Schedule of Topics

A journey to explore how our behaviour shapes the way we look at our health. 

The  School of Health Sciences, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore

Chapter curated and authored by CHONG Ching Liang 

Term 1 - Psychology

Behavioural Sciences & Nursing, the Health Belief Model (HBM)and patient behaviour.

2 - Nursing Children 

Piaget's Cognitive Development & Erikson's Psychosocial Theory.
HBM applied to understand children's' health and illness behaviours

3 - Nursing Adolescents 

Social perceptions, Social cognition, Carl Roger's Theory of Congruence
HBM applied to understand adolescents' health and illness behaviours

4 - Nursing Adults
(Middle Adulthood)

Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Stress and Coping.
HBM applied to understand middle adult's health and illness behaviours

5 - Nursing Adults (Late Adulthood)

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross' 5 Stages of Grief and major life changes.
HBM applied to understand older adult's health and illness behaviours

6 - Summary of Term 1

Psychological concepts and communications with patients across the ages.
A review of Term 1

Sociology and the Sociological Imagination. Socialisation process and the Transtheoretical Model (TTM)

Term 2 - Sociology

Gender socialisation, gender inequality and gender norms.
TTM applied to understand the impact of the social factor of Gender on  health and illness behaviours

Introduction to Age and Ageism; Social Construction of Ageing; Disengagement Theory and Ageing.
TTM applied to understand the impact of the social factor of Age on  health and illness behaviours

11 - Summary of Term 2

Sociological concepts and communications with patients across the ages.
A review of Term 2