A Different Mode of Learning

A journey to explore how our behaviour shapes the way we look at our health.

The School of Health Sciences, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore

Chapter curated and authored by CHONG Ching Liang
Edited by: Yasmeen Shariff
Webpage Built by CHONG Ching Liang

Self-Directed and Team-based Learning

Flipped Model of Lecture

This maybe something completely new for you. In this model of learning, you ARE your own teacher. So what do you do during the timetabled slot for Lecture? You must teach yourself the subject matter of the week through the materials already provided to you in this web-book. You may of course, go beyond what is available here if you want to do your own research to supplement what you have already learnt.

This process is designed to help learn to be independent learners, life-long learners where you acquire the confidence not to depend on a teacher/lecturer but yourself and your course mates to drive your learning.

Stage 1 -

Individual Learning Phase the "Pre-Work".

This is the self-directed learning section.

Prior to the timetabled online tutorial sessions, you must complete the designated chapter in the Web Book. Watch the videos, and read the online readings.

Stage 2 -

Team-based Learning Phase 1 - Building knowledge & Clarification

This is where teams who have not grasp certain theories or concepts can seek clarifications from their learning guide (a.k.a. "Lecturers") during the tutorial lessons.

Better still, the team can discuss further within the group or discuss with other teams that may have a better understanding.

Stage 3 -

Team-based Learning Phase 2 - Application

This is where you will engage in group activities that will allow you to apply what you have learnt in each week's lecture to real life scenarios to help you understand how your future patients may behave.


InteDashboard. (2019). The Team-Based Learning Process. Retrieved February 19, 2020, from https://www.blog.intedashboard.com/post/the-team-based-learning-process