Tidewater Altrusan Newsletter

November 2020

President's Message


November has traditionally been a month of gratefulness and in 2020 it may seem hard to fathom what to include in a list. We have had to pivot our way of doing, acting and thinking about Altrusa and we continue to meet in Zoom another month. We do have choices to make: Choose to feel blessed, choose to feel grateful, choose to be excited about new beginnings, choose to be helpful.

Plan to join friends for book club on Nov. 14, Zoom Monthly Meeting on November 16, Mayflower Marathon on November 21, and/or Lake Taylor tree trimming on November 28!

Let’s continue to reach out to our members by phone, mail or social media so all members feel connected.

Important Dates / Information

November 11: Board Meeting, 4:30 pm

November 16: Program/Business Meeting, 6:00 pm

November 21: Mayflower Marathon 9:45 am-12:00 pm.

November 28: Decoration of the Tree at Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital, 10:00 am.

December 8: Board Meeting, 4:30 pm

December 21: Program/Business Meeting, 6:00 pm

July 28-31: 2021 Altrusa International Convention in North Carolina.

Zoom Link for Altrusa Meetings:

Click here to join all scheduled Altrusa Zoom Meetings. The password is the same with a capital first letter.

Accent - Tracey Garbers

I woke up this morning, threw on some clothes, and dashed out the door to vote!

I was greeted by multiple volunteers, at my library, sharing pamphlets and flyers of how I should vote. Most of you, I am sure, had made your decisions prior to walking into the voting booth. What a blessing it is to have this right to vote!

2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, guaranteeing and protecting women's constitutional right to vote. I have been sharing this with my middle school students; many of them just assumed women always had the right to vote! We know, this not the case! This historic centennial offers an unparalleled opportunity to commemorate a milestone of democracy and to explore its relevance to the issues of equal rights today. I am so proud to be able to vote and have the opportunity to share this with my students! As Altrusa women, we are “builders of women” and I am confident we would have been marching right alongside these strong, committed and courageous women back in 1920!

In addition, November 25th marks the 20th anniversary of The United Nations' (UN) International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

“The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women was started in 1999 to commemorate the Mirabal sisters, political activists in the Dominican Republic who were assassinated on this date in 1960 for opposing dictator Rafael Trujillo. The three sisters started an anti-Trujillo group called the Movement of the Fourteenth of June, named after a massacre reportedly ordered by the dictator. They called themselves, “Las Mariposas,” or “the butterflies,” and openly protested Trujillo and his regime. To retaliate, his henchmen beat the sisters to death in a cane field and faked a car accident to explain their deaths.” More information can be found on the following website: https://time.com/3603582/international-day-to-end-violence-against-women/ In closing, Altrusa sisters have always “blazed the trail for greater things” and were are “committed to the philosophy of unselfishness, of the joy of giving rather than getting, and to the search for happiness which is based upon spiritual worthiness”. Please have a blessed November, full of thankfulness, joy, and peacefulness.

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving holiday!

Board Actions/Information from November Board Meeting

🙂 Summary of the pansy sale was given by Blanch and Kathy.

🙂 Joanne has contacted Seton Youth Shelter to adopt a family for Christmas. Ellen will purchase gift cards at Food Lion using the club debit card for two families to purchase foods for holiday meals.

🙂 Books for the HOPE Village library can be given to Joanne.

🙂 The Ways & Means Committee is sponsoring a virtual Pampered Chef Party to help you with holiday shopping. Everything will be online. Items will be shipped directly to the purchaser.

🙂 Meetings will continue on Zoom until further notice.

Committee Reports

Service - Joanne Baines & June Kates, Co-Chairs

Look at those spiffy book shelves with colorful tubs and large bright letters. Joanne deserves the credit for coming up with a child friendly system for locating desired books as well returning them to the right bin. Thanks go to Ellen, Carol, June and Jennifer too for making it happen.

Now in order to keep the library in good shape, the service committee is looking for someone who would like to be our contact person for the Hope Village Library and would check periodically with the library staff to see what might be needed.

Ways & Means - Sherral Nelson, Chair

The Ways & Means Committee is sponsoring a virtual Pampered Chef Party to help you with holiday shopping. Tiffany Foreman, the Pampered Chef Representative, will set up everything online, including catalog, ordering and payments. Items will be shipped directly to the purchaser; there is always a small shipping fee. Consider Pampered Chef items for presents for the cooks and grill kings and queens on your shopping list.

Tom at Paramount Greenhouse & Nursery will be happy to have us sell spring plants as a club fundraiser. He has a tentative plant list that is a legal sized sheet of paper printed on both sides. We can discuss member interest in participating in a spring plant sale at the next meeting. Yes, it is a lot of work. However, we are not able to have our annual Holiday Bazaar this year. We need member input into how we can maintain our Treasury and support our Service Projects. Please be ready with fundraising suggestions and how we can increase member participation.

Program/Business Minutes: October 2020

*October 19, 2020 Altrusa Business Meeting Minutes

Treasurer's Report: November 2020


Pansy Sale 2020 Summary

Pansy Sale 2020.docx

Tidewater Tidbits

Pansies pansies everywhere. Folks had hidden smiles of joy as they picked up their orders.

Blanch's garden is still giving. The pansy dream team worked wonderfully throughout the process.

Cindy and Robyn on another morning walk. (Chesapeake Arboretum) Please contact one of us if you would like to join in sometime.

Altrusa Book Club

The Altrusa Book Club is reading The Things We Do for Love by Kristen Hannah. A discussion will be on Saturday, November 14th at 10:00 at the Swan Terrace in Virginia Beach.

If you're interested...

If you're interested in purchasing an Altrusa of Tidewater t-shirt, contact Jennifer. You can provide your own shirt!

Happy Birthday!

November 6 - Martha Haga

November 14 - Barbara Speight

Committee Chairs and Members for Club Year 2020-21

Member's last names have been removed for privacy on the website.

If you need to add your name to a committee, contact Ellen and/or Shari.

Copy of 2020-21 Committee Chairs and Members for Website

Altrusa of Tidewater, Inc. Goals and Objectives for 2019/2020.

Altrusa of Tidewater Yearbook 2019-20 (1) (1).pdf

International News

The Altrusa Compass was emailed to members on October 30th. If you did not receive it, click here.