July 2020 Tidewater Altrusan Newsletter

President's Message

Welcome to summer 2020!

This season we are all experiencing deep feelings, and I won’t even begin to enumerate them. What I do know is that we can use technology and phones to stay in touch with friends.

Better communities can begin at home, paying attention to environmental, political, social and spiritual health. So although we choose to stay close to home, and hold online meetings, we can do good things.

May you all know a calm healthy peaceful summer and be ready to roll when this pandemic lifts.



This quote, from Hillary Clinton, seems very fitting for July 4, 2020. Her words represent the hope we cling to in these increasingly troubled and uncertain times. Mrs. Clinton represents a light in the storm. Many remain a believer in the American Dream, regardless of our country’s current climate. Hope is our foundation and extending grace is our commitment as Americans and Altrusa sisters!

Hoping you & yours had a very Blessed Independence Day! 🇺🇸

'’We believe that the American dream is big enough for everyone, for people of all races and religions, for men and women, for immigrants, for LGBT people and for people with disabilities. For everyone' — Hillary Clinton

Committee Reports

Service Committee: The Service Committee met via Zoom last Wednesday, July 15th to discuss ideas for upcoming service projects. The ideas will be presented at the July meeting.

Environmental Committee: The Environmental Committee is asking members to fill out this short survey, at the link below, about plastic use at your home. The survey is part of the PlasticFreeJuly movement sponsored by the non-profit Plastic Free Foundation. The Plastic Free Foundation was established in 2017 in western Australia.

This new committee project will start in July and run throughout the remainder of 2020. We want you to get involved. Our goal is to stay connected as a club while working to improve our environment.

We will be sending you more information in the coming weeks on things you can do to reduce plastic waste and also how we plan to track and highlight our members' progress in reducing plastic waste.

June Program Business Minutes

June 2020 Minutes for Business/Program Meeting

June Treasurer's Report


Tidewater Tidbits

Jennifer and her husband Doug spent a week in Southwest Va visiting her son (Kyle) and daughter-in-law (Carly). This picture was taken at Natural Tunnel State Park in Duffield, Va. They highly recommend the park.

Carol took a trip to Connecticut for her granddaughter's birthday. They had a porch party with friends and neighbors dropping by. Carol had to postpone an earlier trip due to Covid-19. It was great to see Sophie, Philip, Vicki and Nate. It was striking to see how closely everyone follows safety guidelines in the northern states. The next weekend, daughter Jacki with Felicity, Victor and Sam came to Virginia Beach. They had a great day at the beach.

June was a great month considering. Blanch met family members in Crisfield to celebrate her mom's 97th Heavenly Birthday. She had fun growing cantaloupe vertically on a trellis and watching her flowers bloom in the front flower beds.

Larry and Ellen celebrated their anniversary July 4! Had a chance to see 3 or our 4 kids at separate times on the pool deck that weekend.

If you're interested...

If you're interested in purchasing an Altrusa of Tidewater t-shirt, contact Jennifer. You can provide your own shirt!

July Birthdays!!

July 5: Cindy Pare

July 12: Shari Gomez

July 13: Emily Pugh-Land

July 18: Marcy Royal

Altrusa of Tidewater, Inc. Goals and Objectives for 2019/2020.

Altrusa of Tidewater Yearbook 2019-20 (1) (1).pdf

Committee Chairs and Members for Club Year 2020-21

Member's last names have been removed for privacy on the website.

If you need to add your name to a committee, contact Ellen and/or Shari.

Copy of 2020-21 Committee Chairs and Members for Website