
The Health Belief Model

The  School of Health Sciences, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore

Part 1

Application of the Health Belief Model Case Study: Dementia 

Dementia is a neurological disease characterized by the loss of cognitive functioning (i.e. loss of short-term memory, impaired decision making and problem solving skills). This leads to increased dependency on caregivers to carry out daily functions.

The Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) Report (2015) stated:

In 2015, there were 45,000 Singaporeans living with dementia.  By 2030, there will be 103,000 Singaporeans living with dementia (Project We Forgot, 2020).

The implications of this is widespread. There are financial costs of increasing specialized healthcare spending as well as social costs of expanding community and caregiver support systems to cope with this rising trend. Here is a video describing the realities and misconceptions of dementia from AlzheimersAustralia (AlzheimersAustralia, 2020) .

5.3 The Unspoken Impacts Of Dementia.mp4

Part 2

The lecture: Health Belief Model

5.3.2 HBM and Dementia voice-over.pptx


AlzheimersAustralia. (2020, November 18). The unspoken impacts of dementia. The Unspoken Impacts Of Dementia. Retrieved November 17, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEgKwAG-FpI