These are difficult times because of the pandemic that is devastating us worldwide and each of us must do our bit to combat it and try, finally, to eradicate it.

For this reason from our apartments we ask you to follow these small recommendations:

  • Use your mask in the common areas.

  • Avoid touching, with your hands, objects in the common areas.

  • Avoid crowding in the common areas and keep a safe distance of 1.5 meters from other neighbors.

  • Avoid using the lift.

  • If you use the lift, only the users of the same apartment should access it on each trip, and do not share the lift with other neighbours.

  • Avoid grabbing the railing of the stairs

  • When you enter the apartment, wash your hands with soap and water.

  • If you have symptoms, call 061.

  • Follow the instructions given by the competent authorities.

  • If you want more information, we leave this link: Covid-19

For our part, we follow the following procedures:

  • When a client leaves the apartment, we disinfect the property according to established protocols.

  • The common areas are disinfected regularly.

  • The cleaning staff uses the necessary protective equipment.

We hope you enjoy a safe and happy stay.