Apartment Rentals Girona

+34 722 83 01 90


Before you leave the apartment you should consider:

  • The apartment must be kept minimally tidy

  • Beds must be made unmade and sheets and towels must be placed at the foot of the bed

  • Furniture and objects that have been moved, return them to their place

  • The kitchen must be clean and tidy

  • Garbage should be taken to the street bins

  • Air conditioning or heating off

  • All light switches closed

  • All taps closed

  • Windows, blinds and closed balconies.

If when you leave we find any personal items that you have forgotten, we will notify you by email. We will keep it for two days waiting for your response before disposing of it. If you tell us, we will keep it until you or a courier picks it up, within a maximum of 15 days.