Apartment Rentals Girona

+34 722 83 01 90



Data from the commercial management company:


Responsible: Alla Maksímova Selukova

NIF: 41.576.660-C

Address: Calle Carme, 19 - E-17004 Girona

Telephone: +34 682 806 871

E-mail: info@casagirona.com

APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA is dedicated to the rental of tourist and seasonal apartments through its website and other means of marketing.

An apartment for tourist use is considered to be one that stays for less than 30 nights, and therefore, the seasonal apartment is considered to be one that stays for more than 31 nights.


The purpose of this website is to facilitate the consultation and reservation of rental apartments for tourist use and seasonal, and / or link to other websites outside APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA. All the information, the contents such as images, texts, videos, etc., and the elements that form the structure of the website are protected by the intellectual and industrial property rights and therefore it is totally prohibited to modify, use and/or disseminate them by any means without the express written authorisation of APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA.

APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA reserves the right to carry out at any time, and without the need for prior notice, modifications and updates of the information contained on its website, or in the configuration and presentation of the same, in order to keep the information published on the website up to date, so it is advisable to check the validity or accuracy of the same. Likewise, it does not guarantee that there are possible errors and, when these are detected, they will be corrected as soon as possible.

APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA is not responsible for the use of the contents of this website, or those that may be linked from it, that may be made by the user, who shall assume all risk and responsibility for any damages that may arise from such use.

APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA shall not be liable for any possible damage or harm caused by interference, interruptions or disconnections in the system that are beyond its control, nor for any possible damage caused to the user's computer system (hardware and software) as a result of access to the website. Therefore, access to our website and browsing it is under the responsibility of the user.

The information that appears on this website, in no case, constitutes professional or legal advice and therefore has no legal links, and implies the obligation to seek legal advice if necessary. Likewise, no action should be taken on the basis of the information contained without first seeking the corresponding professional advice.SITIO WEB


The reservation of the apartment made through the website, by paying the rental deposit established for that apartment, will be made by credit card or bank transfer. The reservation will not be confirmed until APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA receives the payment and sends a confirmation e-mail to the client.

In the case of a reservation for tourist use, a payment of 30% must be made at the time of reservation, which is non-refundable in the case of cancellation. Fourteen (14) days before the entrance, the payment of the remaining 70% plus the tourist tax and the deposit will be made.

In the case of reservation for seasonal rental, a payment of 30% must be made at the time of reservation, non-refundable in case of cancellation. Fourteen (14) days before the entry will be made the payment of the remaining 70% plus the transfer tax (ITP) and security deposit.

Payments will be made in Euros ()

APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA has the payment gateway service of the bank Banc Sabadell, through an application that guarantees secure payment through credit cards. Thanks to the bank's protected server, your credit card details will travel encrypted over the Internet and will not be provided or manipulated by anyone else.

APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA cannot see or manipulate at any time the data of the credit card that you fill in the form, this information is visible exclusively by the bank.

The cardholder is responsible for the transactions on this website.

The minimum age to rent an apartment is 18 years old.

At the time of arrival you must present the ID card or passport of the person who made the reservation and of all those who will use the apartment, in compliance with the Order IRP/418/2010 of August 5, on the obligation of registration and communication to the Directorate General of Police of people staying in accommodation establishments located in Catalonia.

The deposit will be returned within a maximum of seven (7) days, once the state of the apartment and the inventory of its contents have been checked. The irregularity detected will be notified in advance by e-mail and will be deducted from the deposit. In the event that the deposit does not cover the amount, the credit card or the account from which the transfer was made at the time of booking, or the card presented on arrival, will be charged.

There is not a fixed reception in the building, so the client must notify at least one hour before his arrival to the phone +34 682 806 871 via WhatsApp.


To cancel the reservation you must send an email to info@apartmentrentalsgirona.com, whose date will be the effective date of the cancellation.

In case of cancellation of the reservation, the amount of 30%, charged at the time of confirmation of the reservation, will not be refunded. If when the reservation is made, 100% of the payment has been made, and the cancellation is made within fourteen (14) days of the arrival date, 70% of the total payment of the reservation will be returned. If the reservation is cancelled or modified outside the indicated period, no amount will be refunded.

The prices indicated on the website include 10% VAT.


La web de APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA utiliza cookies. Al navegar por la misma se pueden recoger datos no identificables, incluyendo direcciones de IP, registro de uso de nuestros servicios y demás datos que no pueden utilizarse para identificar al usuario. Entre los datos no identificativos están también los relacionados a tus hábitos de navegación a través de servicios de análisis de terceros. Para ello se utiliza Google Analytics.

Utilizamos esta información para analizar tendencias, administrar el sitio, rastrear los movimientos de los usuarios alrededor del sitio y para recopilar información sobre nuestra base de usuarios en su conjunto.

Es posible que el bloqueo de las cookies no deje funcionar correctamente este sitio web.

Las cookies utilizadas tienen carácter temporal, con la única finalidad de hacer más eficaz la navegación, y generalmente desaparecen al acabar la sesión. En ningún caso estas cookies recogen, por si mismas, datos de carácter personal. El usuario tiene la posibilidad de configurar su navegador para ser alertado de la recepción de las mismas e impedir que su equipo las guarde.


The links contained on our website may lead to third party web content. The purpose of these links is solely to facilitate your search for resources that may be of interest to you on the Internet. However, these pages do not belong to APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA, nor does the latter review their content and, therefore, APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA does not assume any responsibility for the content, information or services that may appear on these sites, which shall be exclusively of an informative nature and which in no case imply any relationship between APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA and the persons or entities that own such content. Neither does APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA accept responsibility for the operation of the linked page or for any possible damage that may arise from access to or use of the same.


The personal data collected by APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA for the use of our services and their processing are regulated by the fundamental right of individuals to the protection of personal data, and will be exercised in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and this Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.

The data required from the user shall be those necessary for the functions required by the APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA website, and shall not be made available to any third party, unless expressly authorised by the user, and their purpose is to manage and provide the services requested by the user.

APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA undertakes, in the use of the data, to respect its confidentiality and to use it in accordance with its purpose, as well as to comply with its obligation to store it and adapt all measures to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorised access, in accordance with the provisions of the law.

The services provided are aimed at people over 18 years of age and at no time will there be access to data from minors.

The user, according to the indicated Law, has the right to request access to his/her personal data, to ask for rectification, to request deletion or elimination, to limit or oppose the use given, the right to the portability of his/her data for cases of telecommunication or internet services and the right to withdraw his/her consent at any time of his/her personal data. To exercise your rights in relation to your data you should send an email to: info@casagirona.com and you should include a photocopy of your ID card or similar identification document.

You also have the right to file a complaint if you believe that your data is not being processed in accordance with current data protection regulations with the supervisory authority:

Spanish Data Protection Agency

Address: calle Jorge Juan, 6. E-28001, Madrid (Madrid), Spain

E-mail: info@agpd.es

Phone: +34 912 663 517

Website: https://www.aepd.es

Please note that upon arrival, the ID card or passport of the persons who will use the apartment will be collected and sent telematically to the corresponding police department, in compliance with Order IRP/418/2010 of 5 August, on the obligation to register and notify the Directorate General of Police of persons staying in accommodation establishments located in Catalonia.


As regulated by Article 211-14 of Law 22/2010, of 20 July, of the Catalan Consumer Code, on the rights of the user and consumer, APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA has at its disposal complaint forms, in accordance with the corresponding regulations.


In general, the relations between APARTMENT RENTALS GIRONA and the users of its services are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction and are subject to that of the courts of Girona (Spain).

Terms and legal Notices

+34 682 806 871