin. That redemption from slavery that gives freedom should give us also freedom of chains of temptations in our mind.

When we keep to the teachings of the Bible we shall see that we shall have fewer problems than those who do things against the Law of God.

When not lying, not covet or wish things of others on us, not stealing or robbing, not to fight or kill, we shall when we love our neighbour as ourselves have lesser difficulties to have good relationships with others and to feel ourselves in our own peaceful world, whilst at other places in the world lots of problems may go on.

Obeying God rather than men (Acts 5:29) we shall feel more at ease. Trusting in God we shall have fewer matters to worry about.

Opening the eyes for the Truth of God

The greatest impact of the faith in the Only One True God is in the believer's personal life.

By looking for answers and for the truth the person has his eyes opened to the self-indulgence, the greed and the pride which are so evident in human society. By reading the gospel he has the example of Christ, who puts away these natural desires in order to do the Will of God.

Recognising the great grace he has received in the forgiveness of sins and in reconciliation with God, the servant of Christ seeks to extend the same love, mercy and kindness to others, to speak the truth and to act honestly in all his dealings. Though the ideal is not always attained, owing to human weakness, its recognition produces a calm and peaceful attitude of great comfort in this turbulent age.