God the Father

God as Father

When looking at the living beings on this planet we see "families" having a male and female partner and their offspring. We speak of a father and mother figure. For the human creatures we look at them as being created by Some One Who as our Maker deserves the title to be our Maker, Creator Who is Divine, or even can be called "Our Father".

Lots of people wonder for what cause they do exist and question if there is something, somewhat or someone behind everything here on earth. Many are looking for a Source, responsible for all beings. The head of a family or of a gang is mostly called "The Father" or the "Godfather. That One Being, responsible for everything that exists, we call Our Father. People have expectations when they look up as a person they consider to be their father. The same for those looking at the Divine Creator, the God of the universe or the God of heaven and earth.

When the title "father" is used for someone, it is considered that person has a certain (mostly good) relationship with others, like a father-son relationship. In such instance there is also mostly a certain intimate relationship. It is not because the father would be far away from his children that there would be not an affectionate feeling for his children. The bond is most important and gives the strength to their relationship, making it meaningful.

When we know that the Elohim Hashem Jehovah created the earth with its plants and animals and placed the first human beings in His Roayl Garden, we should know that those two people, the first Adam and his wife (or mannin) Eve were the first human beings and our ancestors. Having Jehovah has their Maker, He is there father and as such the children of Adam and Eve got the Elohim as their grandfather or could also talk to othhers of the "Father in heaven" next to their father on earth.

"Our Father, which art in heaven"

This first line from "The Lord's Prayer" used to be one of the best known in the New Testament. Today it is much less frequently repeated. But even at the height of its use, it is to be feared that the term "Father" was used in a conventional sense without much thought about its implications.

In Old Testament times God had already revealed Himself as a "Father".

"Israel is my son, my firstborn" (Exodus 4:22)

was His declaration to Pharaoh in Egypt. Through the long centuries of their experience the faithful appreciated the relationship:

"Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust" (Psalm 103:13-14).

In the New Testament the supreme manifestation of God as Father is in the person of His beloved Son. Jesus constantly refers to God as "my Father" and, when addressing the disciples, as "your heavenly Father". The infinite grace of God, so dear to the psalmists and prophets, was shown in the giving of His Son as the atonement for sin. And so the faithful are granted a new relationship with God, in which they are not only "heirs with Christ" but "sons and daughters of God". John exclaims:

"Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God: and such we are" (1 John 3:1, R.V.).

But in these days of casual familiarity it is easy to slip into the habit of thinking of God, and indeed even addressing Him, as "one of us". Jesus kept his priorities clear at all times, and particularly in his prayers.

"I thank thee, 0 Father, Lord of heaven and earth" (Matthew 11:25)

warns us that although God is truly our Father, He remains "Lord of heaven and earth" and should be worshipped as such. Twice in his prayer for the disciples shortly before his crucifixion, he addresses God direct:

"Holy Father ... 0 righteous Father" (John 17:11,25).

There is no familiarity here, but a profound recognition of this "otherness" from man.

Similarly the Apostle Paul, quoting from the Law and applying the saying to the believers in Corinth, urges them to "come out" and "be separate" from the idolatrous worship and practices in Greek society. God promises them,

"I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters";

but Paul does not hesitate to complete the quotation, "saith the Lord Almighty", and to go on to urge his readers to cleanse themselves

"from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God", that is, in reverent worship (2 Corinthians 6:17-7:1).

And in the prayer Jesus taught his disciples he addressed God as:

"Our Father, which art in heaven" (Matthew 6:9).

God is indeed a Father to the faithful, showing all the care and concern that a father would feel for His children. But those "sons and daughters", while appreciating His grace and mercy towards them, must never presume to forget the reverent worship which is His due. This balanced attitude is severely threatened in our times of freedom of expression and human rights. The Bible alone enables us to preserve that balance.

