AEA Salary Scales
How to read a salary scale:
Most salary scales have 'steps' which proceed downward for years of service. Each year you typically advance one step. Once you reach the 'top step' (which is at the bottom of the chart), you remain there.
The Unit A Salary Scale also has 'lanes', or columns, that correspond with post-secondary degrees and credits. If you move to a new lane, you move horizontally at the same step. You must notify the district by November 15 if you think you will be moving to a new lane the following school year.
AEA did 'step freezes' twice in the past 12 years, so your step may not be the same as your years of service.
If you aren't sure of your place on the scale, you can ask HR.
UNIT A salary scale for 2024-2025
Unit C Salary Scale for 2024-2025
Unit D Salary Scales 2024-2025
Teaching Assistants
Building Substitutes
Specialized Support Professionals* Library Paraprofessionals
Instructional Support Specialists
*SSPs recieve an additional $2000/year stipend spread evenly across checks
Assistants (SLPA, OTA, PTA)