

-Soft Bean Scardy Cat Creator

She's the creator of Aeslatopia, the one who made the entire lore. Its based on a book she's writing, and the storyline is entirely of her design. She loves to write and share the lore, but isn't very good when it comes to dealing with problem people. She can't handle confrontation at all and will rely on the other staff for help and backup. Thankfully the staff love her as a baby sister. 

Co-Owner- Nay Nay


She doesn't handle confrontation well but will if needed. She's more of a peace keeper who will find a way to solve an issue without angering all. She's loving and kind, ready to help in any way she can.

Admin- Lulu
-Bot Manager

She is not on very often but if we need her she is always there! She manages the bots to give Aelsatopia its fun interactiveness! 

Admin- Vampora

She isn't on for Roleplaying but she is one of the stronger members of the staff! She isn't afraid to stand up and protect the members of Aeslatopia from rude and toxic people!

Moderator - Carnage