Additional reading

  1. Seeing or not seeing and willingness to find God

  2. People Seeking for God 5 Bread of life

  3. People Seeking for God 7 The Lord and lords

  4. Looking for God

  5. No insurmountable obstacles to come to know God

  6. Background to look at things

  7. Cognizance at the doorstep or at the internet socket

  8. A God between many gods

  9. Pluralis Majestatis in the Holy Scriptures

  10. Necessary to be known all over the earth

  11. A Book to trust #8 Father of the universe wanting His creatures to know Him

  12. A Book to trust #15 Writings to show The God #2 Importance of Being

  13. A Book to trust #20 Available in many languages #3

  14. A Book to trust #26 Roadmap for life out of darkness

  15. Existence and difficult recognition of the Supreme Deity Being

  16. Showing by the scriptures that …

  17. Main verses in the Bible telling us Who God is #5 The Great Infinite, Truthful, Gracious, Merciful and Compassionate God

  18. The Love of God

  19. Born of the Father

  20. Forbidden Fruit in the Midst of the Garden 4

  21. Out of the seed of Eve

  22. First mention of a solution against death 6 Authority given to the send one from God coming out of the woman

  23. To whom do we want to be enslaved

  24. Not words of any organisation should bind you, but the Word of God

  25. Memorizing wonderfully 7 Exodus

  26. The God of hope filling us with all joy and peace

  27. Last Events of Old Testament – Right of Wrong?

  28. The one who set the standard

  29. A learning process for each of us

  30. Patriarch Abraham, Muslims, Christians and the son of God

  31. Keturah concubine of patriarch Abraham

  32. Back from gone #2 Aim of godly people

  33. Back from gone #3 Giving worries to God and believing in His promises

  34. Jesus, A way given to find the right way to God

  35. The Immeasurable Grace bestowed on humanity

  36. Behold, My mother and My brothers!

  37. Outflow of foundational relationship based on acceptance of Jesus

  38. Are Christians prepared to Rejoice in the Lord

  39. One Mind, One Accord

  40. Ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26

  41. Children of God - mentioned in Scripture

  42. We Are The Children Of God

  43. We all are changed into the same image from glory to glory

  44. Jehovah, the Adonai, Elohim God of gods our stronghold

  45. Today’s thought “On the eternity of God” (December 17)

  46. Today’s thought “Allowed to have dominion over the universe” (January 02)

  47. Today’s thought “Folly and Wickedness of Men” (January 06)

  48. Today’s thought “We wait eagerly for” (January 30)

  49. Today’s thought “No silence so that everyone will know that there is only one Supreme Ruler all over the earth” (February 17)

  50. Today’s Thought “Witnessing servants of God” (June 19)

  51. Today’s Thought “That they may know that there is none besides Jehovah ” (June 21)

  52. Today’s Thought “Given for a light to the Gentile” (June 24)

  53. Today’s Thought “God’s servant will succeed! He will be raised up, exalted, highly honoured!” (Weekend of 2020 June 27-28)

  54. Looking for the Way to God

  55. Humility and the Fear of the Lord

  56. Fellowship over meals

  57. Nazarene Commentary Matthew 4:1-4 A Wilderness Temptation

  58. Matthew 13:36-43 – The Nazarene’s Commentary: Parable of the Zizania in the Field Explained

  59. Listening and Praying to the Father

  60. Self inflicted misery #8 Pruning to strengthen us

  61. Light and Salt – Parables of Influence

  62. Bring praise to the Creator

  63. Praying and acts of meditation without ceasing

  64. Praying is surrendering in all circumstances

  65. Matthew 6:1-34 – The Nazarene’s Commentary on Leviticus 19:18 Continued 2 Prayer and neighbour love

  66. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #10 Prayer #8 Condition

  67. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #11 Prayer #9 Making the Name Holy

  68. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #12 Prayer #10 Talk to A Friend

  69. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #13 Prayer #11 Name to be set apart

  70. Trusting, Faith, Calling and Ascribing to Jehovah #14 Prayer #12 The other name

  71. Marriage of Jesus 10 Old and New Covenant

  72. Magnificent bride for royal wedding

  73. Atonement And Fellowship 2/8

  74. Troubles testing your faith and giving you patience and good prospects

  75. Get into the habit of dealing with God about everything

  76. Accuracy, Word-for-Word Translation Preferred by most Bible Readers

  77. From those preaching the Gospel and Baptism in Jesus name