2021: Paki Fifita

Prime Minister's Vocational Excellence Award

Launched in 2019, the purpose of this award is to celebrate the achievement of secondary students enrolled in vocational programmes, and to raise the status of vocational education so that more people see vocational education and training as an attractive option when they leave school.

Vocational education is education and training that helps students develop the skills, knowledge and attributes they need to perform a specific role and build a career in an industry. The award rewards the top Year 12 or 13 secondary student enrolled in vocational programmes of learning with a $2,000 monetary prize. One student is eligible per school or wharekura.

Students do not apply for this award, they are nominated by the school.

2022: Paki Fifita

2021: Arietta Paongo

2020: Talilotu Telefoni

2021 - Began Plumbing Apprenticeship with